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Decisions and Orders: Alphabetical Listing: GHI

Currently the information on this web site includes Decisions and Orders dating back to 1989. You can also search other categories or Search Administrative Law Judges web site. If you have any questions about the provided materials, please visit our contact page.

Decisions and Orders: Alphabetical Listing
ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQRS | TUV | WXYZ | Numerical


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Respondent Type of Order Docket No. Date
G&C Food Distributors & Brokers, Inc. (PDF)
(5 pages, 36 Kb)
Order on Complainant's Motion to Preclude the Admission of Testimony EPCRA 02-2000-4001 08/29/01
Gard Products, Inc. Order Denying Complainant's Motion For Default Judgement

Order On Respondent's Request For Leave To File Amended Answer And Prehearing Exchange
IFFRA-98-005 06/02/99
Garrison Jones Architects, Inc. Order Denying Motion For Accelerated Decision TSCA-
GCA Chemical Corp. (PDF)
(4 pages, 15 Kb)
Order Regarding Respondent's Request for Issuance of Subpoena TSCA 4-2000-0130 05/11/01
GCA Chemical Corporation (PDF)
(20 pages, 96 Kb)
Initial Decision TSCA 4-2000-0130 06/18/02
General Mills Operations, Inc., West Chicago, IL (PDF)
(3 pages, 24 Kb)
Order CWA-05-2003-0020 03/15/04
General Motors Automotive – North America (PDF)
(76 pages, 601 Kb)
Initial Decision Docket No. RCRA-05-2004-0001 03/30/06
General Motors Automotive - North America (PDF)
(5 pages, 22 Kb)
Order Denying EPA’s Motion in Limine to Strike
Respondent's “Fair Notice” Affirmative Defense
Docket No. RCRA-05-2004-0001 06/08/05
General Motors Automotive - North America (PDF)
(6 pages, 30 Kb)
Order on EPA’s Motion in Limine Docket No. RCRA-05-2004-0001 05/19/05
General Motors Automotive - North America (PDF)
(12 pages, 78 Kb)
Order Denying Complainant's Motion for Partial Accelerated Decision
Order Denying General Motor's Corporation's Motion for Accelerated Decision
Order Scheduling Hearing
RCRA-05-2004-0001 10/27/04
Trust No. 98-123, Ghengiskhan Xiong, Hu Xiong, Chuhu Xiong, and Maivtshiab Xiong (PDF) (2 pp, 51K) Order Granting Respondent's Attorney's Motion to Withdraw Docket No. TSCA-05-23008-0010 1/13/2009
George Atkinson, George's British Petroleum Order To Show Cause RCRA-(9006)-
Gil Haugan Construction, Inc. (PDF)
(2 pages, 1395 Kb)
Order Docket No. CWA-08-2005-0013 11/28/06
George Atkinson, George's British Petroleum Order On Default RCRA-(9006)-
Jack Golden (PDF)
(14 pages, 38 Kb)
Default Order And Initial Decision CWA 10-99-0188 10/06/00
Goodman Oil Company (PDF)
(1 page, 64 Kb)
Order Granting Complainant's Motion For Subpoena RCRA 10-2000-0113 07/30/01
Goodman Oil Company (PDF)
(18 pages, 56 Kb)
Order On Complainant's Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision RCRA 10-2000-0113 08/22/01
Goodman Oil Company (PDF)
(6 pages, 23 Kb)
Order On Respondent's Motions For Reconsideration And To Supplement Pre-hearing Exchange RCRA 10-2000-0113 09/06/01
Goodman Oil Company and Goodman Oil Company of Lewiston (PDF)
(68 pages, 380 Kb)
Initial Decision RCRA-10-2000-0113 01/30/03
Goodman Oil Company and Goodman Oil Company of Lewiston (PDF)
(7 pages, 118 Kb)
Order Denying Motion To Reopen Hearing RCRA-10-2000-0113 04/10/03
Gordon Head, et al. Order TSCA-
Grassland Dairy Products, Inc. Greenwood, Wisconsin Order Denying Respondent's Motion For Summary Judgement CWA-A-
Gray Waste Management Corporation and Miller-Thomas-Gyekis, Inc. (PDF)
(6 pages, 50 Kb)
Order on Complainant's Motion in Limine
Order on Respondents' Motion in Limine
CAA 3-2000-0006 08/17/01
Leonard G. Greak (PDF)
(18 pages, 58 Kb)
Order Granting Complainant's Motion For Accelerated Decision As To Liability TSCA 3-2000-0016 04/06/01
Greenfield Bayou Levee & Ditch Conservancy District (PDF)
(32 pages, 228 Kb)
Initial Decision CWA 5-2001-001 12/13/02
Green Oil Company (PDF)
(6 pages, 123 Kb)
Order On Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision As To Liability CWA-07-2002-0059 01/31/03
Group Eight Technology, Inc. Initial Decision and Order On Remand Granting Accelerated Decision TSCA-
Rex Guice and Four "G" Enterprises Initial Decision RCRA (9006) VIII-95-01 09/30/97
Gwinnett County Department of Public Utilities Default Order CWA-
Gypsum North Corporation, Inc. (PDF)
(7 pages, 47 Kb)
Order On Motions For Accelerated Decision CAA 02-2001-1253 04/10/02
Gypsum North Corporation, Inc. (PDF)
(17 pages, 156 Kb)
Initial Decision CAA-02-2001-1253 11/01/02

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Hall Signs, Inc. Order Denying Motion For Accelerated Decision 5-EPCRA-
Hall Signs, Inc. Initial Decision 5-EPCRA-
Hallar Enterprises, Inc. Order RCRA-VI-815-H 01/20/99
U.S. Department of Energy
Hanford Nuclear Reservation (PDF)

(17 pages, 57 Kb)
Determination Regarding CERCLA and RCRA Jurisdictional Relationship RCRA 10-99-0106 02/09/00
Harpoon Partnership (PDF)
(6 pages, 84 Kb)
Order Granting Complainant's Motion To File The Second Amended Complaint TSCA-05-2002-0004 04/09/03
Harpoon Partnership (PDF)
(22 pages, 188 Kb)
Order Granting Complainant's Request For Partial Accelerated Decision And Denying Respondent's Request For Partial Accelerated Decision TSCA-05-2002-0004 08/04/03
Harpoon Partnership (PDF)
(5 pages, 120 Kb)
Order Denying Respondent's Motion To Strike Any Allegation Pertaining To Acres Real Estate, Ltd. From The Complaint TSCA-05-2002-0004 08/12/03
Harpoon Partnership (PDF)
(54 pages, 174 Kb)
Initial Decision TSCA-05-2002-0004 05/27/04
Harrisburg Hospital and First Capital Insulation, Inc. Order CAA-111-076 06/20/97
Haviland Enterprises, Inc.; Meijer, Inc.; and
AHQ Associates
Order Granting Motion To Consolidate Proceedings 5-IFFRA-97-001 5-IFFRA-97-002
University of Hawaii Orders Upon Cross Motions For Summary Decisions TSCA-
Health Care Products, Inc., et al. Orders On Discovery and Granting Motion To Amend Complaint FIFRA 93-H-02F
FIFRA 95-H-04
Heating Oil Partners, L.P. Order Granting Complainant's Motion For Partial Accelerated Decision and Denying Respondent's Cross Motion CWA-III-199 09/21/98
H.E.L.P.E.R., Inc. Initial Decision EPCRA-
Robert J. Heser & Andrew Heser (PDF) (9 pp, 212K) Recommended Decision Denying Respondents Equal Access To
Justice Act Application For Attorneys Fees And Costs
Docket No. CWA-05-2006-0002 10/08/08
Robert J. Heser and Andrew Heser (PDF) (33pp, 179K) Order of Dismissal Docket No. CWA-05-2006-0002 12/19/07
Robert J. Heser, Heser Farms, and Andrew Heser (PDF) (6 pages, 901Kb) Order on Respondents’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Docket No. CWA-05-2006-0002 02/23/07
Robert J. Heser, Heser Farms, and Andrew Heser (PDF) (4 pages, 43Kb) Order on Respondents’ Motions for Additional Discovery Docket No. CWA-05-2006-0002 02/23/07
Hillyard Industries, Inc. (PDF)
(2 pages, 18 Kb)
Order Granting Withdrawal of Amended Complaint Without Prejudice FIFRA-07-2004-0124 05/11/04
Hing Mau, Inc. (PDF)
(9 pages, 54 Kb)
Order Granting Motion For Accelerated Decision On Liability and Denying Accelerated Decision As To Penalty FIFRA-9-2001-0017 08/13/02
Hing Mau, Inc. (PDF)
(19 pages, 151 Kb)
Initial Decision FIFRA-9-2001-0017 08/25/03
Hippert, Robert K., et al. Order Denying Motion To Dismiss CAA-III-064 11/08/96
Hoosier Spline Broach Corporation
(Application under EAJA)
Supplemental Recommended Decision V-W-16-93 11/13/96
Hoven Co-op Service Company (PDF)
(25 pages, 48 Kb)
Initial Decision FIFRA 8-99-31 02/20/01
Howmet Corporation (PDF)
(3 pages, 82 Kb)
Initial Decision Docket Nos. RCRA 02-2004-7102,
RCRA 06-2003-0912,
Howmet Corporation (PDF)
(3 pages, 13 Kb)
Order on Respondent's Motion for Interlocutory Appeal RCRA 02-2004-7102
RCRA 06-2003-0912
Howmet Corporation (PDF)
(22 pages, 113 Kb)
Order On Motions RCRA 02-2004-7102 04/25/05
Ronald H. Hunt, et al. (PDF)
(44 pages, 237 Kb)
Initial Decision Docket No. TSCA-03-2003-0285 03/08/05
Ronald H. Hunt, et al. (PDF)
(14 pages, 70 Kb)
Order On EPA's Motion for Accelerated Decision, Motion To Withdraw, and Motion To Reschedule Hearing TSCA-03-2003-0285 07/02/04
Ronald H. Hunt, et al. (PDF)
(10 pages, 52 Kb)
Order On Joint Motion For Protective Order, Complainant's Motion For Discovery and Motion In Limine and Motion To Stay Issuance of Witness Subpoenas TSCA-03-2003-0285 08/03/04
The County of Huron et al. Order Denying Complainant's Second Motion To Postpone Hearing
Order Denying Respondent's Motion For Accelerated Decision To Dismiss Complaint
5-CWA-97-010 09/11/98

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Icor International, Inc. Order Denying Motion For Extension Of Hearing Date CAA 5-98-038 04/13/99
Icor International, Inc. Order Denying Extension Of Hearing Date CAA 5-98-038 04/21/99
Icor International, Inc. Order Denying Motion For Accelerated Decision CAA 5-98-038 04/26/99
Illinois, State of Order CAA-001-1995 03/24/97
Illinois, State of Order Denying Motion To Amend Complaint and Order to Show Cause CAA-001-1995 03/14/97
Indspec Chemical Corporation and Associated Thermalservices, Inc. (PDF)
(1 page, 11 Kb)
Order Denying Motion for Issuance of Subpoena Docket No. CAA-III-086 02/2098
Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods (PDF)
(4 pages, 34 Kb)
Order Denying Complainant's Motion To Compel Production Of Documents CWA 07-2001-0052
CERCLA 07-2002-0009
EPCRA 07-2002-0009
J.M. Inchaustegui, formerly d.b.a. UNI-KEM International, Inc. (PDF)
(10 pages, 53 Kb)
Order Denying Complainant's Motion For Default Order And Assessment Of Civil Penalty RCRA 6-2000-0071 02/28/02
Indiana Michigan Power Company (PDF)
(31 pages, 136 Kb)
Order On Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability and Penalty Docket Nos.
Indespec Chemical Corporation, et al. Order On Motions CAA-III-086 12/05/97
Indespec Chemical Corporation, et al. Order On Complainant's Renewed Motion For Relief CAA-III-086 02/12/98
Indspec Chemical Corporation, et al. Initial Decision CAA-III-086 01/26/99
Indoor Air Quality, Inc., et al. Order Denying Respondent's Motion To Enforce Settlement and Granting, In Part, Complainant's Motion to Strike Settlement Documents CAA-III-074 09/18/97
Industrial Chemicals Corp. (PDF)
(48 pages, 103 Kb)
Initial Decision CWA-02-99-3402 06/16/00
Industrial Chemicals Corporation (PDF)
(16 pages, 55 Kb)
Initial Decision CWA 02-99-3803 09/22/00
Industrial Waste Cleanup, Inc. (PDF)
(11 pages, 38 Kb)
Order On Motions For Accelerated Decision And Dismissal CAA-5-99-019 08/30/00
Intermountain Farmers Association (PDF)
(2 pages, 10 Kb)
Order On Discovery FIFRA-8-99-58 03/24/00
Intermountain Farmers Association (PDF)
(2 pages, 9 Kb)
Order Denying Motion For Discovery Sanctions FIFRA-8-99-58 03/28/00
Intermountain Farmers Association (PDF)
(2 pages, 10 Kb)
Order Denying Respondent's Motion For Accelerated Decision FIFRA 8-99-58 04/27/00
International Paper Company, Mansfield, LA (PDF)
(23 pages, 56 Kb)
Initial Decision CAA R6-P-9-LA-98030 01/19/00
International Paper Company, Mansfield, LA (PDF)
(6 pages, 14 Kb)
Order on Motions for Discovery and Supplemental Prehearing Exchange CAA R6-P-9-LA-98030 01/26/00
Invitation Energy, Inc. (PDF)
(3 pages, 26 Kb)
Order Denying Complainant's Motion For Accelerated Decision Docket No. CWA-03-2004-0304 04/13/05
Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods (PDF)
(4 pages, 34 Kb)
Order Denying Complainant's Motion To Compel Production Of Documents CWA 07-2001-0052
CERCLA 07-2002-0009
EPCRA 07-2002-0009
Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods (PDF)
(5 pages, 39 Kb)
Order On Complainant's Motion To Strike Affirmative Defenses CWA 07-2001-0052
CERCLA 07-2002-0009
EPCRA 07-2002-0009
Isochem North America, LLC, (PDF) (3 pp, 659K) Order Denying Respondent's Emergency Motion to Cancel Deposition Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 04/17/08
Isochem North America, LLC, (PDF) (6 pp, 36K) Order on Complainant's Third Motion to Compel Discovery Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 04/10/08
Isochem North America, LLC, (PDF) (2 pp, 26K) Order Regarding Deposition Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 03/31/08
Isochem North America, LLC, (PDF) (8 pp, 57K) Order On Complainant's Motions To Compel Discovery Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 03/06/08
Isochem North America, LLC (PDF) (5 pp, 668K) Order Denying Motion for Interlocutory Appeal Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 02/07/08
Isochem North America, LLC (PDF) (32 pp, 184K) Order on Complainant’s Motion for Accelerated Decision and on Respondent’s Cross-Motion to Amend Answer and to Dismiss the Complaint and Order Scheduling Hearing Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 12/27/07
Isochem North America, LLC, (PDF) (9 pages, 62Kb) Order on Respondedt's Unopposed Motion to Extend Time and Complainant's Motion for Default, or in the Alternative, for an Extension of Time Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 04/25/07
ISOCHEM North America, LLC (PDF)
(1 page, 25 Kb)
Order Docket No. TSCA-02-2006-9143 11/22/06

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