Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Volpe Center Acoustics Facility Staff Biography

Clay N. Reherman

Clay N. Reherman
B.A., English, University of Louisville, KY, 1992
B.S., Mechanical Engineering,
University of Louisville, KY, 1999
M.S., Manufacturing Engineering,
Boston University, MA, 2001

Mr. Reherman has been a member of the Acoustics Facility staff at the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center since November 2000. He has been involved in several transportation-related acoustics projects around the US, including Colorado and Virginia.

As the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) for RTV-4F, Clay handles the majority of acquisition, work acceptance, and accounting work for the division.

Clay's work with the FAA and NPS takes him out in the field, where he has experience with microphone array planning and construction and GPS assembly and operation.