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News Release

For Release: Feb. 27, 2008             
Contact:  Jeff Fontana (530) 252-5332

BLM Northwest California Resource Advisory Council to Meet in Trinidad, Arcata

Members of the Bureau of Land Management’s Northwest California Resource Advisory Council will focus on public land recreation and tourism topics, when they meet Thursday and Friday,March 6 and 7, in Trinidad and Arcata.
On March 6, the council convenes at 12:30 p.m. at the BLM Arcata Field Office, 18695 Heindon Rd., and departs for a field tour to Trinidad. Members will learn about the Trinidad Gateway to the California Coastal National Monument.  Members of the public are welcome.  They must provide their own transportation.
On March 7, the council meets at 8 a.m. at the BLM Arcata Field Office.   Agenda items include a discussion of California Coastal National Monument topics, an update on a National Geographic regional tourism initiative, a management plan for the South Cow Mountain National Recreation Area near Ukiah, and an update on development of recreation trails on BLM-managed public lands in the Redding area.
Time for public comments has been set aside at 11 a.m.   Everyone is welcome to address the council on any public land management topic.  A time limit could be established to accommodate all speakers.
The 12-member council works closely with BLM managers in Arcata, Redding and Ukiah, advising on the full range of the BLM’s public land management responsibilities.  Members represent diverse interests including recreation, environmental groups, timber, local government, Native Americans, the public at large and transportation and rights of way.
For more information, contact BLM Public Affairs Officer Jeff Fontana at (530) 253-5332 or email jfontana@ca.blm.gov.


Northern California Public Affairs     2950 Riverside Drive     Susanville, CA  96130

Last updated: 02-27-2008