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The Federal Railroad Administration Passenger train traveling through New England, autumn

Tracks & Structures

Track and Structures Research work is carried out through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts with public or private organizations, including institutions of higher learning through FRA’s University Grants Program. The cooperative approach is particularly encouraged because it leverages outside resources, thus minimizing the FRA funding requirements; it reduces the need for demonstration or deployment funding since partners in the development effort may often also be the end product users; and it affords the FRA a better understanding of the safety needs of the railroad industry as new concepts and technologies are put into use in the railroad environment, and has assurance that a high level of concern for safety is included in their early consideration.

    • Rail Defect Detection
    • Alternative Techniques for the Detection of Broken Rail or Track Hazards
    • Longitudinal Rail Stress Measurement
    • Track Gage Widening Strength
    • Vertical Track Support Measurement
    • Automated Inspection of Roadbed
    • Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of Bridges

    • Rail Steel and Defect Growth Studies
    • Rail Wear Limits
    • Turnouts and Track Crossings
    • Rail Welding
    • New Track Materials and Components
    • Composite Materials for Bridges

    • Track Performance under Heavy Axle Loads
    • Heavy Axle Loads on Short Lines
    • Track Degradation Model
    • Upgrading Track for High-Speed Operation
    • Alternative Track Designs
    • Track Panel Shift Risk
    • Track Buckling Prevention
    • Rail Pull-Apart Prevention
    • Transition Safety
    • Bridge

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590