
Barstow NEPA Documents

The table below shows the Barstow NEPA documents that are currently being developed or have recently been completed. Some of the documents in that table are available on-line and can be downloaded by clicking the entry in the Type column.

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Project Number Type Program Description Geographic Location Contact Status Initiated Completed Field Office Fiscal Year
CA-680-2009-0001EALands and RealtyBFO Competitive Land Sale-target Jan 2009 CACA-50075Barstow Quad: T10N, R2W, Sec 32 NENE Rich Rotte
EA circulating for staff review10/14/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-68CXLands and RealtyFirst Wind (UPC) Granite Mtns new met tower location (type 1)Turtle Valley South Quad, T5N, R2W, Sec 22Rich Rotte
CX dependent upon staff field and access review 09/10/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-67CXLands and RealtyVerizon S. Barstow Underground Phone Line RenewalBarstow Quad, T9N, R2W, Secs 24 & 26 SBBMBirgit Hoover
Awaiting CX for Staff Review09/10/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-63CXEnergy and MineralsThe John Claim -- 5 Exploratory HolesT25N, R4E, Sec 29 SBBMJamie Livingood
Awaiting CX for staff review08/25/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-62EAEnergy and MineralsService Rock Millsite Plan of Development for parking lot and drainage facilitiesT6N, R4W, Sec 32 SBBMJamie Livingood
Awaiting clarification of proposal (drainage) and EA for staff review08/25/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-60EALands and RealtyGreenwing Calico & Mojave Wind Reservation Areas: Change of location on 3 Meteorological Towers and change of boundaries for area reservationT10N, R1W, Secs 11&26; T10N, R3E, Sec 28 SBBMJoan Patrovsky
Awaiting EA for circulation and review of staff08/11/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-58CXLands and RealtyReplacement of 2 fire-damaged polesFawnskin Quad, T3N, R1E, Secs. 5&6, SBBMBirgit Hoover
Awaiting Staff and Mgt Review07/28/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-57EALands and RealtyInfinity Wind -- Type 2 Right-of-Way for area reservation and 2 Meteorological Towers for Wind TestingPinto Mtns area, T1S, R9E and 10E SBBMJoan Patrovsky
Awaiting set up of Cost Recovery Acct to process07/28/2008Barstow
CA-680-2009-0002CXLands and RealtyBaffo ROW Renewal and Reassignment CACA-21473Barstow Quad: T10N, R2E, Sec 34 SE Birgit Hoover
Awaiting receipt of cost recovery $10/14/2008Barstow
CA-680-08-56EAEnergy and MineralsDeath Valley Zeolite Mine Plan of Operations T25N, R4E, Sec 30, SBBM adjacent to existing mine--proposal is to share access with existing mineJamie Livingood
Maps received, EA under review by EC06/30/2008Barstow

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