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EQUIP is a combination of programs, processes, and activities that contribute to the Office of Education of USAID’s Pillar Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT) by:

  • Responding to a variety of capacity building and technical assistance needs;
  • Developing innovative and effective approaches and analytic tools; and
  • Establishing and sharing research, communication, and networking capacity.
This is accomplished through three distinct yet interrelated awards:
EQUIP1: Classrooms, Schools, Community;
EQUIP2: Policy, Systems, Management;
EQUIP3: Out-of-school Youth, Learning, Earning

Image of the globe with text: The quality of life for people and societies everywhere can be improved by realizing the ideal of a quality education for all.

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Top Downloaded Documents - February 2009:
1. EDIFAM: Training on Early Childhood Care and Education - Unit 1 (Spanish)
2. EDIFAM: Training on Early Childhood Care and Education - Unit 2 (Spanish)
3. EDIFAM: Training on Early Childhood Care and Education - Unit 4 (Spanish)
4. EDIFAM: Training on Early Childhood Care and Education - Unit 3 (Spanish)
5. EDIFAM: Training on Early Childhood Care and Education - Unit 5 (Spanish)

EQ Review: ICT and Education in International Development

Journal of Education for International Development (JEID) Current Issue: General Issue - Volume 3, Issue 2

Digital Data Collection Demonstration White Paper A Comparison of Two Methodologies: Digital and Paper-based
Just in Time: Alternative Computer Labs: Thin Client Laboratories - A Cambodia Pilot
Just in Time: Education Management Capacity Assessment: A Pilot in Kenya
Active-Learning Pedagogies-Policy, Professional Development and Classroom Practices- A case study of two post-conflict contexts: Afghanistan and Somaliland: Overview, Design and Summary of Findings
Active-Learning Pedagogies-Policy, Professional Development and Classroom Practices- A case study of two post-conflict contexts: Case Study1 Afghanistan
Active-Learning Pedagogies-Policy, Professional Development and Classroom Practices- A case study of two post-conflict contexts: Case Study2 Somaliland

Working Paper: An Analysis of USAID Assistance to Basic Education in the Developing World, 1990-2005
Working Paper: Opportunity to Learn: A high impact strategy for improving educational outcomes in developing countries
Working Paper: The Expansion of Secondary Education and the Need for Teachers: How big is the gap?
Working Paper: Expanding Secondary Education for Sub-Saharan Africa: Where are the Teachers?
Working Paper: L'expansion l'éducation secondaire en Afrique subsaharienne : Ou sont les Professeurs?
Compilation: Reaching the Underserved: Complementary Models of Effective Schooling
Working Paper: School Effectiveness in Maïssade, Haiti
Working Paper: Efficacité de l'Ecole à Maïssade, Haïti
Working Paper: Education Equity in Central America
Working Paper: Equidad de la Educación en Centroamérica
Education Reform Support Today

The EQUIP3 Social Legacy Program is requesting applications from qualified Armenian organizations
New Leader Award Activities Page on Literacy Programs for Out-of-School Youth
The YCOP Links publicized in the Youth Community of Practice are now available
Youth Livelihoods Brief
New Associate Award: Cross Sectoral Youth (CSY) Project
IDEJEN page has been updated with information about new activities added for the extension

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EQUIP3: Photograph of a woman using a sewing machine. EQUIP3 - Out-of-School - Learning - Earning EQUIP2: Photograph of a child in a classroom. EQUIP1: Photograph of a children seated and looking up. EQUIP1: Classrooms - Schools - Communities EQUIP2 - Policy - Systems - Management