GovEnergy 2012, August 19-22, 2012, St. Louis, MO is Cancelled.

After a rigorous review of the 2012 GovEnergy conference, GSA has decided to postpone this year’s conference. GSA has decided to postpone the GovEnergy conference because of new standards that GSA has put in place for conferences and contracts surrounding conferences. There was not sufficient time to make the GovEnergy compliant with these new standards for an August 2012 conference.

Funds will be reimbursed to registrants and vendors, and GSA will work with other federal agencies involved in this process.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Chief Administrative Services Officer at (202) 357-9697.

Any media inquiries should be directed to the GSA’s press line at (202) 357-9587.

Federal Agency Sponsors

U.S. Department of Energy  U.S. General Services Administration  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs  U.S. Department of Defense  U.S. Department of Homeland Security  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency