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1983 Nationwide Personal
Transportation Survey

Office of Highway Information
Federal Highway Administration

Graphic of women with grocery cart and kids

Introduction to the 1983 NPTS

Glossary of Terms

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Daytrip.ssd (14 MB) | Househld.ssd (1.5 MB) | Person.ssd (8.9 MB) | Pertrip.ssd (1.4 MB) | Vehicle.ssd (1.1 MB)

The reports below are in PDF file format. To view, download PDF File Reader.


1983 NPTS User's Gude: This report explains the 1983 NPTS data collection, coding, and tabulation procedures. A sample question used in the survey is available. This report also includes a section that compares the 1983 with the 1969 and 1977 studies, and procedures for achieving comparability among the three studies.

Part 1: Contains: Introduction, Survey Procedures and Methodology, Questionnaire Information, NPTS Public Use Information, Weighting Procedures, Comparison of 1983 with 1969 and 1977 NPTS, and Appendix A: Sample Tables. (2214 KB)
Part 2 : Contains: Appendix B: 1983 NPTS Record Layout and Documentation. (1183 KB)
Part 3 : Contains Appendix C: Glossary of Terms Used, Appendix D: 1983 NPTS Study Questionnaire, Appendix E: Occupation Classification System Codes, Appendix F: Industrial Classification System Industry Codes, and Appendix G and H: NPTS Request Information and Urban Areas With and Without Rail Information. (2230 KB)


Volume 1 Data Book: Personal Travel in the U.S. - Volume I presents findings from the 1983-1984 Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (NPTS). This report examines drivers and their travel, vehicle trips and travel, person trips and travel, workers and their travel, and the use of vehicle safety devices. The various subject matters are explored relative to household location, income, household composition, vehicle ownership, and other socio-demographic attributes of the household. Where feasible, comparisons are made with data from the 1969 and 1977 NPTS to evaluate trends over time.

Part 1: Contains the Preface, Table of Contents, Highlights and Introduction to the 1983 NPTS, Data Considerations, Drivers and Vehicles, and Vehicle Trips and Travel (2849 KB)
Part 2: Contains Person Trips and Travel, Workers and Journey to Work, and Vehicle Occupancy (2628 KB)
Part 3: Contains Travel Period Trips and Travel, Use of Safety Devices, and the Appendices. (2059 KB)


Volume II: Personal Travel in the U.S. - Volume II presents supplemental tables relating to data on drivers, vehicle and person trips and travel, workers and their home-to-work journey, vehicle occupancy, characteristics of travel period trips and travel, and the use of vehicle safety devices published in Volume I. In addition, weighting procedures and estimates of variance are also presented.

Part 1 : Contains the preface, table of contents, and weighting procedures and estimates of variance (2412 KB)
Part 2 : Contains detailed tabulations from the 1983 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) (2828 KB)
Part 3 : Detailed tabulations....(Continued) (2860 KB)

Other NPTS Sites:

2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)

1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey.

1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey

1977 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey

1969 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey

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