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Pamela L. Schwartzberg, M.D., Ph.D.

Acting Chief & Senior Investigator, Genetic Disease Research Branch
Head, Cell Signaling Section

Selected Publications

Debnath J., Chamorro M., Czar M.J., Schaeffer E.M., Lenardo M.J., Varmus H.E., Schwartzberg P.L.. rlk/TXK encodes two forms of a novel cysteine string tyrosine kinase activated by Src family kinases. Mol Cell Biol, 19(2):1498-507. 1999. [PubMed]

Schaeffer E.M., Debnath J., Yap G., McVicar D., Liao X.C., Littman D.R., Sher A., Varmus H.E., Lenardo M.J., Schwartzberg P.L. Requirement for Tec kinases Rlk and Itk in T cell receptor signaling and immunity. Science, 284(5414):638-41. 1999. [PubMed]

Schaeffer E., Broussard C., Debnath J., Anderson S., McVicar D., Schwartzberg P. Tec family kinases modulate thresholds for thymocyte development and selection. J Exp Med, 192:987-1000. 2000. [PubMed]

Czar M.J., Kersh E.N., Mijares L.A., Lanier G., Lewis J., Yap G., Chen A., Sher A., Duckett C.S., Ahmed R., Schwartzberg P.L. Altered lymphocyte responses and cytokine production in mice deficient in the X-linked lymphoproliferative disease gene SH2D1A/DSHP/SAP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 98:7449-54. 2001. [PubMed]

Xing L., Venegas A., Chen A., Garrett L., Boyce B., Varmus H.E., Schwartzberg P.L. Genetic evidence for a role for Src family kinases in TNF family receptor signaling and cell survival. Genes Dev, 15:241-253. 2001. [PubMed]

Schaeffer E.M., Yap G.S., Lewis C.M., Czar M.J., McVicar D.W., Cheever A.W., Sher A., Schwartzberg P.L.. Mutation of Tec family kinases alters T helper cell differentiation. Nat Immunol, 2:1183-8. 2001. [PubMed]

Crotty S., Kersh E.N., Cannons J., Schwartzberg P.L., Ahmed R.. SAP is required for generating long-term humoral immunity. Nature, 16;421(6920):282-7. 2003. [PubMed]

Labno C.M., Lewis C.M., You D., Leung D.W., Takesono A., Kamberos N., Seth A., Finkelstein L.D., Rosen M.K., Schwartzberg P.L., Burkhardt J.K. Itk functions to control actin polymerization at the immune synapse through localized activation of Cdc42 and WASP. Curr Biol, 13:1619¿1624. 2003. [PubMed]

Takesono, A., Horai, R., Mandai, M., Dombroski, D., and Schwartzberg, P.L. Requirement for Tec family kinases in chemokine-induced migration and activation of Cdc42 and Rac. Curr. Biol, 10:917-22. 2004. [PubMed]

Finkelstein L.D., Schwartzberg P.L. Tec kinases: shaping T-cell activation through actin. Trends Cell Biol, 14:443-451. 2004. [PubMed]

Cannons, J.L., Hill, B. Yu, L.J., Mijares, L.A., Dombroski, D., Nichols, K.E., Antonellis, A., Koretzky, G., Gardner, K., and Schwartzberg, P.L. SAP Regulates T(H)2 Differentiation and PKC-theta;-Mediated Activation of NF-kappaB1. Immunity, 21:693-706. 2004. [Full Text]

Dombroski, D, Houghtling, R, Labno, CM, Burkhardt, J and Schwartzberg PL. Kinase-independent functions for Itk in the regulation of Vav and the actin cytoskeleton. J. Immunol, 174: 1385-1392. 2005. [PubMed]

Hwang ES, Szabo SJ, Schwartzberg PL, Glimcher LH. T helper cell fate specified by kinase-mediated interaction of T-bet with GATA-3. Science, 307:430-3. 2005. [PubMed]

Nichols KE, Hom J, Gong SY, Ganguly A, Ma CS, Cannons JL, Tangye SG, Schwartzberg PL, Koretzky GA, Stein PL. Regulation of NKT cell development by SAP, the protein defective in XLP. Nature Med, 11:340-345. 2005. [PubMed]

Finkelstein, LD, Shimizu, Y, and Schwartzberg, PL. The Tec kinase Itk regulates T cell receptor-mediated recruitment of signaling molecules and integrin-dependent cell adhesion. J Immunol, 175:5923-30. 2005. [PubMed]

Berg, LJ, Finkelstein, LD, Lucas, JA, and Schwartzberg, PL. Tec Family kinases in T lymphocyte development and function. Ann. Rev. Immunol, 23:549-600. 2005. [PubMed]

Schwartzberg, PL, Finkelstein, LD and Readinger, JA. Tec kinases: Regulators of T helper cell differentiation. Nature Reviews Immunol, 5:284-95. 2005. [PubMed]

Cannons, JL, Yu, LJ, Jankovic, D, Crotty, S, Horai, R, Kirby, M, Anderson, S, Cheever, AW, Sher, A, and Schwartzberg, PL. SAP regulates T cell-mediated help for humoral immunity by a mechanism distinct from cytokine regulation. J. Exp. Med., 203:1551-65. 2006. [PubMed]

Broussard, C, Fleishaker, C, Horai, R, Chetana, M, Lewis, CM, Venegas, AM, Sharp, L, Hedrick, S, Fowlkes, BJ and Schwartzberg, PL. Altered development of CD8+ T cell lineages in mice deficient in the Tec kinases Itk and Rlk. Immunity, 25:93-104. 2006. [PubMed]

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Last Reviewed: March 12, 2009

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