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GovDoc Exchange List 09-19


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A 114.2:SO 8 C/2002, 2003     Item 0034-A-01    Rural development South Carolina… annual report.

A 114.2:W 27/2000, 2002 Item 0034-A-01    Rural development, Washington state…

A 57.46/7-2:990, 993-997      Item 0102-B-47    Washington annual data summary… water year.

A 77.12/A:AN 5    Item 0025-A

      Animal health program research highlights. 2000-2004.

A 77.2:AV 5/986   Item 0026-A-01    Genetic bases for resistance to avian diseases, 1986 annual report-northeastern states regional project (NE-60).

A 77.2:B 52/2     Item 0026-A-01    Agricultural biotechnologies. 984.

A 77.2:B 52/3     Item 0026-A-01    Proceedings of the Invitational Workshop on USDA activities in biological control. 996

A 77.2:C 82/9     Item 0026-A-01    1995 National cotton Variety Test. 997?

A 77.2:C 89 Item 0026-A-01    Cues that influence behavior of internal parasites. 982

A 77.2:D 56 Item 0026-A-01    Report of the dietary guidelines advisory committee on the dietary guidelines for Americans, 1995.

A 77.2:D 56/2000  Item 0026-A-01    Report of the dietary guidelines advisory committee… to the Secretary of Health Services.

A 77.2:G 51 Item 0026-A-01    Global climate change research report-1992… Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Natural Resources Institute. 993

A 77.2:H 36/2/993 Item 0026-A-01    Heliothis/helicoverpa… 1993 supplement to the five-year national research action plan for development of suppression technologies. 994

A 77.2:IN 7/5/984 Item 0026-A-01    Advances and challenges in insect rearing.

A 77.2:M 69 Item 0026-A-01    The mission of the Agricultural Research Service. 983

A 77.2:P 33 Item 0026-A-01    Pecan industry: current situation and future challenges. 999

A 77.2:P 84 Item 0026-A-01    Report of expedition… to collect wild species of potato. 985

A 77.2:P 84/2     Item 0026-A-01    Program review and evaluation report, weed, science, agricultural chemicals technology, and related bioregulation research programs, 1984.

A 77.2:R 88 Item 0026-A-01    A national program of research for rural development and family living. 993?

A 77.2:SE 2/2     Item 0026-A-01    Stepping into the future. 994

A 77.2:SO 3/6/982 Item 0026-A-01    Soil, water, and air sciences research, 1982 annual report. 983

A 77.2:So 8/2/982, 986  Item 0026-A-01    Proceedings of the… Southern Pasture and forage crop improvement conference.

A 77.2:W 31/6     Item 0026-A-01    Walnut Creek watershed research protocol report. 994

C 1.1/4:993 Item 0283-C 1st annual report on U.S. export competitiveness.

C 1.39:2005 Item 0126   Budget in brief fiscal year 2005.

C 1.39:986-988, 998-999, 2004 Item 0126   Commerce budget in brief, fiscal year…

C 3.6/2:C 76/3    Item 0146-A Field representative’s manual… consumer expenditure diary survey, interview procedures. 995

C 3.6/2:D 99      Item 0146-A The survey of program dynamics… field representative’s self-study. 998

C 3.6/2:D 99/2    Item 0146-A Survey of program dynamics (SPD) interviewing manual. 998?

C 3.6/2:F 31      Item 0146-A Federal assistance award data system, user’s guide for fiscal year 1985.

C 3.6/2:F 45/9    Item 0146-A Field nonsupervisory census employee handbook. 998

C 3.6/2:F 53      Item 0146-A Interviewing reference manual… The 1996 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-associated Recreation. 997?

C 3.6/2:IN 2/4    Item 0146-A CPS induction guide. 984

C 3.6/2:IN 3      Item 0146-A Census information center program handbook: 2003.

C 55.402:M 97     Item 0192   Mussel watch: recent trends in coastal environmental quality. ?

C 55.402:N 22/3   Item 0192   Navigate with confidence: NOAA navigation services. ?

C 55.425/3:995          Regional tide and tidal current tables 1995: New York Harbor to Chesapeake Bay.

C 56.208:C 59/972/pt.1-2            1972 economic censuses clerical geocoding manual.

C 57.102:Ex 7/6/v.1-2/app.          Report of the President’s Export Council Subcommittee on Export Administration, 1985-1989.

C 6/2:F 45/10           Field supervisory census employee handbook. 998

C 60.9:00-40      Item 0126-D-03    Federal radar spectrum requirements.

C 60.9:01-46/APP.D      Item 0126-D-03    The potential for accommodating third generation mobile systems in the 1710-1850… final report.

C 60.9:03-401     Item 0126-D-03    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies.

C 60.9:04-409     Item 0126-D-03    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies.

C 60.9:81-12      Item 0126-D-03    Microwave radiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and its biological implications: an assessment, special publications.

C 60.9:85/16      Item 0126-D-03    Issues in domestic telecommunications: directions for national policy.

C 60.9:85-17      Item 0126-D-03    NTIA competition benefits report, NTIA special study staff.

C 60.9:87-19      Item 0126-D-03    NTIA trade report: assessing the effects of changing the AT and T antitrust consent decree.

C 60.9:87-20      Item 0126-D-03    A summary record of presentations to the federal telecommunication standards committee/fiber optics task group.

C 60.9:88-21      Item 0126-D-03    NTIA Telecom 2000.

C 60.9:93-290     Item 0126-D-03    Globalization of the mass media.

C 60.9:94-28      Item 0126-D-03    20/20 vision… the development of a national information infrastructure.

D 103.2:IN 3/3    Item 0337   Infrastructure reports: summaries U.S. Dept. of Defense. 992

D 103.2:L 78      Item 0337   Lock performance monitoring system: summary  of lock statistics for Oct.-Dec. 1990 & year to date. 991

D 103.2:OH 3/7/SUMM.    Item 0337   Projections of demand for waterborne transportation. 980

D 103.2:OH 3/7/V.1-17   Item 0337   Projections of demand for waterborne transportation, Ohio River basin, 1980-2040. 980

D 103.2:OR 3/2    Item 0337   Army engineers and the development of Oregon. 983

D 103.2:P 26/3    Item 0337   Updated compendium on the success of passage of small fish through turbines. 981

D 103.2:P 94/3    Item 0337   Proceedings of the 17th annual Army envir. R & D symposium and third USACE innovative technology transfer. 994

D 103.2:SH 7/8    Item 0337   Low-cost shore protection, final report on the shoreline erosion control demonstration program. 981

D 103.2:UN 3/993/EXEC. SUMM.  Item 0337   Us Army Corps of Engineers, construction engineering. FY93

D 103.53/2:EN-94/02     Item 0335-A Revegetation strategies for Iaho Olawe Island, Hawaii.

D 103.53:00/22    Item 0335-A Air National Guard Ecamp: analysis of the compliance assessment process.

D 103.53:2000/13  Item 0335-A Construction engineering research laboratory.

D 103.53:93/11    Item 0335-A FEAP facilities engineering application program, tech. report… Demonstration of tankless water heaters in Army family. 992

D 103.53:95/06    Item 0335-A Munitions production waste generation at Army installations: a survey.

D 103.53:98/100   Item 0335-A Land condition trend analysis avian database: ecological guild-based summaries.

D 103.53:98/104   Item 0335-A Alternatives to open burning/open detonation of energetic materials.

D 103.53:98/109   Item 0335-A Water efficient installations, techniques and technology.

D 103.53:98/110   Item 0335-A Final toxic release inventory (TRI) chemical quantification at Fort Lewis, WA.

D 103.53:98/111   Item 0335-A Energy technology screening criteria.

D 103.53:98/116   Item 0335-A Transformation of TNT to triaminotoluene by mixed cultures incubated under methanogenic conditions.

D 103.53:98/121   Item 0335-A Management of cowbird traps on the landscape: an individual-based modeling approach for Fort Hood, TX.

D 103.53:98/122   Item 0335-A Guidelines for pollution control equipment components.

D 103.53:98/123   Item 0335-A Construction productivity advancement research (CPAR) program… Development & demonstration.

D 103.53:98/81    Item 0335-A Construction productivity advancement research (CPAR) program… composite grids for.

D 103.53:98/82    Item 0335-A Facilities engineering application program, technical report.

D 103.53:98/83    Item 0335-A Modeling training site vegetation coverage probability with a random optimization.

D 103.53:98/86    Item 0335-A Masonry bearing & shear walls retrofitted with overlay composite material.

D 103.53:98/87/CRRC     Item 0335-A A historic context for the African American military experience.

D 103.53:98/89    Item 0335-A Structural evaluation procedures for heavy wood truss structures.

D 103.53:98/90    Item 0335-A A successional dynamics simulation model as a factor for determining military training land carrying capacity.

D 103.53:98/94    Item 0335-A Simulating mobile objects in dynamic processes.

D 103.53:98/99    Item 0335-A Construction productivity advancement research (CPAR) program… development and demonstration of advanced design.

D 103.53:99/006   Item 0335-A Chilled water storage cooling system at Fort Jackson, SC.

D 103.53:99/05    Item 0335-A Removal and recovery of organic vapor emissions by fixed-bed activated carbon.

D 103.53:99/11    Item 0335-A Construction technology transfer center. 998

D 103.53:99/13    Item 0335-A Sonolysis of nitroaromatic compounds. 998

D 103.53:99/15    Item 0335-A RDX biodegradation by a methanogenic enrichment culture obtained from an explosives manufacturing wastewater. 998

D 103.53:99/20    Item 0335-A Acceptance testing procedures for heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems.

D 103.53:99/23    Item 0335-A Energy supply options for modernizing Army heating systems.

D 103.53:99/24    Item 0335-A Advanced gas cooling study for the hospital at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ.

D 103.53:99/26    Item 0335-A Case study: structural evaluation of heavy wood trusses at Corpus Christi Army Depot, TX.

D 103.53:99/27    Item 0335-A Case study: structural evaluation of steel truss aircraft hangars at Corpus Christi Army Depot, TX.

D 103.53:99/28    Item 0335-A Engineering life-cycle cost comparison study of barrier fencing systems.

D 103.53:99/31    Item 0335-A Evaluation of best management practices at Amy motor pools to control small spills.

D 103.53:99/35    Item 0335-A Process optimization guide for military manufacturing and maintenance facilities.

D 103.53:99/36    Item 0335-A Ceramic coated piston rods for civil works.

D 103.53:99/40    Item 0335-A Evaluation of surface preparation and application parameters for arc-sprayed metal coatings.

D 103.53:99/41    Item 0335-A Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) guide.

D 103.53:99/43    Item 0335-A Venturi/vortex scrubber technology for controlling/recycling chromium electroplating emissions.

D 103.53:99/49/V.1-2    Item 0335-A Protocol for the preparation of installation pretreatment programs. 999

D 103.53:99/50    Item 0335-A Streamlined reliability centered maintenance (RCM).

D 103.53:99/51    Item 0335-A Assessment of training noise impacts on the red-cockaded woodpecker.

D 103.53:99/54    Item 0335-A Potable water pipe inspection at Westover Air Reserve Base, Chicopee, MA.

D 103.53:99/55    Item 0335-A A functional description of the ecological dynamics simulation (EDYS) model, with applications for…

D 103.53:99/56/V.4      Item 0335-A Methods for field studies of the effects of military smokes.

D 103.53:99/56/V.4/APP. Item 0335-A Methods for field studies of the effects of military…

D 103.53:99/58    Item 0335-A Concepts for reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste.

D 103.53:99/60    Item 0335-A Plans for the land management system (LMS) initiative.

D 103.53:99/62    Item 0335-A Army roof management and improvement opportunities.

D 103.53:99/64    Item 0335-A Sensitivity analysis of the Army training and testing area carrying capacity (ATTACC) MODEL.

D 103.53:99/69    Item 0335-A Risks of year 2000 embedded chip problem to U.S. Army installation heating and cooling plants.

D 103.53:99/70    Item 0335-A Recommendations to improve energy efficiency at the Soo Area Office, Soult Ste. Marie, MI.

D 103.53:99/71    Item 0335-A Reducing air pollutant emissions from solvent multi-base propellant production.

D 103.53:99/72    Item 0335-A Piezoelectric patch sensors for structural integrity monitoring of composite-upgraded masonry & concrete.

D 103.53:99/76    Item 0335-A Vegetation map accuracy assessment: Fort Benning, GA.

D 103.53:99/78    Item 0335-A Installation summaries from the 1998 survey of threatened and endangered species on Army lands.

D 103.53:99/79    Item 0335-A Layaway procedures for U.S. Army facilities: inspection, maintenance, & repair of historic buildings.

D 103.53:998/126  Item 0335-A Development of a muffler for small arms range noise mitigation.

D 103.53:CRC-94/02      Item 0335-A Layaway procedures for U.S. Army historic facilities: testing…

D 103.53:D-89/02  Item 0335-A Improved planning and programming for energy efficient new Army facilities.

D 103.53:E-88/04  Item 0335-A Characteristics of incinerators with heat recovery capability.

D 103.53:E-88/05  Item 0335-A Heat recovery at Army Materiel Command (AMC) facilities.

D 103.53:E-88/07  Item 0335-A Design and construction of an ice-in-tank diurnal ice storage cooling system for the PX.

D 103.53:E-88/09  Item 0335-A Proposed performance evaluation acceptance test for heat recovery incinerators.

D 103.53:E-88/12  Item 0335-A Installation-wide energy conservation demonstration at Fort McClellan, AL.

D 103.53:E-89/04  Item 0335-A An evaluation of the effectiveness of ceiling fans for reducing heating requirements in Army facilities.

D 103.53:E-89/08  Item 0335-A Field demonstration of the energy planning module’s energy conservation options proposed for the DD from 1391 processor.

D 103.53:E-89/09  Item 0335-A Review of facility technology options and their development status.

D 103.53:E-89/10  Item 0335-A Design guidance for command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) facility cooling systems.

D 103.53:E-89/13  Item 0335-A Market potential of storage cooling systems in the Army.

D 103.53:E-90/05  Item 0335-A Micro-based computer aided energy system design.

D 103.53:E-90/07  Item 0335-A Evaluation of electrical energy consumption and…

D 103.53:E-90/08  Item 0335-A Test new bldg. mech. System acceptance testing procedures.

D 103.53:E-90/10  Item 0335-A FEAP: diurnal energy storage system.

D 103.53:E-90/11  Item 0335-A Applying energy conservation retrofits to standard Army buildings: data analysis and recommendations.

D 103.53:E-90/12  Item 0335-A An investigation of privately financed renewable energy projects for Army installations.

D 103.53:E-90/13  Item 0335-A Ice-on-coil diurnal ice storage cooling syst. For a barracks/office/dining hall facility at Yuma

proving ground, AZ.

D 103.53:E-90/14  Item 0335-A Standard single-loop digital controllers for HVAC systems.

D 103.53:E-91/08  Item 0335-A Evaluation of central heating plant at Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base.

D 103.53:E-91/09  Item 0335-A An analysis of the system installation costs of diurnal ice storage cooling systems for Army facilities.

D 103.53:E-91/12  Item 0335-A Building comfort analysis using blast: a case study.

D 103.53:E-92/02  Item 0335-A Economics of third-party central heating plants to supply the Army.

D 103.53:E-92/08  Item 0335-A A stream load forecasting technique for central heating plants.

D 103.53:E-92/11  Item 0335-A Field evaluation of the building loads analysis and thermodynamics (BLAST) program enhancements.

D 103.53:EAC-92/01      Item 0335-A An investigation of small-arms range noise mitigation: the firing shed and the…

D 103.53:EC-93/01 Item 0335-A Integration of environmental planning into the Army master planning process.

D 103.53:EC-94/12 Item 0335-A Estimating attenuation and propagation of noise bands from a distant source using the lookup program.

D 103.53:EC-94/19 Item 0335-A Comparison of barriers and partial enclosures for rifle range noise reduction.

D 103.53:EC-94/25 Item 0335-A Noise level reduction of .50 caliber gunfire by terrain shielding.

D 103.53:EL-90-12 Item 0335-A Determination of the chemical suitability of a dredged material containment area for aquaculture.

D 103.53:EN-93/05 Item 0335-A Guidelines for applying video simulation tech. training land design.

D 103.53:EN-94/07 Item 0335-A Biodiversity and the threatened/endangered/sensitive species of Fort Irwin, CA.

D 103.53:EN-94/09 Item 0335-A The Mohave ground squirrel at Fort Irwin, CA.

D 103.53:EN-94/10 Item 0335-A The desert tortoise at Fort Irwin, CA.

D 103.53:EN-95/04 Item 0335-A Accuracy assessment of the discrete classification of remotely-sensed digital data for landcover mapping.

D 103.53:EP-93/04 Item 0335-A Substitution of orthonitrotoluene in TNT production to reduce redwater.

D 103.53:EP-93/06 Item 0335-A A summary of best management practices for nonpoint source pollution.

D 103.53:EP-93/09 Item 0335-A An evaluation of reed technology to dewater Army wastewater treatment.

D 103.53:EP-94/01 Item 0335-A An evaluation of technologies to automate U.S. Army water. 993

D 103.53:EP-94/04 Item 0335-A FEAP facilities engineering applications program.

D 103.53:EP-94/05 Item 0335-A Environmental considerations for municipal waste combustors.

D 103.53:EP-95/01 Item 0335-A TNT redwater treatment by wet air oxidation. 994

D 103.53:EP-95/02 Item 0335-A Infiltration/inflow mitigation and control for Army wastewater collection systems.

D 103.53:EP-95/03 Item 0335-A Feasibility of white-rot fungi for biodegradation of PCP-treated ammunition boxes.

D 103.53:EP-95/04 Item 0335-A Evaluation of crossflow microfiltration for removing nitrocellulose fines from wastewater.

D 103.53:EP-95/05 Item 0335-A How to obtain a compliance extension by participating in the family reductions program.

D 103.53:EP-95/06 Item 0335-A Army materiel command solid waste survey and analysis.

D 103.53:EP-95/07 Item 0335-A Treating dinitrotoluene in propellant wastewater using anaerobic fluidized-bed bioreactors.

D 103.53:EP-95/08 Item 0335-A Hazardous waste minimization assessment: Fort Riley, KS.

D 103.53:FE 93/02 Item 0335-A FEAP facilities engineering applications program.

D 103.53:FE 93/10 Item 0335-A Desiccant-based dehumidification for Army facilities. 992

D 103.53:FE/95/06 Item 0335-A Coal ash leachate potential from stoker boilers. 994

D 103.53:FE-92/01 Item 0335-A Development of the heat-recovery incinerator feasibility (HRIFEAS) computer program.

D 103.53:FE-92/03 Item 0335-A Potential role of heat recovery incineration (HRI) in managing Army installation solid waste.

D 103.53:FE-93/05 Item 0335-A FEAP facilities engineering application program, tech. report. 994

D 103.53:FE-93/06 Item 0335-A Issues in the design of infrared radiant heating systems. 992

D 103.53:FE-93/12 Item 0335-A STOFEAS: a personal computer program for estimating the economic feasibility of storage cooling systems. 992

D 103.53:FE-93/13 Item 0335-A FEAP facilities engineering application program, tech. report… Criteria for the selection of microprocessor combustion.

D 103.53:FE-93/14 Item 0335-A Chlorofluorocarbon uses in Army facility air-conditioning and refrigeration. 992

D 103.53:FE-93/15 Item 0335-A FEAP facilities engineering application program, tech. report… Steam dispatching control system demonstration at Fort… 994

D 103.53:FE-93/18 Item 0335-A Evltn. Of 5 additional enhancements to the building loads analysis & system thermodynamics (BLAST)


D 103.53:FE-93/21 Item 0335-A Evaluation of potential energy loss reduction and savings for U.S. Army electrical distribution systems.

D 103.53:FE-93/22 Item 0335-A Effects of harmonics on EMI/RFI filters operating under nonlinear loading conditions.

D 103.53:FE-93/23 Item 0335-A Selecting effective fluorescent lamp and ballast for retrofit in the continental U.S.

D 103.53:FE-93/25 Item 0335-A Vibration monitoring for predictive maintenance in central energy plants.

D 103.53:FE-93/26 Item 0335-A Investigation of radiometric combustion monitoring techniques for coal-fired.

D 103.53:FE-94/04 Item 0335-A Application of expert systems for diagnosing equipment.

D 103.53:FE-94/06 Item 0335-A Enhancement of central heating plant economic program evaluation program for retrofit to coal.

D 103.53:FE-94/07 Item 0335-A Estimated retrofit and replacement costs for Army air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment.

D 103.53:FE-94/10 Item 0335-A Understanding and managing power system harmonics.

D 103.53:FE-94/11 Item 0335-A Solid waste disposal alternatives for the U.S. Military Academy.

D 103.53:FE-94/12 Item 0335-A Development and field test of the central energy plant adaptive control system (CEPACS).

D 103.53:FE-94/13 Item 0335-A Performance of specular reflectors used for lighting enhancement.

D 103.53:FE-94/14 Item 0335-A Adaptive boiler controls: market survey and appraisal of a prototype system.

D 103.53:FE-94/23 Item 0335-A Testing of uninterruptible power supplies with nonlinear loads.

D 103.53:FE-94/24 Item 0335-A Advanced natural gas fuel technologies for military installations.

D 103.53:FE-94/25 Item 0335-A Central heating plant modernization study for the Defense Personnel Support Center.

D 103.53:FE-95/01 Item 0335-A Energy supply alternatives for the year 2002 at the U.S. Military Academy (USMA). 994

D 103.53:FE-95/04 Item 0335-A Improving central heating plant performance at the Defense Construction Supply Center.

D 103.53:FE-95/05 Item 0335-A Use of chlorofluorocarbon-based refrigerants in U.S. Army facility air-conditioning. 994

D 103.53:FE-95/08/V.1-5 Item 0335-A Central heating plant economic evaluation program. 995

D 104.6/2:IN 3/2  Item 0351-C Clinical guide to infection control. 003?

D 301.2:AE 8/10   Item 0424   Aerospace force: defending America in the 21st century. 2000?

HE 20.3402:D 43/7/979-80      Item 0507-O-01    Dental treatment needs of U.S. children, the dental caries prevalence survey, 1979-1980. 982

HE 20.3402:IN 8/2 Item 0507-O-01    Office of International Health… National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research. 000

HE 20.3614/6:1987-3           Images of the health professional in the popular arts. 987

HE 20.6002:G 75         Trends in graduate education, schools of public health. 980

HE 20.6002:M 46/5       Foreign medical graduates and physician manpower in the U.S. 974

HE 20.6002:M 66         Minorities in allied health education, a comprehensive summary of the report-January 1980. 981

HE 20.6002:SP 3         An analysis of the content of specialty practices and their service capacities. 981

HE 20.7102:AG 8/2 Item 0499-F-02    Papers and proceedings of the Surgeon General’s conference on agricultural safety & health. 991

HE 20.7102:AN 5   Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, occupational hazard assessment, criteria for controlling occupational hazards in animal rendering processes. 981

HE 20.7102:B 12/3 Item 0499-F-02    Workplace use of back belts. 997?

HE 20.7102:C 33/2 Item 0499-F-02    Health risk appraisal users conference, summary proceedings March 15-17, 1983.

HE 20.7102:C 63/2 Item 0499-F-02    Occupational hazard assessment, criteria for controlling occupational exposure to cobalt. 982

HE 20.7102:C 63/V.1-2   Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, occupational hazard assessment, coal liquefaction. 981

HE 20.7102:C 73   Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, control of health & safety hazards in commercial drycleaners. 998?

HE 20.7102:EL 2/4 Item 0499-F-02    Proceedings of the scientific workshop on the health effects of electric and magnetic fields on workers. 992?

HE 20.7102:EN 3/2 Item 0499-F-02    Proceedings of the workshop on engineering controls for preventing airborne infections in workers in health. 994?

HE 20.7102:EP 4   Item 0499-F-02    A joint publication on teaching epidemiology in occupational health. 987

HE 20.7102:EP 4/3 Item 0499-F-02    Shape safety/health awareness for preventive engineering. 995

HE 20.7102:H 34/982/SUM.      Item 0499-F-02    Health hazard evaluation summaries… National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

HE 20.7102:IN 2/10      Item 0499-F-02    Advanced industrial hygiene engineering. 986

HE 20.7102:IN 2/11      Item 0499-F-02    Industrial hygiene laboratory quality control, 587. 983

HE 20.7102:IN 2/6 Item 0499-F-02    Industrial hygiene sampling, decision-making, monitoring & recordkeeping, 553 sampling strategies. 980

HE 20.7102:IN 2/7 Item 0499-F-02    Industrial hygiene measurements 550. 982

HE 20.7102:IN 2/9 Item 0499-F-02    Applied industrial hygiene 549. 980

HE 20.7102:L 46/4 Item 0499-F-02    Ohio lead survey. 996

HE 20.7102:LR 1.2:D 63  Item 0499-F-02    Distribution list of advice and appeals memoranda. 986

HE 20.7102:M 58   Item 0499-F-02    Microbial flora and fauna of respirable grain dust from grain elevators. 986

HE 20.7102:M 97/2 Item 0499-F-02    A national strategy for occupational musculoskeletal injuries: implementation issues and research needs. 995

HE 20.7102:N 93   Item 0499-F-02    National Occupational Health Nursing Symposium. 992

HE 20.7102:OC 1/12      Item 0499-F-02    Neg and NIOSH basis for an occupational health standard. 997?

HE 20.7102:OC 1/13      Item 0499-F-02    Occupational energy research program… workplace safety and health. 002?

HE 20.7102:OC 1/6 Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, proceedings of the symposium on occupational health hazard control technology in the foundry and secondary non-ferrous smelting industries. 981

HE 20.7102:OC 1/7 Item 0499-F-02    Symposium on occupational safety research and education, a dialogue between two communities. 982

HE 20.7102:P 16/2 Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, an evaluation of engineering control technology for spray painting, technical report. 981

HE 20.7102:P 69   Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, symposium proceedings, control technology in the plastics & resins industry. 981

HE 20.7102:P 75   Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH recommendations for occupational safety and health. 992?

HE 20.7102:P 94/3 Item 0499-F-02    NEG and NIOSH basis for an occupational health standard. 991

HE 20.7102:SI 3/2 Item 0499-F-02    Collaborative tests of two methods for determining free silica in airborne dust. 983

HE 20.7102:SU 7/2 Item 0499-F-02    Surveillance cooperative agreement between NIOSH and states (SCANS) program, Rhode Island 1980-1982. 986

HE 20.7102:SU 7/3 Item 0499-F-02    Papers and proceedings of the Surgeon General’s conference on agricultural safety & health. 991

HE 20.7102:V 41   Item 0499-F-02    Control of unconfined vapor clouds by fire department water spray handlines. 987

HE 20.7102:W 28   Item 0499-F-02    Residential waste collection: hazard recognition and prevention. 982

HE 20.7102:W 89/3 Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, a nationwide survey of the occupational safety and health work force. 978

HE 20.7102:W 89/4 Item 0499-F-02    NIOSH, proceedings, the twenty-four hour workday: proceedings of a symposium on variations in work-sleep schedules. 981

HE 20.7102:W 89/7 Item 0499-F-02    The changing nature of work and workforce, proceedings. 986

HE 20.7102:W 89/8 Item 0499-F-02    Report to Congress on workers’ home contamination study conducted under the workers’ family. 995

HE 20.7917:1            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:1/992        Case studies in environmental medicine… lead toxicity.

HE 20.7917:10           TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, cadmium toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:12           TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:17           Case studies in environmental medicine… mercury toxicity. 992

HE 20.7917:18           Case studies in environmental medicine… carbon tetrachloride toxicity. 992

HE 20.7917:19           Case studies in environmental medicine. 992

HE 20.7917:2            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, vinyl chloride toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:20           Case studies in environmental medicine. 992

HE 20.7917:22           Cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticide toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:23           Pentachlorophenol toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:24           1,1,1-trichloroethane. 993

HE 20.7917:25           Chlordane toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:26           Case studies in environmental medicine… taking an exposure history. 992

HE 20.7917:3            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, methylene chloride toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:30           Ethylene/propylene glycol toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:31           Gasoline toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:32           Jet fuel toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:33           Stoddard solvent toxicity. 993

HE 20.7917:34           Ionizing radiation. 993

HE 20.7917:4            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, chromium toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:5            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, arsenic toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:6            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, trichloroethylene toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:7            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, dioxin toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:8            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, asbestos toxicity. 990

HE 20.7917:9            TSDR case studies in environmental medicine, tetrachloroethylene toxicity. 990

HH 1.2:C 73/29    Item 0582   The state CDBG program, the first year’s experience. 983

HH 1.6/3:AN 8     Item 0582-E Urban initiatives anti-crime program, guidebook. 979

HH 1.6/3:B 85/2   Item 0582-E Project-based budgeting/management and supporting ADP systems. 983

HH 1.6/3:C 73/13  Item 0582-E Strategies for success: a guide to community development through HUD’s canal corridor initiative. 999

HH 1.6/3:C 73/3   Item 0582-E Commercial revitalization—neighborhood focus, a guide book. 980

HH 1.6/3:C 74     Item 0582-E Connecting with communities: a user’s guide to HUD programs and the supernofa process. 998?

HH 1.6/3:C 74/999 Item 0582-E Connecting with communities: a user’s guide to HUD programs and the 1999 supernofa process.

HH 1.6/3:EN 2/8/OVERVIEW      Item 0582-E Practical steps local government can take to conserve energy. 979

HH 1.6/3:EN 2/9   Item 0582-E Energy conservation and management guide for small municipalities and school districts. 979

HH 1.6/3:F 76     Item 0582-E The impact of foreign direct investment on U.S. cities and regions. 979

HH 1.6/3:H 75/212 Item 0582-E Series data handbook… A supplement to FHA trends covering section 203B home mortgage characteristics. 987

HH 1.6/3:H 81/11/ASSESSING    Item 0582-E Planning for housing security, assessing the social environment. 979

HH 1.6/3:H 81/21  Item 0582-E Regional housing opportunities for lower income households.

HH 1.6/3:IN 7/980 Item 0582-E Installation guidelines for solar DHW systems in one-and two-family dwellings, second edition. 979

HH 1.6/3:M 31/2/981     Item 0582-E Management control assessment guide.

I 20.1/4:991, 995, 996  Item 0627-A-02    Annual education report… Bureau of Indian Affairs.

LC 19.10/3:2002   Item 0806-A-09

      Cassette books.

NAS 1.55:2250     Item 0830-H-10    Rotordynamic instability problems in high-performance turbomachinery-1982.

NAS 1.55:2251     Item 0830-H-10    Advanced materials technology. 982

NAS 1.55:2253     Item 0830-H-10    Vissr atmospheric sounder (VAS) research review. 983

NAS 1.55:2254     Item 0830-H-10    NASA administrative data base management systems. 983

NAS 1.55:2255     Item 0830-H-10    Advanced automation for space missions. 982

NAS 1.55:2256     Item 0830-H-10    Space photovoltaic research & technology 1982, high efficiency, radiation damage, and blanket technology. 982

NAS 1.55:2257     Item 0830-H-10    The conception, growth, accomplishments, and future of meteorological satellites. 982

NAS 1.55:2258     Item 0830-H-10    Modeling, analysis, and optimization issues for large space structures. 982

NAS 1.55:2259     Item 0830-H-10    NASA/MSFC FY-82 atmospheric processes research review, Oct. 19-21, 1982. 983

NAS 1.55:2260-Vol.1,2   Item 0830-H-10    The multispectral imaging science working groups. 982

NAS 1.55:2262     Item 0830-H-10    Cryogenic wind tunnel models, design and fabrication, May 5-9, 1982. 983

NAS 1.55:2263     Item 0830-H-10    The 1982 Goddard Space Flight Center battery workshop. 983

NAS 1.55:2264     Item 0830-H-10    Tire modeling… NASA conference publication. 983

NAS 1.55:2266     Item 0830-H-10    Structural dynamics and control of large space structures-1982. 983

NAS 1.55:2267     Item 0830-H-10    Aviation gasolines and future alternatives. 983

NAS 1.55:2268     Item 0830-H-10    Combustion fundamentals research. 983

NAS 1.55:2269/Pt.1,2    Item 0830-H-10    Large space antenna systems technology-1982. 983

NAS 1.55:2270     Item 0830-H-10    Summary proceedings of a wind shear workshop. 983

NAS 1.55:2271     Item 0830-H-10    Nonlinear constitutive relations for high temperature applications. 983

NAS 1.55:2272     Item 0830-H-10    Computer-aided geometry modeling. 984

NAS 1.55:2273     Item 0830-H-10    17th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium. 983

NAS 1.55:2274     Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings: Sixth Annual Workshop on Meteorological & Environmental Inputs to Aviation Systems, Oct. 26-Oct. 28, 1982. 983

NAS 1.55:2275, Vol.1,3  Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings of the large deployable reflector science and technology workshop. 9894

NAS 1.55:2276     Item 0830-H-10    First Symposium on Chemical Evolution and the Origin & Evolution of Life. 983

NAS 1.55:2330     Item 0830-H-10    Uranus and Neptune. 984

NAS 1.55:2355-Vol.1-4   Item 0830-H-10    Landsat-4 science characterization early results. 985

NAS 1.55:2382     Item 0830-H-10    The 1984 Goddard Space Flight Center battery workshop. 985

NAS 1.55:2383     Item 0830-H-10    Analytical ultrasonics in materials research and testing. 986

NAS 1.55:2384     Item 0830-H-10    The 1982-1984 eclipse of epsilon aurigae. 985

NAS 1.55:2385     Item 0830-H-10    High temperature polymer matrix composites. 985

NAS 1.55:2386     Item 0830-H-10    Transition in turbines. 985

NAS 1.55:2387     Item 0830-H-10    Welding, bonding and fastening. 984

NAS 1.55:2388     Item 0830-H-10    Meteorological and environmental inputs to aviation systems. 985

NAS 1.55:2389     Item 0830-H-10    Thermosphere dynamics workshop, vol. 2. 986

NAS 1.55:2390     Item 0830-H-10    Geopotential research mission (GRM). 985

NAS 1.55:2391     Item 0830-H-10    Second workshop on spacecraft glow. 985

NAS 1.55:2392     Item 0830-H-10    Microgravity polymers. 986

NAS 1.55:2393     Item 0830-H-10    Wind tunnel seeding systems for laser velocimeters. 985

NAS 1.55:2394     Item 0830-H-10    Space station software recommendations. 985

NAS 1.55:2395     Item 0830-H-10    Full-scale transport controlled impact demonstration. 986

NAS 1.55:2396     Item 0830-H-10    Review of spectroscopic parameters for upper atmospheric measurements. 985

NAS 1.55:2397     Item 0830-H-10    Langley Symposium on Aerodynamics. 986

NAS 1.55:2399     Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings of the 5th annual users’ conference. 985

NAS 1.55:2400     Item 0830-H-10    Rotorcraft dynamics 1984. 985

NAS 1.55:2401     Item 0830-H-10    The 1985 get away special experimenter’s symposium. 986

NAS 1.55:2402     Item 0830-H-10    NASA MSFC FY-85 atmospheric processes research review. 985

NAS 1.55:2403     Item 0830-H-10    Interrelationships among circumstellar, interstellar and interplanetary dust. 986

NAS 1.55:2404     Item 0830-H-10    Numerical techniques in acoustics. 985

NAS 1.55:2405     Item 0830-H-10    Turbine engine hot section technology, 1985.

NAS 1.55:2407     Item 0830-H-10    Workshop on technology development issues for the large deployable reflector (LDR). 986?

NAS 1.55:2408     Item 0830-H-10    Space photovoltaic research and technology 1985: high efficiency, space environment, and array technology. 985

NAS 1.55:2409     Item 0830-H-10    Instability in rotating machinery. 989?

NAS 1.55:2411     Item 0830-H-10    Solar terrestrial observatory space station workshop report. 986

NAS 1.55:2413     Item 0830-H-10    Laminar flow aircraft certification. 986

NAS 1.55:2416-Vol-1     Item 0830-H-10    Vortex flow aerodynamics. 986

NAS 1.55:2419     Item 0830-H-10    Fourteenth Nastran Users’ Colloquium. 986

NAS 1.55:2421     Item 0830-H-10    Solar flares and coronal physics using P of as a research tool. 986

NAS 1.55:2422     Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings of a workshop on applications of tethers in space: executive summary. 986

NAS 1.55:2422-Vol-1,2   Item 0830-H-10    Applications of tethers in space: workshop proceedings. 986

NAS 1.55:2423-Rev.      Item 0830-H-10    The 20th Aersospace Mechanics Symposium. 986

NAS 1.55:2424     Item 0830-H-10    Space station planetology experiments. 986

NAS 1.55:2425     Item 0830-H-10    Second symposium on chemical evolution and the origin of life. 986

NAS 1.55:2426-Vol.1,3,4 Item 0830-H-10    Space station human factors research review. 987-988

NAS 1.55:2427     Item 0830-H-10    Structural ceramics. 986

NAS 1.55:2428     Item 0830-H-10    Twenty-first annual conference on manual control. 986

NAS 1.55:2429     Item 0830-H-10    Spacelab 3 mission science review. 987

NAS 1.55:2430     Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings of the second pilot climate data system workshop. 986

NAS 1.55:2432     Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings of the circulation-control workshop. 986

NAS 1.55:2433     Item 0830-H-10    NASA-Chinese aeronautical establishment (CAE) symposium. 986

NAS 1.55:24331    Item 0830-H-10    Thirteenth international laser radar conference. 986

NAS 1.55:2434     Item 0830-H-10    The 1985 Goddard Space Flight Center battery workshop. 986

NAS 1.55:2435     Item 0830-H-10    Doppler radar detection of wind shear. 985

NAS 1.55:2437-Vol-2     Item 0830-H-10    Advanced earth-to-orbit propulsion technology. 986

NAS 1.55:2438     Item 0830-H-10    The 1986 get away special experimenter’s symposium. 987

NAS 1.55:2441     Item 0830-H-10    The Jovian atmospheres. 986

NAS 1.55:2442     Item 0830-H-10    Coronal and prominence plasmas. 986

NAS 1.55:2443     Item 0830-H-10    Rotordynamic instability problems in high-performance turbomachinery. 986

NAS 1.55:2444     Item 0830-H-10    Turbine engine hot section technology 1986.

NAS 1.55:2446     Item 0830-H-10    Fourteenth space simulation conference: testing for a permanent presence in space. 986

NAS 1.55:2447-Pt.1,2    Item 0830-H-10    NASA/DOD control/structures interaction technology. 986

NAS 1.55:2448     Item 0830-H-10    Future directions for H sub x O sub y detection. 986

NAS 1.55:2449     Item 0830-H-10    Rapid fluctuations in solar flares. 986

NAS 1.55:2452     Item 0830-H-10    Joint university program for air transportation research. 984

NAS 1.55:2453     Item 0830-H-10    Joint university program for air transportation research. 985

NAS 1.55:2454     Item 0830-H-10    Supercomputing in aerospace. 987

NAS 1.55:2455     Item 0830-H-10    Cockpit resource management training. 987

NAS 1.55:2456     Item 0830-H-10    Closed-cycle, frequency-stable CO2 laser technology. 987

NAS 1.55:2459-Vol.1,2   Item 0830-H-10    Computer sciences and data systems. 987

NAS 1.55:2462     Item 0830-H-10    Proceedings of the 1985 NASA Ames Research Center’s ground-effects workshop. 987

NAS 1.55:2463     Item 0830-H-10    Sixth annual users’ conference. 986

NAS 1.55:2464     Item 0830-H-10    Essays in space science. 987

NAS 1.55:2465     Item 0830-H-10    Microgravity fluid management symposium. 987

NAS 1.55:2466     Item 0830-H-10    Star formation in galaxies. 987

NAS 1.55:2467-Pt.1,2    Item 0830-H-10    Structural dynamics and control interaction of flexible structures. 987

NAS 1.55:2468     Item 0830-H-10    Atmospheric turbulence relative to aviation, missile, and space programs. 987

NAS 1.55:2469     Item 0830-H-10    Double layers in astrophysics. 987

NAS 1.55:2470     Item 0830-H-10    The 21st aerospace mechanisms symposium. 987

NAS 1.55:2471     Item 0830-H-10    Structural integrity and durability of reusable space propulsion systems. 987

NAS 1.55:2472     Item 0830-H-10    Electronics reliability and measurement technology. 987

NAS 1.55:2473     Item 0830-H-10    Spacecraft 2000. 986

NAS 1.55:2474     Item 0830-H-10    Wind shear/turbulence inputs to flight simulation and systems certification. 987

NAS 1.55:2475     Item 0830-H-10    Space photovoltaic research and technology 1986. High efficiency, space environment, and array technology. 987

NAS 1.55:2476     Item 0830-H-10    Spacecraft fire safety. 987

NAS 1.55:2477     Item 0830-H-10    Automated reduction of data from images and holograms. 987

NAS 1.55:2478     Item 0830-H-10    Frontiers of massively parallel scientific computation. 987

NAS 1.55:2479     Item 0830-H-10    Controlled ecological life support system. Design, development, and use of a ground-based plant growth module. 987

NAS 1.55:2480     Item 0830-H-10    Upper and middle atmospheric density modeling requirements for spacecraft design and options. 987

NAS 1.55:2480     Item 0830-H-10    Controlled ecological life support system: regenerative life support systems in space. 987

NAS 1.55:2481     Item 0830-H-10    Fifteenth Nastran users’ colloquium. 987

NAS 1.55:2483     Item 0830-H-10    Theoretical problems in high resolution solar physics. 987

NAS 1.55:2484     Item 0830-H-10    Space electrochemical research and technology. 987

NAS 1.55:2486     Item 0830-H-10    The 1986 Goddard Space Flight Center battery workshop. 987

NAS 1.55:2487-Pt-1,2,3  Item 0830-H-10    Research in natural laminar flow and laminar-flow control. 987

NAS 1.55:2488-Vol-1,2   Item 0830-H-10    The 58th shock and vibration symposium. 987

NAS 1.55:2489     Item 0830-H-10    Future astronomical observatories on the moon. 988

NAS 1.55:2490     Item 0830-H-10    Space construction. 987

NAS 1.55:2492-Pt-2      Item 0830-H-10    Third conference on artificial intelligence for space applications, Part 2. 988

NAS 1.55:2493     Item 0830-H-10    Turbine engine hot section technology 1987.

NAS 1.55:2494     Item 0830-H-10    Experiments in planetary and related sciences and the space station. 987

NAS 1.55:2496     Item 0830-H-10    Microgravity particle research h on the space station. 987

NAS 1.55:2496     Item 0830-H-10    Meteorological and environmental inputs to aviation systems. 988

NAS 1.55:2497     Item 0830-H-10    Scientific and operational requirements for Toms data. 987

NAS 1.55:2499     Item 0830-H-10    Airborne particulate matter in spacecraft. 988

NAS 1.55:2500     Item 0830-H-10    The 1987 get away special experimenter’s symposium. 988

NAS 1.55:2502     Item 0830-H-10    Joint university program for air transportation research. 986

NAS 1.55:2503     Item 0830-H-10    Noncontact temperature measurement. 988

NAS 1.55:2504     Item 0830-H-10    Mental-state estimation, 1987. 988

NAS 1.55:2505     Item 0830-H-10    Sixteenth Nastran (trademark) users’ colloquium. 988

NAS 1.55:2506     Item 0830-H-10    The 22nd aerospace mechanisms symposium. 988

NAS 1.55:3002     Item 0830-H-10    A study of space station contamination effects. 988

NAS 1.55:3003-Vol-1     Item 0830-H-10    Lewis structures technology, 1988.

T 22.44/2:1194/2002/V.1-2     Item 0964-B Taxpayer information publications… The IRS mission…

T 22.44/2:1194-B/2002/V.1-2   Item 0964-B Business taxpayer information publications.

T 22.44/2:1281/2002     Item 0964-B Backup withholding on for missing & incorrect name/TIN(s), (including instructions for reading tape cartridges).

TD 4.509:79-106         Feasibility of offset carrier systems for air traffic control, second interim report.

TD 4.509:79-107         Vistol rotary propulsor noise prediction model update and evaluation.

TD 4.509:79-110         Inferred climatology for U.S. airports.

TD 4.509:79-114         Study of optical techniques for indirect generation of runway approach lights.

TD 4.509:79-117         Airborne aids for coping with low-level wind shear.

TD 4.509:79-118         Inertially augmented approach couplers, Task 5.

TD 4.509:79-119         Development of wind shear models and determination of wind shear hazards, Task 2.

TD 4.509:79-81          An assessment of terminal air traffic control system performance… 979

TD 4.509:79-85          National voice response system. 979

TD 4.509:79-86          Field tests of plastic pipe for airport drainage systems. 979

TD 4.509:79-87          Optimum intensity settings of approach and runway light systems.

TD 4.509:79-88          The discrete address beacon system/air traffic control radar beacon system/atcrbs iff Mark XII … 980

TD 4.509:79-89          Acceptance criteria for bituminous surface course on civil airport pavements.

TD 4.509:79-90          Wind shear hazard definition for a wide body jet.

TD 4.509:79-91          Detection of severe weather by FAA radars.

TD 4.509:79-94          A standard for RF modulation factor.

TD 4.509:79-95          Feasibility of offset carrier systems for air traffic control, interim report.

TD 4.509:79-99          Airborne radar approach system, flight test experiment.

TD 4.509:80/112         Lime-stabilized native soil as a base course for light aircraft pavement. 981

TD 4.509:80-1           An atlas of basic transmission loss for 0.125 to 15.5 GHZ.

TD 4.509:80-10          Evaluation of advanced non-destructive inspection methods for aircraft tires.

TD 4.509:80-103         Wind shear systems implementation benefit/cost study.

TD 4.509:80-107         Study of heliport airspace and real estate requirements.

TD 4.509:80-108         Visual confirmation (VICON) of voice take-off clearance of cost-and-deployment analyses and strategies.

TD 4.509:80-11          Federal aviation administration-electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection study.

TD 4.509:80-120         Evaluation of the performance of the remote area precision positioning system (RAPPS).

TD 4.509:80-128         National airspace data interchange network (NADIN) communications support for flight service automation system.

TD 4.509:80-137/V.1           VLF P-static noise reduction in aircraft.

TD 4.509:80-26          Wind shear detection with pulse Doppler radar.

TD 4.509:80-31          Power line carrier radiation and the low-frequency aeronautical radio compass.

TD 4.509:80-48          Development of Loran-C data collection and analysis procedures.

TD 4.509:80-59          Helicopter terminal instrument procedures (TERPS) development program.

TD 4.509:80-60          Airborne radar, approach flight test evaluating various track orientation techniques.

TD 4.509:80-69          JT8D engine internal exhaust mixer technology program.

TD 4.509:80-71          Voice performance measurements.

TD 4.509:80-8           Use of fabrics and other measures for retarding reflective cracking of asphaltic concrete overlays.

TD 4.509:80-87          Preliminary test plans of ATC concepts for longer term improvement, helicopter operations development program, task report.

TD 4.509:80-88/V.1-2          Recommended short-term ATC improvements for helicopters. 980

TD 4.509:80-89          Analytic determination of interference thresholds for microwave landing system equipment and TACAN/DME equipment, interim report.

TD 4.509:80-9/PHASE 2         Nondestructive testing for light aircraft pavements.

TD 4.509:80-90          The susceptibility of representative TACAN and DME equipments to a proposed, MLS L-band precision DME signal format.

TD 4.509:80-91          MLS channel assignment model.

TD 4.509:80-9-11        Nondestructive testing for light aircraft pavements, Phase II.

TD 4.509:80-93          Impact of the discrete address beacon system (DABS) on air traffic control radar beacon system (ATCRBS) performance in selected deployments.

TD 4.509:81/17          Future ATC system description ATC facilities and interfaces, (1980-1990).

TD 4.509:81/25          Design of airport pavements for expansive soils.

TD 4.509:81/35          Development of a heliport classification method and an analysis of heliport real estate and airspace requirements.

TD 4.509:81/36          Design study report for general aviation Loran-C receiver.

TD 4.509:81/38/V.1-2          Aircraft alerting systems standardization study. 981

TD 4.509:81/70          Department of transportation data communications requirements analysis.

TD 4.509:81-078         Improving subdrainage and shoulders of existing pavements. 982

TD 4.509:81-14          Discrete address beacon system (DABS), data link capacity utilization. 980

TD 4.509:81-16          High speed exit taxiways.

TD 4.509:81-22          Grounding, bonding, shielding and lightning bibliography, 1972 to 1979.

TD 4.509:81-30          A systs. Eng. Evaluation method for piloted aircraft and other man-operated vehicles & machines with hypothetical example of a systs. Evaluation.

TD 4.509:81-37          Communications support for area A and request/reply.

TD 4.509:81-39          A Los Angeles basin 1100, aircraft traffic model.

TD 4.509:81-45/V.1-2          Automatic traffic advisory and resolution service (ATARS) algorithms including resolution-advisory-register logic. 981

TD 4.509:81-46          Development and evaluation of a prototype checker baggage system-NMR technique.

TD 4.509:81-56          Discrete address beacon system data link capacity requirements. 980

TD 4.509:81-61          Coast analysis of the discrete address beacon system for the low-performance general aviation aircraft community.

TD 4.509:81-7           Arts II, enhancement design alternatives.

TD 4.509:81-9           Impact of low altitude coverage requirements on air-ground communications.

TD 4.509:90-103         Operational impacts of wider trucks on narrow roadways. 991

TD 4.509:91-014/V.2           Application of new accident analysis methodologies.

TD 4.509:91-19          Design considerations for IAP charts: approach course track and communication frequencies.

TD 4.509:91-21          Proceedings, the first annual international satellite surveillance and communication symposium.

TD 4.509:93/15          Mathematical model of frost heave and thaw settlement in pavements.

TD 4.509:93/17          Safe heliports through design and planning, a summary of FAA research & development. 994

TD 4.509:93/22          Rotorcraft low altitude IFR benefit/cost analysis.

TD 4.509:93/31, 1       Rotorwash analysis handbook. 994

TD 4.509:93/43          Pilot GPS/Loran receiver programming performance: a laboratory evaluation. 994

TD 4.509:94/22          Composite helicopter accident profiles-deficient crew/aircraft performance.

TD 4.509:95/1           Guidelines for the design of GPS and Loran receiver controls and displays.

TD 4.509:95/2           Resource document for the design of electronic instrument approach procedures displays.

TD 4.509:95/3           Human factors in the design and evaluation of air traffic control systems.

Y 3.B 49:1/987          The 11th annual report of the National Advisory and Coordinating Council on Bilingual Education.

Y 3.C 43/3:2 P 91       Preliminary report to the President, U.S. National Commission International Year of the Child, 1979. 978

Y 3.C 76/3:13 P 96/2    Item 1062-C-04    Catalogue of publications, radio, films, slides, fact sheets, T.V. 980

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/2/NO.4      Item 1062-C-04    Cigarette fire incident study. 993

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/FINAL Item 1062-C-04    Final Report of the technical study group on cigarette and little cigar fire safety. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/NO.3  Item 1062-C-04    The effect of cigarette characteristics on the ignition of soft furnishings. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/NO.4  Item 1062-C-04    Improving the fire safety of cigarettes: an economic impact analysis. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/NO.5  Item 1062-C-04    Expected changes in fire damages from reducing cigarette ignition propensity. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/NO.6  Item 1062-C-04    Economic sector data for modeling the impact of less ignition-prone cigarettes. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/NO.7  Item 1062-C-04    Tests of smoldering ignition of chairs and reduced-scale mock-ups by various cigarettes. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 C 48/NO.8  Item 1062-C-04    Feasibility study of obtaining field data on cigarette-ignited fires. 987

Y 3.C 76/3:2 P 96 Item 1062-C-04    CPSC public calendar. 994




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C 55.219/2:17/rev./984        Terrestrial geophysics data services. 984

C 55.219/2:18           U.S. land gravity. 982

C 55.219/2:5            Earthquake data file summary. 976

C 55.219/3:14/992 Item 0275-C National Oceanographic Data Center users guide, 2nd ed. 992

C 55.220:99 Item 0273-D-17    Proceedings of the Workshop on Geophysical Informatics, Moscow, August 14-18, 1988. 991

C 55.302:F 53/4   Item 0609-C-01    Retail identification plan for fishery products. 975

C 55.402:Es 8/5   Item 0192   1990 National Shellfish Register of Classified Estuarine Waters. 991

C 55.402:Sh 6/982 Item 0192   Ships of the NOAA fleet. 982

C 55.402:W 29/PLAN 2    Item 0192   Action Plan II: regional monitoring, data access, and interagency coordination. 996

C 55.402:W 29/PLAN 3    Item 0192   Action Plan III: marinas and boating. 996

C 55.408:C 37     Item 0192-B National Ocean Service United States Power Squadrons cooperative charting manual. 989

C 55.408:C 63/994 Item 0192-B Coast pilot manual. 994

C 55.425:4        Cook Inlet circulatory survey: 1973-75. 981

C 55.602:M 56/4   Item 0207-C-01    Misez west. 983

C 56.202:C 33/2         Public use samples of basic records from the 1970 census: description and technical documentation. 972

C 57.108:Ex 7/3/992-2         Export management system guidelines.

C 57.402:Po 75/972-73         American-Polish trade accords 1972-1973. 974

C 57.402:R 66/973-74          American-Romanian economic accords 1973-1974. 975

C 57.8:M 34/979         Measuring markets: a guide to the use of federal and state statistical data.

D 1.109:8/4 Item 0306-A-28    Journal of special operations medicine. Fall, 2008

D 103.2:Ag 6/6/app      Item 0337   Impact of tropical Storm Agnes on Chesapeake Bay. 975? (poor condition)

D 103.22:Io 9/3         Iowa and Cedar Rivers, IA and MN, at Evansdale, IA. 976

D 103.22:K 15/964       Kaskaskia River levees, IL. 964

D 103.22:L 53           Leland Harbor, MI. 962

D 103.22:L 59           Lexington Harbor, MI. 964

D 103.22:L 63           Lincoln, Clifty Creek, and Patoka Reservoirs, Wabash River basin, IN and IL. 965

D 103.22:L 96           Ludington Harbor, MI. 970

D 103.22:N 42bu         New Buffalo Harbor, MI. 962

D 103.22:N 63           Nishnabotna River, vicinity of Exira, IA. 967

D 103.22:On 8           Ontonagon Harbor, MI. 961

D 103.22:R 29           Rend Lake Reservoir, IL. 962

D 103.22:R 52r          River Rouge, MI. 961

D 103.22:R 59/4         Rock River, Rockford, IL. 962

D 103.22:R 72           Roseau River, MN. 965

D 103.22:Sa 1/2/965           Saginaw River, MI—Bay city section. 965

D 103.22:Sa 9/6         Saylorville Lake, Des Moines River, IA. 976

D 103.22:Sk 7           Skunk river, Ames Reservoir, IA. 965

D 103.22:T 19           Tawas Bay Harbor, MI. 967

D 103.22:W 11           Wabash River at Mount Carmel, IL. 962

D 103.22:W 35.2         Waukegan Harbor, IL. 968

D 103.22:W 64           South Branch Wild Rice river-Felton ditch, MN. 967

D 103.22:W 85           Wood river drainage and Levee District, Madison Co., IL. 963

D 103.22:Z 8            Zumbro river, MN. 964

D 103.22:Z 8/2          Zumbro River basin, MN. 973

D 103.22:Z 8/3          South Fork Zumbro River at Rochester, MN. 979

HE 20.6502:R 88/2 Item 0507-I-01    Delivering essential health care services in rural areas: an analysis of alternative models. 991

HE 20.6502:Un 3/Corr.   Item 0507-I-01    Uninsured Americans: a 1987 profile. 989

HE 20.6508:H 34/PRINCI. Item 0491-B-05    Statistics from the HCUP-3 nationwide inpatient sample for 1992: principal diagnoses. 996

HE 20.6508:M 56   Item 0491-B-05    Clinical practice guideline development methodology perspectives. 994

HE 20.6517:H 81         Sample design of the national medical expenditure survey—household component. 989?

HE 20.6517:H 81/2       Sample design of the 1987 household survey methods 3. 991

HE 20.7108:C 17   Item 0499-F-03    Carcinogens—working with carcinogens. 977

HE 20.7108:Su 7/2/V.1   Item 0499-F-03    National occupational exposure survey Volume 1 survey manual. 988

HE 20.7108:Su 7/2/v.2   Item 0499-F-03    National occupational exposure survey volume II: sampling methodology. 990

HE 20.7212:986/3        Presurgical chest X-ray screening examinations.

HE 20.8108:C 49/3 Item 0507-B-10    Citizen roles in community mental health center evaluation: a guide for citizens. 979

HE 20.8108:Se 9   Item 0507-B-10    Sexual victimization of adolescents. 985

HE 20.8110:D/4          Deinstitutionalization: an analytical review and sociological perspective. 976




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