Western Federal Lands Highway Division The edge of a forest along the horizon
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Right-of-Way & Utilities, Related Links

Local Links:
Right-of-Way Links:
  • FHWA Planning, Environment, & Real Estate (HEP)
    A resource on FHWA programs and activities for property owners, property occupants, transportation improvement program professionals, highway right-of-way and other public acquisition program professionals.

  • FHWA Real Estate Policies
    Includes information on legislation, regulations, guidance, policies, 23 CFR & non-regulatory supplements, and 23 CFR PART 710 & new regulation.

  • FHWA Real Estate Publications
    A collection of publications dealing with such subjects as appraisal, property acquisition, relocation assistance, right-of-way statistics, and the Transportation Equity Act.

  • FHWA Real Estate Project Development Guide (PDG)
    The Real Estate Services Project Development Guide (PDG) contains a practical approach to developing a right-of-way project. It includes mini-case studies to demonstrate how others have handled a variety of right-of-way problems.

  • Obtaining Right-of-Way on Public Lands (A BLM Publication)
    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) offers this introduction to the right-of-way acquisition process.

  • International Right of Way Association (IRWA)
    The International Right of Way Association (IRWA) is the pre-eminent source of right of way educational and professional services worldwide.

  • FHWA Real Estate Acquisition Memorandum
    A memorandum of understanding between the Forest Service and the Federal Highway Administration regarding the appropriation and transfer of forest system lands for highway purposes.

  • Idaho Transportation Department, Right of Way Section
    The Right of Way Section of the Idaho Transportation Department is responsible for the acquisition of required property and material sources, as well as the oversight of all Local Public Agencies acquiring property who utilize federal funding for highway purposes.

  • Alaska Department of Transportation
    The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
Utilities Links:

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Last update: December 5, 2005