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Friends of Aransas and Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuges

The Friends of Aransas and Matagorda Island (FAMI) were organized in 1997 with a handful of local citizens who cared about the Refuge and wanted to make a difference. Since then, membership has grown and the group has become an important partner for the Refuge.

In 2000, FAMI assumed operation of the Visitor Center nature store. FAMI members provided the full range of retail management functions on a volunteer basis, with day-to-day operations provided by Refuge staff and volunteers.

FAMI Nature Store Volunteers

With store profits, FAMI is able to support and fund Refuge projects such as water/windmill restoration at ten sites, prairie restoration at the Whitmire Unit, Brundrett Lake culvert repair marsh enhancement at Matagorda Island, Big Devil Bayou culvert repair, Shell Reef Culvert project, water hyacinth control at the Whitmire Unit, Port O’Connor boat barn construction, scholarships, grants projects, Manager’s fund, youth hunts, Refuge Celebration, Fishing Clinic, and the Migration event. Other activities include staffing the Visitor Center front desk, van tours, conducting both on and off-Refuge visitor presentations, school programs, guided walking tours, Christmas Bird Count sponsorship, and support of off-site Refuge festival booths at the Whooping Crane Festival in Pt. Aransas, Hummer/Bird Celebration in Rockport and a State Science Teachers Convention held in Corpus Christi in 2004.

Friends of Aransas & Matagorda Island NWR
Mission Statement

Friends of Aransas & Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuges (FAMI) will work to support and assist the Aransas and Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex in its goal of enhancing habitat and wildlife and encouraging compatible wildlife-dependent public uses of the Refuges through educational, interpretive, scientific and other activities appropriate to the Mission of these Refuges.

FAMI Nature Store
The Nature Store offers drinks and snacks along with mosquito repellent and hunter tape. You’ll find a large variety of nature-related products from children’s games and books to T-shirts and field guides for the experienced birder or naturalist. All profits go back to the Refuge to support needed projects. If there is something in particular you are interested in purchasing, please contact Business Manager Beverly Fletcher at the Refuge (361-286-3559).
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