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Big Bend National Park
Frequently Asked Questions about weather

Below are commonly asked questions about weather in the Big Bend. Please contact us, use the site index, or look elsewhere on the website if your question is not answered here.

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How hot does it get in Big Bend?
How cold does it get in Big Bend?
How much does it rain in Big Bend?
Does it ever snow in Big Bend?

How hot does it get in Big Bend?
It can get as hot as 115-120° F along the river during late May and June. However, the temperatures will normally be in the range of 88-110° F during the hottest time of the year—the lower end of that range being in the Basin, the hotter temperatures along the river.
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How cold does it get in Big Bend?
The winter months (December, January, and February) can bring cold weather, dropping temperatures down into the thirties, and occasionally bringing snow. However, interspersed with these cold spells are spells of very comfortable, warm weather (70s or 80s and even higher sometimes, down on the river). The nights, however, are commonly freezing or below—in the 20s or teens down on the river.
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How much does it rain in Big Bend?
Rainfall averages from about 7 inches down on the river to 15-20 inches yearly in the mountains.
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Does it ever snow in Big Bend?
Occasionally, winter cold fronts will bring a few inches of snow (sometimes more) but it doesn’t last long. During snow or ice storms, the road to the Chisos Basin may be closed for a few hours until it's safe again for travel. See photographs of snow in the Big Bend...
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Did You Know?
Established in 1956, the Big Bend Natural History Association operates bookstores in all the visitor centers in Big Bend National Park. During that time they have contributed $1.8 million dollars to support the mission of the National Park Service at Big Bend National Park and Amistad NRA.

Last Updated: May 20, 2007 at 11:45 EST