State Water Resources Research Institute Program

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State Water Resources Research Institutes
1998 Competitive Grant Awards

The following projects were awarded grants under the fiscal year 1998 Regional Competitive Grant Program. For a synopsis of a project, click on the state abbreviation to the left of the title.

The Project Abstracts are also available in Adobe® (.PDF) format. If you do not have Adobe® Acrobat® you can download a free copy of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® here.

Table of Contents

AL Cost-Effective Strategies for Minimizing Water Usage and Discharge in the Polymer and Fiber Industries [PDF]
AR Investigation of Optimum Sample Number and Timing for Determining Pollution Loads [PDF]
AZ Decision Support System for River System Management Under Hydroclimatic Variability [PDF]
CO Meeting Time Dependent Instream Flow Requirements in a Fully Appropriated Multi-State River Basin [PDF]
CT An Assessment of the Transferability of Habitat Suitability Criteria for Brown Trout in Southern New England Streams [PDF]
FL Well-Field Pumping Effects on Isolated Wetlands [PDF]
GA Sustainability of Surficial Aquifer Resources on Endmember (Developed and Pristine) Barrier Islands near Brunswick, Georgia [PDF]
GU Island Karst Hydrology of Guam and its Incorporation into a General Carbonate Island Karst Model [PDF]
HI Assessment of Chemical Pollution and Bioavailability in Pearl Harbor using Supercritical Fluid and Immunochemical Methods [PDF]
IA Treatment of Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater Using FE(0) and Autotrophic Denitrification [PDF]
IL Cost Effective Monitoring Design for Intrinsic Bioremediation [PDF]
KS Sources and Control of Geosmin in Midwestern Water Supply Reservoirs [PDF]
KY Using Neutral Networks to Identify and Quantify Significant Sources of Encysted Protozoa in Watersheds [PDF]
MA Workshop on Best Management Practices for Airport De-Icing Storm Water [PDF]
MD Multifaceted Investigation of Arsenic Biogeochemistry [PDF]
ME Association of Methyl Mercury with Dissolved Organic Carbon: Implications for Bioaccumulation in Maine Freshwater Fish [PDF]
ME Differentiating Local Contributions of Mercury from Regional Inputs [PDF]
ME Using Semi-permeable Membrane Devices for Detecting and Assessing Risk of Exposure to Dioxins in Natural Waters [PDF]
MN Controls of Biomass: Nutrient Ratios in Streams and Rivers [PDF]
MN Organic Matter Binding and Photoreduction of Mercuric Ion and Methylmercury in Surface Water [PDF]
MO Developing a Model for Watershed Management Through Determining Water Quality and Land-Use Impacts on Endangered Topeka Shiner (Notropis Topeka) [PDF]
MS Assessment of Environmental Estrogens in Wastewater: Potential for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity in Fish [PDF]
MS Chemical Mixtures: Consequences for Water Quality [PDF]
MT Enhancement of Fuel Oxygenate Biodegradation from Montana Fuel Release Sites [PDF]
MT Influence of Mine Reclamation Amendments on Metal Mobility and Water Pollution Potential [PDF]
NC Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Swine Waste Management [PDF]
NC Eutrophication in the Tar-Pamlico and Neuse River Estuaries of North Carolina [PDF]
NE Determination of Aquifer and Aquitard Hydraulic Properties and Their Role in Streamflow Depletion [PDF]
NE Hydraulic Characterization of the Stream-Aquifer Interface: Theory, Field Implementation, and Practical Ramifications - A Multi-State Proposal [PDF]
NH A Survey of 50 New Hampshire Lakes for Microcystins [PDF]
NV A Multi-Level Approach to Modeling Ground- and Surface-Water Exchange in Agriculturally-Dominated Settings [PDF]
NY Cryptosporidium Parvum: Fate of Oocysts in Soil [PDF]
NY Developing Comprehensive Criteria for Dehalorespiratory Bioremediation of Chlormated Ethenes in a Contaminated Aquifer [PDF]
NY Preferential Flow and Organic Enhancement of Metals Transport to Groundwater from Land-Applied Biosolids in the Northeastern U.S. [PDF]
OH Enhanced Removal of DBP Precursors During Precipitative Softening Through Co-Adsorption Processes [PDF]
OH In-Situ Destruction of Solvents by Permangante: Proof of Concept Experiments [PDF]
OH Nutrient Cycling in Integrated Crop/Wetlands/Reservoir Management Systems [PDF]
OH Sonochemical Remediation of PCB Contaminated Sediments [PDF]
PA Disseminating Information to Individual Water System Managers in Pennsylvania by Satellite [PDF]
PA Occurrence of H. pylori in Surface, Ground, and Finished Water: Implications for Drinking Water Supplies [PDF]
PA The Use of Seasonal O18 Signatures in Modeling Shallow Groundwater Recharge [PDF]
TN Field-Testing of Krypton-85 as an Emerging Tool for Age-Dating Groundwater, II [PDF]
VI Applicable Indicators for Risk for Coastal Waters in Tropical Environments [PDF]
VT Stable Isotope Analysis of the Contribution of N2 Fixation to Phytoplankton Nutrition, Lake Nitrogen Budgets and Lake Eutrophication [PDF]
WA Evaluating Water Policy Affecting Fish Habitat, Hydrology, and Irrigated Agriculture in the Snake River Basin [PDF]
WI The Use of Subsurface Irrigation to Restore Degraded Ground-Water-Fed Wetlands [PDF]

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 03-Apr-2007 11:21:41 EDT