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Federal and State Compliance Reviews
  All Domiciles U.S. Mexico Canada
Safety Rating Federal State Total Federal State Total Federal State Total Federal State Total
transparent imageSatisfactory 6,1882,9149,1025,9232,9148,837870871780178
transparent imageConditional 2,2611,0443,3052,1881,0443,2321901954054
transparent imageUnsatisfactory 372166538355166521808909
transparent imageNot Rated 8071,6862,4937601,6862,4462902918018
transparent imageTotal9,6285,81015,4389,2265,81015,03614301432590259

Data Source: FMCSA Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) December 19, 2008 snapshot.
2008 data, as of December 19, 2008
U.S. Department of Transportation Logo U.S. Department of Transportation   Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
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