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Bid History

The Bid History database application shows the pay item bid amounts of past projects and contains information in U.S. Customary units. The program is provided for download below.

Note:    You will need to unzip the files:

Bid History Database Application v8 (Zipped, 1.3 MB)
FoxPro 8.0 Runtime Files (Zipped, 4.6 MB)

For first time users only:
  1. Download the Bid History Database and FoxPro 8.0 runtime files to your local drive.
  2. Unzip runtime.zip file and run SETUP.EXE.
  3. Unzip bid_hist.zip file.
  4. After decompression, you can delete both files.
  5. To start the program, double-click on "browhist8.exe".
For data update:
  1. Download the Bid History Database.
  2. Double-click the file to decompress the contents.
  3. After decompression, you can delete the bid_hist.zip file.
  4. To start the program, double-click on "browhist8.exe"
If you have any questions, please call (360) 619 - 7520 to reach a representative in the PS&E Section.

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Please send your questions or comments to webmaster@mail.wfl.fhwa.dot.gov
Last update: September 14, 2006