Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
  Image representing Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
This Practice Guide was developed by an expert panel convened by the Institute of Education Sciences. It offers five recommendations to encourage girls in math and science. A summary of the research evidence and a level-of-evidence rating are provided for each recommendation. This Practice Guide is the foundation for all the Doing What Works content on encouraging girls in math and science.

Access the Practice Guide on the IES Website.
Essential Concepts
Link to start Multimedia Overview: Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Multimedia Overview: Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Use this short overview to learn about the importance of encouraging girls in math and science and five research-based strategies for math and science teachers and students at all grade levels. (6:46 min)

Link to download Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Several inter-related instructional practices can be carried out as part of the regular math and science curriculum to encourage greater interest, academic self-esteem, and achievement levels for girls in math and science. Students in all levels of math and science courses may benefit from these instructional practices. This diagram can serve as a quick reminder to teachers of the materials they have reviewed from this website.
pdf Download Diagram | PDF | 272 KB

Expert Interview: Encouraging Girls in Math and Science (Part 1)
Diane F. Halpern, Ph.D.
Claremont McKenna College
This interview features Diane Halpern, chair of the expert panel that produced the Practice Guide. In Part 1 of the interview, Dr. Halpern describes the research evidence and reasoning for the five practices that are described in the Practice Guide. (11:31 min)
Download Video Download Video | Quicktime | 84 MB | 11:31 min
Expert Interview: Encouraging Girls in Math and Science (Part 2)
Diane F. Halpern, Ph.D.
Claremont McKenna College
This interview features Diane Halpern, chair of the expert panel that produced the Practice Guide. In Part 2 of the interview, Dr. Halpern discusses implementation ideas and roles that school staff, district administrators, and parents can play to encourage girls in math and science. (4:11 min)
Download Video Download Video | Quicktime | 30 MB | 4:11 min

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