A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Eastern Sierra Mountains Cactus in Bloom Rock Climbing Alabama Hills River Rafters on Cache Creek
BLM>California>Bishop>Film Permits
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Bishop Field Office

What does it take to get a Film Permit?

ATV Photo Clip, filmed in Alabama Hills, California

The long history of movie making in the Alabama Hills, since the early 1920's, continues today on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management.  Major movies filmed in the last ten years include: Stallions, The Searcher, Danger Zone III, Tremors, An Army of One, Maverick, The Shadow, Digital Man, Shadowlands, Star Trek series, Star Trek "Generations", New Age, and G.I. Jane.  Many commercials are filmed here annually,as well as many "still" magazine photos. Here's a map for printing (large, 165k, optimized for 300 dpi printer) of the general area, and a map for viewing.

Most of the filming occurring today is for television commercials and magazine advertisements. In the last two years, it has been noted that we are attracting companies from other countries such as Japan and Finland. The BLM, Bishop Field Office issued 45 film permits during 1994, all except four were within the Alabama Hills area. Since that time the office averages 30-40 filming permits per year.

BLM works with scouts, film crews and directors to assure the protection of a fragile desert environment and the unique resources within the Alabama Hills. The unique formations with the Sierra backdrop have been used to simulate Tibet, Nepal, India and even alien worlds.

Choosing a Location:

Select the thumbnail photos below to view a larger printable version of selected areas within the Alabama Hills.

Thumbnail of black and white photo Alabama Hills

Thumbnail of car advertisement Alabama Hills

Thumbnail of Wizard Shack for film in Alabama Hills

Thumbnail of ATV ad in Alabama Hills

Thumbnail of black and white photo western movie

Thumbnail of black and white photo, night scene Alabama Hills



Processing and Monitoring Fees vary depending on the estimated hours of BLM time required to process the application and to monitor filming and reclamation. In most cases, minimal impact filming at popular locations requires payment of Category 1 fees. These fees are generally paid with the application after coordination with the local BLM contact. The fees are based on the following schedule:

11 to 8$97.00
28 to 24$343.00
324 to 36$644.00
436 to 50$823.00
550+Full reimbursement for actual costs

*Processing and Monitoring Fees may be assessed using separate categories

RENTAL fees vary per State and are generally established by Statewide appraisals. The following schedules are from the three states that process the most BLM filming permits:

Motion Pictures/VideosCommercial Still Photography
1-30 people$250/day1-10 people$100/day
31-60 people$500/day11-30$150/day
Over 60 people$600/dayOver 30 people$250/day


Motion Pictures/VideosCommercial Still Photography
1-10 people$150/day1-10 people$100/day
11-30 people$250/day11-30$150/day
31-49 people$500/dayOver 30 people$250/day
Over 50 people$750/day  


Motion Pictures/VideosCommercial Still Photography
1-30 people$250/location/day1-10 people$100/location/day
31-60 people$500/location/day11-30$150/location/day
Over 60 people$600/location/dayOver 30 people$250/location/day

INSURANCE: All applications must include a certificate of insurance naming the United States Department of Interior - BLM as co-insured. Contact the appropriate BLM Field Office for specific dollar amount.

BONDING: Permittees may be required to provide cash bonds to assure reclamation of sets or sensitive locations.

INSURANCE: All applications must include a certificate of insurance naming the United States Department of Interior - BLM as co-insured. Contact the appropriate BLM Field Office for specific dollar amount.

BONDING: Permittees may be required to provide cash bonds to assure reclamation of sets or sensitive locations.

Contacts and Application Forms:

Contacts: Your initial contact will be with the BLM Program Specialist listed below:
Donna McMullen, Program Specialist; (760) 872-5021, or Larry Primosch, Realty Specialist; (760) 872-5031, BLM Office Fax machine; (760) 872-5050 

The processing of film permits have changed during the last two years. BLM has written an Environmental Assessment (E.A) for the Alabama Hills area and if the activity request is allowed under the EA, the permit can be processed in as little as 5 working days.   A BLM representative will normally meet with the director and/or scouts on the site(s) prior to filming to discuss proposed actions and any sets or other special needs. A BLM monitor will be present during actual filming/photographing at least during one day of the permit and upon completion of filming to check site. If filming company has caused damage, they will be held financially responsible.



  • Land Use Application Form 2920 (Adobe PDF 59K)

    Filming Regulations, Stipulations, Restrictions and Application Form.


