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Women's Legal Rights

Advancing Women's Rights Globally

Length of Activity: November 2001 - October 2005

Objective: Together, with partnering national organizations, the Georgetown Human Rights Clinic used international, regional, national, and comparative human rights law to improve the status of women. Focuses included: domestic violence, reforming discriminatory marital property, inheritance and land ownership law, polygamy, ending employment discrimination, political empowerment, and ending trafficking in women.

NGO attorneys worked with Clinic faculty and students to develop proposed legislation, litigation, and human rights reports to enforce women's human rights. The local partners then used public education, collaboration with other civil society organizations, lobbying and litigation to bring these rights to fruition.

Activities: The implementing partner identified and worked with the following organizations: Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa-Ghana (LAWA-Ghana), a Ghanaian women's rights NGO; Law and Advocacy for Women-Uganda (LAW-Uganda), a Ugandan women's rights NGO; the Women's Legal Aid Centre, a Tanzanian women's rights NGO; and the Women's Rights and Protection Alternative (WRAPA), a Nigerian women's rights NGO.

PDFAdvancing Women's Rights GLobally: Consolidated Quarterly Reports, 2002-2003 August 2004, PDF 153K

Protecting Women's Legal Rights in Mexico, Colombia, and Dominican Republic

Length of Activity: September 2001 - September 2003

Objective: This activity supported community-based efforts to protect women's legal rights in Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Mexico with primary emphasis on gender violence and secondary emphasis on trafficking in women/sex tourism.

Goals included: increasing the capacity of women to understand and defend their legal rights; supporting innovative programs that increase awareness of and protect women from rights violations in gender violence and trafficking in women/sex tourism; generating constructive community responses to violations of women's legal rights; connecting organizations working on behalf of women's legal rights; and promoting the sharing of best practices.

Activities: The implementing partner offered three capacity building workshops in each country to NGOs working on women's legal rights. Grants were made to 18 organizations conducting innovative work within the countries, in addition to providing ongoing technical assistance.

PDF Protecting Women's Legal Rights in Mexico, Colombia and the Dominican Republic: Final Report 2003, PDF 153K

NGO Small Grants Program

Length of Activity: September 2000 - November 2002

Objective: The NGO Small Grants Program provided grants of $25,000 or less to 22 NGOs in 21 developing countries in Africa and Asia to strengthen women's rights in the area of property and inheritance rights. Grantees were active in four countries in Africa (Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, and Tanzania) and in four countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) with the support and approval of USAID Missions.

Grants were also awarded in the areas of Conservation-based Economic Opportunities for Women, and Women's Working Conditions (also see Economic Growth).

Activities: Two central approaches were taken. First, activities that advocated, reported on, or sought to inform women and/or governmental officials (executive branch or praliamentarians) and judicial and legal professionals about women's property and inheritance rights. And, second, activities that focused on a consolidated effort or approach among the NGO and government community to address issues of property and inheritance rights.

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Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:07:51 -0500