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Republic of Cyprus Commits $8.8 Million to the Harvard School of Public Health to Strengthen Public Health Partnership in Cyprus
October 5, 2009
The Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) signed an agreement on October 2, 2009, to strengthen and streamline the existing collaboration between HSPH and the Government of Cyprus, which will provide $8.8 million to HSPH toward a five-year extension of their public health partnership. [more...]

Survey Finds Just 40% of Adults "Absolutely Certain" They Will Get H1N1 Vaccine
October 2, 2009
In a new survey, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers found that just 40% of adults are "absolutely certain" they will get the H1N1 vaccine for themselves, and 51% of parents are "absolutely certain" that they will get the vaccine for their children. [more...]  

New NPR/Kaiser/Harvard Poll Examines Public's Views of the Role of Health Care Interest Groups in the Health Care Debate
September 30, 2009
A new survey conducted jointly by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health examines the public's views and opinions of the role of health care interest groups in the ongoing federal health care debate. [more...]

Obesity in Mid-Life Reduces the Chance of Healthy Survival in Women
September 30, 2009
A new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) researchers has found that, among a large study population of women who lived until at least age 70, being overweight in mid-life was associated with having more health problems later in life, including multiple chronic diseases, and impaired cognitive function, physical function and mental health. [more...]

Fifty-nine Percent Support Massachusetts' Landmark 2006 Health Reform Law
September 28, 2009

New Research Reveals the Ancestral Populations of India and Their Relationships to Modern Groups
September 23, 2009

HSPH-Led Team Discovers Protective Cellular Process in ALS Disease in Mice
September 16, 2009

Link Found Between Common Sexual Infection and Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer
September 9, 2009

Four-Fifths of Businesses Foresee Severe Problems Maintaining Operations If Significant H1N1 Flu Outbreak
September 9, 2009

High Levels of Lead in Bone Associated With Increased Risk of Death from Cardiovascular Disease in Men
September 8, 2009

Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics to Be Established at HSPH to Model Factors Involved in Infectious Disease Spread and Intervention
September 3, 2009

HSPH Professor Barry R. Bloom Named Recipient of National Award for Contributions to Understanding Immune Responses to Infectious Diseases
September 2, 2009

Survey: Six In Ten Americans Believe Serious Outbreak of H1N1 Likely in Fall/Winter
July 16, 2009

Brazil Proves Developing Countries Can Use Generic Medicines to Fight HIV/AIDS
July 14, 2009

see all 2009 press releases