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View Q & A for Little Bighorn Park Road

# Type Question Answer Answer Date
1GeneralHow do I get on the interested vendors list?Access our Western Federal Lands construction procurement web page at:

Click on "Upcoming Work and Preliminary Plans" (NOTE: once we advertise this solicitation, the project will move to "Advertised Projects")

Scroll down to "Montana"

Scroll down to "Little Bighorn Battlefield Road"

There are two places you can add yourself to the interested venders list.

1. Click on the "View Interested Venders" link, which takes you to the FBO screen. Then scroll down to the bottom the FBO screen. Click on the "Add me to interested venders" box.

2. Or, click on "View all info for this project, which takes you to the "notice details" tab on FBO. Click on "Add me to interested venders" box. I would also suggest you click on the "Add to Watchlist" box; this allows you to receive notices anytime we add info to this page.

Apr 15, 2009
2TechnicalWhat are the geogrid specs?The detailed geogrid information will be included with the solicitation once it is issued. At this time we cannot release any information. In the meantime, you will want to add your firm to the interested venders list and make sure you complete the "add to watch list" section.

4/17/09 jkm

Apr 17, 2009
3GeneralIs this project still being considered as a Hubzone project?
On April 10th we posted a notice on FBO stating that this solicitation would go out full and open competition.

jkm 4/24/09
Apr 24, 2009
4General1. Is this project a hub-zone set-aside?

2. When will the bid plans be posted?
1. This project will be advertised as a full and open competition; it will not be a HUBZone set-aside.

2. We are currently anticipating an advertisement date on or around June 19, 2009; plans and specs will be available at that time.

jm 5/5/09
May 05, 2009
Return to the Advertised Projects page

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Last update: January 23, 2008