Ecological Services
Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"


The National Wetlands Inventory, in Region 2, provides wetland and riparian digital data and information to aid Service, Federal and State agencies, and the general public in making informed decisions concerning these ecologically valuable habitats. The NWI Team is focused on updating critical areas of the Region, with state-of-the-art Geographic Information System (GIS) data, providing a platform for future monitoring and assessment programs to aid in resource management decision-making.

Digital Vector Data Availability

All NWI vector data is available through the National Wetlands Mapper.

Mouse over colored regional project areas for links to further information. For information on areas outside the colored polygons, contact the Regional Wetlands Coordinator.

Coastal Texas San Juan San Pedro Oklahoma mapping Oklahoma mapping Oklahoma mapping Oklahoma mapping Middle Rio Grande Pecos River Santa Cruz River/Wilcox Playa Santa Cruz River/Wilcox Playa Salt River/Tonto Creek Gila Watershed Caddo Lake Sulphur River Playa Lakes Oklahoma digitizing Oklahoma digitizing Oklahoma digitizing Oklahoma digitizing Oklahoma digitizing Oklahoma digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing British Petroleum digitizing British Petroluem digitizing USFS/TVA digitizing Houston/Galveston update Corpus Christi update Navajo Nation Update


Contact Information

Jim Dick, Regional Wetlands Coordinator
500 Gold Ave, SW
Room 6056
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 505-248-6660

Last updated: January 9, 2009