



Contact Information:


Marcia Bair



Library Name:

David O. McKay Library


525 South Center Street

Rexburg, ID 83460-0405


Depository Number:



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D 1.2:AD 9/3/v.1-2

 Report of the Advisory Board




D 1.2:AF 8

 African Americans and WW II




D 1.2:AU 8

 National Automotive Center




D 1.2:B 29/993

 Defense Base Closure & Realignment Commission




D 1.2:B 39

 Report of the DOD Commission Beirut




D 1.2:B 45/2

 American forces in Berlin, 1945-1994




D 1.2:C 27/2

 U.S. casualties in Southeast Asia




D 1.2:C 67

 Coming in from the cold




D 1.2:C 73/5/990

 Skill in communication




D 1.2:C 73/13

 National Communications System




D 1.2:C 76/11/990

 Bicentennial of the United States Constitution  1990



D 1.2:D 48

 Discriminate deterrence




D 1.2:D62/2

 Directions for defense




D 1.2:D 79/26

 Adjusting to the drawdown




D 1.2:G 51/2/995

 Glossary: defense acquisition acronyms




D 1.2:SE 2/4

 Keeping the nation's secrets




D 1.2:Se 2/5

 Security awareness in the 1980s




D 1.2:So 8/5

 The Soviet space challenge




D 1.2:So8/6

 Soviet strategic and space programs




D 1.2:St 8/3

 Supporting U.S. strategy for third world conflict




D 1.2:T 71

 Treaty between the Twenty Two Sovereign Nations  1990



D 1.2:W 37

 NATO and Warsaw Pact weapons production trends  1990



D 1.6/2:AC 7/3/999

 Acquisition strategy guide




D 1.6/2:Ar 5/5

 Test manual for the ASVAB




D 1.6/2:AR 5/11

 Exploring careers: the ASVAB career exploration guide




D 1.6/2:C 76/3

 Bicentennial of the Constitution




D 1.6/2:C 82/999

 Indirect-cost management guide




D 1.6/2:H 74

 Days of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust




D 1.6/2:R 49/3/999

 Risk management guide for DoD acquisition




D 1.6/2:SCH 2/2000

 Scheduling guide for program managers




D 1.6/2:T 28/2/2001

 Test and evaluation management guide




D 1.6/15:2001

 Military careers




D 1.33:T 68

 The evolution of US Transportation Command  1990  0304-D


  D 1.41:33

 Profile v.33 #3-5 (Jan -March 1990)




D 1.41:34

 Profile v.34 #1-6 (Nov 1990- April 1991)




D 1.41:35

 Profile v.35 #1-6 (Nov 1991 -April 1992)




D 1.41:36

 Profile v.36 #1-5 (1992-93)




D 1.41:37

 Profile v.37 #2, 4-6 (1993-94)




D 1.41:38

 Profile v.38 #2-3 (1994)




D 1.41:39

 Profile v.39 #3 (Jan. 1996)




D 1.41:40

 Profile v.40 #2 (Dec.  1996)




D 1.41:41

 Profile v.41 #1,3,6 (1997-98)




D 1.41:42

 Profile v.42 #2,5 (1998-99)




D 1.41:43

 Profile v.43 #5-6 (March - April 2000)  2000  0304-G


D 1.41:44

 Profile v.44 #3-5 (Jan - March 2001)




D 1.41:45

 Profile v.45 #1 (Nov 2001)




D 1.71:FR 0035 S

 French, headstart for Belgium: Mod I-V




D 1.71:FR 0036 S

 French, headstart for Belgium: Cultural notes




D 1.71:GM 0100 S

 Headstart, German program: Mod X




D 1.71:GM 0101 S

 Headstart, German program: Student




D 1.71:GM 0102 S

 Headstart, German program: Cultural notes




D 1.71:GM 0103 S

 Headstart, German program: Glossary




D 1.71:GM 0297 S

 Headstart, German program: Mod I-III




D 1.71:GM 0301 S

 Headstart, German program: Mod IV-VI




D 1.71:GM 0302 S

 Headstart, German program: Mod VII-IX




D 1.71:GM 0330 S

 Headstart, German program: Instructor




D 1.71:JT 0065 S

 Italian headstart: Module I-III




D 1.71:JT 0066 S

 Italian headstart: Module IV-V




D 1.71:JT 0067 S

 Italian headstart: Cultural notes




D 1.71:JT 0068 S

 Italian headstart: Glossary




D 1.71:KP 0274 S

 Korean headstart




D 1.71:KP 0276 S

 Korean headstart: Cultural notes




D 1.71:LA 0087 S

 Spanish Headstart for Puerto Rico: Mod I-IV




D 1.71:LA 0088 S

 Spanish Headstart for Puerto Rico: Glossary




D 1.71:SR 0001 S

 Spanish: headstart for Spain




D 1.71:SR 0002 S

 Spanish: headstart for Spain-manual




D 1.71:SR 0002 S

 Spanish: headstart for Spain-cultural notes




D 1.71:TA 0001 S

 Headstart for the Philippines: cultural notes




D 1.71:TA 0002 S

 Headstart for the Philippines: modules I-V




D 1.98:

 US special operations forces posture statement.




D 1.100:

 World War II dispatch v.3 #1-2




D 1.105:

 Applied language learning v.5 #2




  D 2.15/3:92

 Defense v.92  #1-12 & Special issue




D 2.15/3:93

 Defense v. 93 #1-6




D 2.15/3:94

 Defense v. 94 #1-6




D 2.15/3:95

 Defense v. 95 #1-6




D 2.15/3:96

 Defense v. 96 #1-6




D 2.15/3:97

 Defense v. 97 #1-6




D 5.202:In 8/2/V.1-2,4

 Intelligence and the law: cases and materials




D 5.208/2:Sn 1

 Venomous snakes of the Middle East




D 5.302:T 32

 Index to names on... maps of Thailand




D 5.317:9/5/V.1

 American practical navigator




D 5.319:An 4

 Gazetteer of Angola




D 5.319:C 82

 Gazetteer of Costa Rica




D 5.319:D 64

 Gazetteer of Djibouti




D 5.319:ET 3

 Gazetteer of Ethiopia




D 5.319:G 35

 Gazetteer of Gibraltar




D 5.319:G 84

 Gazetteer of Greenland




D 5.319:G 93

 Gazetteer of Guatemala




D 5.319:H 75/983

 Gazetteer of Honduras




D 5.319:In 2/v.1-2

 Gazetteer of Indonesia




D 5.319:Is 7

 Gazetteer of Israel




D 5.319:Ir 1/v.1-2

 Gazetteer of Iran




D 5.319:K 84

 Gazetteer of North Korea




D 5.319:N 54

 Gazetteer of Nicaragua




D 5.319:P 17

 Gazetteer of Pakistan




D 5.319:Sa 3

 Gazetteer of El Salvador




D 5.319:So 5

 Gazetteer of Somalia




D 5.319:Sy 8

 Gazetteer of Syria




D 5.319:T 84/v.1-2

 Gazetteer of Turkey




D 5.319:Y 9/v.1-2

 Gazetteer of Yugoslavia




  D 101.1/10:993

 Progress report USAISC




D 101.1/11:993

 Army Research Lab. Annual review




D 101.1/11-2:996-2006

 Strategic plan for FY 1996-2006




D 101.1/12:993

 Army standard mission annual report




D 101.2:AC 2/5

 Accomplishments report. Environmental Hygiene




D 101.2:Ap 6

 US Army OMA, a keystone appropriation




D 101.2:AR 5/27/

 Army Reserve special report




D 101.2:C 68/7

 A trained and ready Army by Vuono




D 101.2:C 73/13/993

 Army Focuses on Ethics




D 101.2:D 45/6

 US Army Reserve in Operation Desert Storm




D 101.2:D 87

 Dugway Proving Ground




D 101.2:EN 8/5

 The Army Enterprise Implementation Plan




D 101.2:F 21/3

 What we know about Army families




D 101.2:F 77 B/2

 A history of Fort Benjamin Harrison, 1903-1982




D 101.2:F 77 C/2

 Fort Carson: A tradition of victory




D 101.2:G 33

 "Gettysburg": selected readings




D 101.2:H 62/3

 Military history: supplemental material




D 101.2:H 62/5

 Cutting edge: a history of Fort Detrick, Maryland




D 101.2:H 76

 Fifty years of excellence: Fort Hood




D 101.2:H 94

 Army Materiel Command... Hurricane Andrew




D 101.2:In 8/6

 Military intelligence: a picture history




D 101.2:M 57

 E.C. Meyer: Gen., US Army, Chief of Staff




D 101.2:P 41/3

 Determinants of effective unit performance




D 101.2:R 24/6

 Redstone Arsenal: yesterday and today




D 101.2:SI 2

 The Army's signal command




D 101.2:So 8/6

 Soviet military strategy in the 1990s




D 101.2:T 22/7

 Providing the technology edge for special op...




D 101.2:W 89/3

 A world 2010: a new order of nations




D 101.3/6-2:

 MANPRINT quarterly v.4 #1-3




D 101.12:47

 Soldiers v.47 #1-10,12




D 101.12:48

 Soldiers v.48 #1-12




D 101.12:49

 Soldiers v.49 #1-3,5-12




D 101.12:50

 Soldiers v.50




D 101.12:51

 Soldiers v.51




D 101.12:52

 Soldiers v.52




D 101.12:53

 Soldiers v.53




D 101.12:54

 Soldiers v.54




D 101.12:55

 Soldiers v.55 #2-11




D 101.12:56

 Soldiers v.56 #1




  D 101.22:27-50-

 The army lawyer  #238, 240-241




D 101.22:27-50-

 The army lawyer #242- 301




D 101.22:27-50-

 The army lawyer #302- 312




D 101.22:27-100-

 Military law review #137-158




D 101.22:155/987

 East Germany, a country study




D 101.22:550-111

 Armenia, Azerbaijan, & Georgia




D 101.22:550-112

 Belarus & Modova: country studies




D 101.22:550-185/994

 Persian Gulf States




D 101.43:

 Army reserve magazine v.39 #3-4




D 101.43:

 Army reserve magazine v.40 #1-4




D 101.47:

 United States Army aviation digest v.92 - 94




D 101.47:

 United States Army aviation digest v.95 #2




D 101.48:145-85/4

 Fundamentals of military law




D 101.69:

 Army logistician  (1992- 1996)




D 101.69:

 Army logistician #1-4,6 (1998)




D 101.69:

 Army logistician (1999-2000)




D 101.69:

 Army logistician (2000)




D 101.72:

 Parameters v.22 #4 (Winter 1992-93)




D 101.72:

 Parameters  v.23 -27 (1993-1998)




D 101.72:

 Parameters  v.28 #1,3-4 (1998-1999)




D 101.72:

 Parameters v.29 - 31 (1999-2002)





D 101.78/2:

 Armor v.109 #2-6 (March -Dec 2000)




D 101.78/2:

 Armor v.110 #1-3 (Jan. - June 2001)




D 101.78/2:

 Armor v.111 #3-6 (May - Dec 2002)




D 101.95:995

 Weapon systems




D 101.124:

 Special warfare v.6 #3-4 (July - Oct 1993)




D 101.124:

 Special warfare v.7 - 10  (1994 - 1997)




D 101.124:

 Special warfare v.11 #2 (Spring 1998)




D 103.43/2-2:M 69

 The Corps, the environment..  Mississippi River..




D 103.62:SA 3/2

 Improving salmon passage: draft




D 103.62:SN 2/FIN./SUM.

 Improving salmon passage: final




D 105.2:Se 6

 Serving the line with excellence




D 110.2:H 62

 A brief history of Fort Leavenworth, 1827-1983




D 110.7:

 Military review v.72 #10-12 (Oct- Dec 1992)




D 110.7:

 Military review v.73 #1-12 (1993)




D 110.7:

 Military review v.74 #1-11 (Jan - Nov 1994)




D 110.7:

 Military review v.75 #2-6 (March - Dec 1995)




  D 114.2:Ar 5/3

 Changing an Army ... General DePuy 




D 114.2:D 63/3

 Disaster on Green Ramp




D 114.2:H 62/4

 Proceedings of the 1982 Intl Military History Symp.




D 114.2:IN 2

 The Second Indochina war




D 114.2:L 82/3

 Logistics in World War II




D 114.2:L 82/4/v.1-3

 United States Army logistics, 1775-1992




D 114.2:L 82/5

 Spearhead of logistics




D 114.2:M 31

 The Battle of Second Manassas




D 114.2:M 31/2/992

 The U.S. Army GHQ maneuvers of 1941




D 114.2:M 31/3

 The modern Louisiana Maneuvers




D 114.2:M 46/2

 The history of the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps




D 114.2:M 71

 U.S. Army mobilization & logistics.. Korean War




D 114.2:N 93/3 

 Thirty-three years of Army nursing




D 114.2:N 93/996

 Highlights in the history of the Army Nurse Corps




D 114.2:P 11/999

 Reorganizing for pacification support




D 114.2:P 19/2

 Papers on the Constitution




D 114.2:SE 6/2

 The Sergeants Major of the Army




D 114.2:SI 2

 U.S. Army Signals Intelligence in World War II




D 114.2:So 4/2

 A soldier supporting soldiers




D 114.2:SO 4/4

 Soldiers serving the nation




D 114.2:SU 5

 Gordon R. Sullivan:  collected works 




D 114.2:SU 7

 Report... Allied Expeditionary Force 6 June 1944... 




D 114.2:T 68

 Transportation and logistics: one man's story




D 114.2:UR 6





D 114.2:V 67/2

 Vietnam from cease-fire to capitulation




D 114.2:V 88

 From the Volturno to the winter line




D 114.2:W 57

 The whirlwind war.. Desert Storm




D 114.2:W 89

 The U.S. Army and World War II




D 114.7:W 19/2 

 Global logistics and strategy, 1940-1943




D 114.7:EN 3/2

 The Corps of Engineers: the war against Germany




D 114.7:L 82/v.1-2/995

 Logistical support of the armies




D 114.7:M 46/2/V.4/993

 Cassino to the Alps




  D 114.7/5:AN 9





D 114.7/5:B 54

 Bismarck Archipelago




D 114.7/5:B 92

 Burma, 1942




D 114.7/5:B 92/2

 Central Burma




D 114.7/5:C 33/2

 Central Europe




D 114.7/5:C 43

 China defensive




D 114.7/5:C 43/2

 China offensive




D 114.7/5:EA 7

 East Indies




D 114.7/5:F 84

 Northern France




D 114.7/5:G 93





D 114.7/5:L 59





D 114.7/5:L 97





D 114.7/5:M 31

 Eastern Mandates




D 114.7/5:N 16





D 114.7/5:N 42 G

 New Guinea




D 114.7/5:N 78





D 114.7/5:P 53/2

 Southern Philippines




D 114.7/5:P 75

 Po Valley




D 114.7/5:R 66





D 114.7/5:R 99





D 114.7/5:SO 4

 Northern Solomons




D 114.7/5:SO 8

 Southern France




D 114.7/5:W 52

 Western Pacific




D 114.9:M 28 

 The Capture of Makin, 20 - 24 November 1943.




D 114.11:Ar 5/2

 Armies, Corps, Divisions...




D 114.15:

 Department of the Army historical summary




D 114.19:M 56 

 Getting the message through 




  D 201.2:R 31/3

 Armies.. development on Point Loma




D 202.13:

 Approach v.37 #8-17 (1992)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.38 #1-12 (1993)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.39 #1-11 (1994)




D 202.13:

 Approach Mech v.40 #1-3,5-6 (1995)




D 202.13:

 Approach Mech  v.41 #1-6 (1996)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.42 #1-7 (1997)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.43 #1-7,9-12 (1998)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.44 #1-12 (1999)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.45 #1-12 (2000)




D 202.13:

 Approach v.46 #1-2 (Jan - Feb 2001)




D 202.19:

 Mech #1-6 (1992)




D 202.19:

 Mech #1-3 (Jan - June 1993)




D 202.19:

 Mech #1-4 (1997)




D 202.19:

 Mech #1-4 (1998)




D 207.17:

 All hands #892,898-909




D 207.17:

 All hands #910,912,914-920




D 207.17:

 All hands #921-932




D 207.17:

 All hands #933- 944




D 207.17:

 All hands #945-956




D 207.17:

 All hands #957,959-964,966-969




D 207.17:

 All hands #970-980




D 207.17:

 All hands #981-986, 988-992 




D 207.17:

 All hands #992 - 1003 (Jan - Nov 2000)




D 207.17:

 All hands  (Feb -March 2001)




D 208.209:

 Naval War College review v.46 -51




D 208.209:

 Naval War College review v.52 #1 (Winter 1999)




D 208.210:7

 A bibliography...works of Alfred Thayer Mahan




D 208.210:9

 The Influence of history on Mahan




D 208.210:12

 The Queenstown patrol, 1917




D 208.210:13

 Doing naval history : essays toward improvement




  D 211.2:N 69

 Ambient Noise in the Sea




D 213.7:

 The air almanac (1990-1991)




D 213.7:

 The air almanac (1994)




D 213.7:

 The air almanac (1996-1998)




D 213.7:

 The air almanac (2000-2002)




D 213.8:

 The astronomical almanac for the year




D 213.8:

 The astronomical almanac for the year




D 213.8/3:

 Astronomical phenomena for the year




D 213.8/3:

 Astronomical phenomena for the year




D 213.11:

 The Nautical almanac for the year




D 214.13:L 49  

 U.S. Marines in Lebanon, 1982-1984 




D 214.13:P 43/2 

 U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991




D 214.13:V 67/971-73

 U.S. Marines in Vietnam, 1971-1973




D 301.8:

 Citizen airman v.45 #4-5  (Aug- Oct 1993)




D 301.8:

 Citizen airman v.46 #1-6 & Feb Supp




D 301.8:

 Citizen airman v.47 #1,3-6




D 301.8:

 Citizen airman v.48 #1-6




D 301.8:

 Citizen airman v.49 #1-6




D 301.8:

 Citizen airman v.50 #1-6




D 301.26/24:

 Airpower journal v.6 #1-4




D 301.26/24:

 Airpower journal v.7 #1-4




D 301.26/24:

 Airpower journal v.8 #1-4




D 301.26/24:

 Airpower journal v.9 #1-2




D 301.60:

 Airman v.36 #1-7, 9-12




D 301.60:

 Airman v.37 #2-12




D 301.60:

 Airman v. 38 (Jan - Dec 1994)




D 301.60:

 Airman v. 39 #1-6, 8-12




D 301.60:

 Airman v. 40 (Jan - Dec 1996)




D 301.60:

 Airman v. 41 #10-12 (Oct- Dec 1997)




D 301.60:

 Airman v. 42 (Jan - Dec 1998)




D 301.60:

 Airman v.43 #1-3,5-12 (1999)




D 301.60:

 Airman v.44 #1-11 (2000)








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Reimbursement is requested for postage over $10.00.


Additional Information:

available until July 7, 2009