Western Federal Lands Highway Division The edge of a forest along the horizon
About WFLHD Projects Procurement Design Resources A highway stretching off into the distance

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Construction Procurement

Upcoming Work and Preliminary Plans
Announcements of upcoming projects in summary form (including the solicitation number, location, type of work, price range, tentative ad date and tentative bid opening date). Preliminary Plans available to aid prospective bidders in viewing project sites before snow fall (including cover sheet, typical sections, plan and profile, and other plan sheets). View Upcoming Work and Preliminary Plans

Advertised Projects
Summaries of currently advertised projects with links to related solicitation documents at FedBizOpps (including bid schedule, solicitation provisions, contract clauses, wage rates, special requirements...). View Advertised Projects

Bids Opened
This section provides summaries of opened bids showing the name of the apparent low bidder, the dollar amount of the apparent low bid, and the total number of bids received. Results may also be obtained by calling (360) 619-7773 for a recorded message. View Bids Opened

Proposals Received
This section provides the current status of proposals. Because proposals are not opened publicly like bids, summaries are not available for this type of procurement action. View Proposals Received

Awarded Contracts
After bids are carefully reviewed and all considerations are accounted for, the lowest bid is confirmed and the project is awarded accordingly. This section lists the name of the project followed by the name of the low bidder and the winning bid amount. View Awarded Contracts

Awarded IDIQ Contracts
This section lists the type (Multiple Award or Single Award) and location (Glacier National Park, Oregon, etc…) of construction IDIQ's awarded and provides links to the contract page where you can find contract specific information such as contractor name, number, projects awarded, etc... View Awarded IDIQ Contracts

Cancelled Solicitations
Summaries of cancelled solicitations. View Cancelled Solicitations

Bid Tabs
Bid tabulations show each bidder's bid amount for each pay item in a contract. They are posted as soon as the Contracting Officer certifies that a bid tab accurately reflects the bids received and publicly opened. View Bid Tabs

Bid History
The Bid History database application shows the pay item bid amounts of past projects and contains information in SI (Metric) units. View Bid History

Related Links
Links to related agencies and reference sources on topics such as procurement regulations and the FP-96. View Related Links

View the WFLHD postings to Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps). This system is your primary source for information on proposed contract actions. Go to FedBizOpps

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Last update: January 20, 2009