Medical & Psychological Research

Military and private sector organizations that specialize in research on military health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

2010 National Summit on Disability Policy - July 26-27, 2010

Commemorates the 20th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. More than 300 people with disabilities and prominent stakeholders, including federal, community, and private sector disability experts will attend the conference to exchange ideas on significant themes for all people with disabilities. The conference is scheduled to take place July 26-27, 2010 in Washington, DC.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Conducts research on health care quality, costs, outcomes, and patient safety. Supported a study on telepsychiatry (therapy with a psychiatrist via videoconferencing), which has proved helpful to Veterans suffering from combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), who live in rural or underserved areas.

Altarum - Systems Research for Better Health

A non-profit institute that seeks to develop systems that value health, expand access, improve quality and reduce cost.

American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

Promotes rehabilitative research that improves health, independence, productivity and quality of life for people with disabling conditions and facilitates information dissemination and the transfer of technology.

Application for Army Suicide Study - Letters of Intent Due on March 3, 2009

NIMH has issued a request for applications (RFA) for a Collaborative Study of Suicidality and Mental Health in the U.S. Army. The funding opportunity will be in the form of a cooperative agreement with NIMH and allows for up to five years or $50 million in total costs. Letters of Intent are due March 3, 2009. Applications are due April 3, 2009.

Brain Trauma Foundation

Founded to improve the outcome of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) by developing best practice guidelines, conducting clinical research and educating medical personnel. Includes specific research and resources on TBI in the Military.

Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress

Lists resources and provides research relating to trauma and coping with traumatic events such as trauma training and education, terrorism preparedness and trauma consultations. The Center is a partner to the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health & Traumatic Brain Injury. Read the fact sheet about the Center's work.

Chartbook on Mental Health & Disability

Provides easy-to-understand statistics about people who have mental disorders and people who have disabilities caused by mental disorders.

Chartbook on Women & Disability

Examines issues women with disabilities face and compares their demographics and experiences to those of other women and men with and without disabilities.

Clinical Breast Care Project (CBCP)

Collaborative effort between Windber Medical Center and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Project integrates prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment and continuing care with advances in risk reduction, informatics, tissue banking and research to decrease the morbidity and mortality of breast cancer among American women.

Registry of federally and privately supported clinical trials conducted in the United States and around the world. Although there are many definitions of clinical trials, they are generally considered to be biomedical or health-related research studies in human beings that follow a pre-defined protocol.

Congressional Special Interest Medical Research Programs (CSI)

Information on research programs addressing breast, prostate and ovarian cancers; Gulf War Illness; traumatic brain injury (TBI); military health; and other areas of medical research.

Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) for Psychological Health (PH) & Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

National collaborative network led by DoD and VA to share knowledge on psychological health and TBI, enhance clinical and management approaches and serve the needs of warrior families.

DeployMed ResearchLINK

Presents information on deployment medical research conducted and supported by federal research programs within DoD, VA and HHS. This Web site is a central resource of information on federally funded medical research related to deployments from the 1990-91 Gulf War forward.

Deployment Health Clinical Center (DHCC) Clinical & Health Services Research

Information on DHCC's wide range of research projects designed to scientifically evaluate health services for post-deployment medical concerns.

Depression Before & After Pregnancy

Offers resources about depression before and after pregnancy, its impact on the health of new mothers and infants and available treatments.

Detoxification & Substance Abuse Treatment Training Manual

Provides instruction to substance abuse treatment staff and related professionals and service providers about the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 45: Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment.

DoD Deployment-Related Medical Research Program

Addresses the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and mitigation of deployment-related injuries and psychological health concerns of deployed military personnel.

Evaluating Patients with Blast Related Polytrauma

Links to the Journal of American Osteopathic Association research articles on blast related polytrauma.

Federal Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Program

Federal grant program administered by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau to help states enhance access to comprehensive and coordinated community-based services for individuals with TBI and their families.

Force Health Protection & Readiness

Shares information to safeguard the health and well-being of Service Members and their families, and to sustain world-class medical and rehabilitative care to the sick and injured anywhere in the world. What's New e-mail updates are available to learn more about the latest wellness programs, technology and research.

Future of Military Health Care

Recommends changes that would help improve the military health care services being provided to members of the Armed Forces, retirees and their families.

Grant Announcement - Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Returning Combat Veterans in the Community

The intent of this grant is to study the impact of existing national, state and/or local community-based programs addressing the adjustment and mental health needs of recent combat Veterans, including returning National Guard, Army Reserve and newly separated active duty personnel. Initial deadline for receipt of letters of intent is September 28, 2008. Applications are due by October 28, 2008 and May 1, 2009.

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

Conducts quality medical research and education programs, and administers education endowment funds for the U.S. military community.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Information on Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which increases oxygen in the blood to help heal wounds more quickly.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Research Report

Provides a guide to the strengths and limitations of the evidence about the use of HBOT to treat patients who have brain injury, cerebral palsy and stroke.

Institute of Medicine Research on TBI

Report from the Committee on Gulf War and Health about the long-term consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Invisible Wounds of War Monograph

RAND Corporation study on post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and traumatic brain injury. Find information on post-deployment stress and what families can do.

Military Infectious Diseases Research Program (MIDRP)

Information on MIDRP's current research efforts, including bacterial, viral and parasitic research on diarrhea prevention, meningitis, malaria, cutaneous leishmaniasis, HIV and other infectious diseases.

Military Medical Digest

National and world health news from DoD's Military Health System.

Military Operational Medicine Research Program (MOMRP)

Provides biomedical solutions that protect soldiers and enhance their performance in operational and training environments that include multiple stressors. MOMRP is a biomedical research program with a problem-solving orientation and a human physiology research focus.

National Center for Disaster Mental Health Research (NCDMHR)

Established to study how disasters, such as Hurricane Ike, in Galveston, TX, affect mental health, and to provide rapid response after such disasters.

National Institute of Mental Health - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Research Study

Presents opportunities for those who suffer from the symptoms of PTSD to participate in one of several research studies underway at the National Institute of Mental Health. To find out if you qualify or for more information, call 1-866-627-6464.

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Supports a comprehensive program of research related to the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities towards improving the lives of individuals with disabilities from birth through adulthood.

National Institute on Drug Abuse Report on Comorbidity

Presents research on comorbidity, when two disorders or illnesses, specifically, addiction and other mental illnesses, occur in the same person. Covers how common these disorders are, why they co-occur, how they can diagnosed and treatment.

Naval Health Research Center (NHRC)

Serves as a leading medical research laboratory for DoD and the United States Navy. NHRC promotes, protects and maintains the health of USN and USMC personnel and beneficiaries through biomedical research, and supports the medical readiness of the armed services.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Research Fact Sheet

Information from the National Institute of Mental Health on research efforts related to risk factors for PTSD.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Clinical Trials

Information from the National Institute of Mental Health on clinical trials and studies related to PTSD.

Psychological Health & Traumatic Brain Injury (PH/TBI) Research Program

Provides research funding to complement ongoing DoD efforts to ensure the health and readiness of our military forces and to support the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury in its efforts to advance and spread PH/TBI knowledge, enhance clinical and management approaches and facilitate other vital services to best serve the needs of warrior families impacted by PH problems and/or TBI.

Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress (PILOTS)

An electronic index to the worldwide literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health consequences due to exposure to traumatic events. It is produced by the National Center for PTSD, and is electronically available to the public.

Rehabilitation of the Adult & Child with Brain Injury: Practical Solutions to Real World Problems Conference

Conference to be held June 4-5, 2009, in Williamsburg, VA, focusing on talks relating to technology and innovation. Presented by Brain Injury Services, Inc., Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center and the National Resource Center for TBI. Download the registration form and read the conference brochure .

Report on the Invisible Wounds of TBI & PTSD

Describes the less visible psychological and neurological injuries associated with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI). The report titled Invisible Wounds: Serving Service Members and Veterans with PTSD and TBI identifies solutions for continuing care.

Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

Congressionally mandated research to determine what is known about the health consequences of military service in the Gulf War. This evidence identifies the foremost causes of Gulf War illness, describes biological characteristics of this condition and provides direction for future research urgently needed to improve the health of Gulf War veterans.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Foundation

Works to increase awareness, improve treatments, and through research, find a cure for RLS, a condition which severely affects the lives of millions of individuals.

Self-Disclosure & Its Impact on Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Services

Paper from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) examines the role self-disclosure plays in reducing stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness.

Seventh Annual Conference on Brain Injury

The North American Brain Injury Society (NABIS) is now accepting abstracts for the Seventh Annual Conference on Brain Injury which will be held at the Austin Downtown Hilton Hotel on October 14-17, 2009. Abstract submission deadline: June 2, 2009.

Soldiers & Veterans Initiative (SVI)

Adds a psychoanalytic voice to the public's response to a growing mental health crisis among soldiers, Veterans and their families - a crisis that is widely recognized by policy and mental health experts. An initiative of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

Study on How Mental Trauma Led to Illness in Veterans

The Carter Center reports on a study that examines links between mental trauma and physical disease among Veterans of the Civil War and how the findings could apply to today's Veterans.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Technical Assistance Center

A learning, collaboration and benchmarking tool for grantees and others affiliated with the Federal Traumatic Brain Injury Program.

Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data & Statistical Center (TBINDSC)

A central resource for researchers and data collectors within the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) program. The TBINDSC provides technical assistance, training and methodological consultation to 16 TBIMS centers as they collect and analyze longitudinal data from people with TBI in their communities, and as they conduct research toward evidence-based TBI rehabilitation interventions.

U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM)

Provides a database of links to find additional data on topics including USACHPPM services and resources, common diseases, health tips and environmental safety, among others.

U.S. Army Medical Command

Offers information on military treatment facilities and research centers worldwide. Find a treatment facility near you.

U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral & Social Sciences (ARI)

Provides the Army with technical expertise and analytical support, along with decision making techniques for soldiers and leaders. ARI keeps track of information on soldier and leader attitudes and concerns. Its research includes assessing and improving leader skills screening tools and enhancing leadership styles and skills.

VA Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research

Conducts research intended primarily to improve the health care of Veterans. Areas covered include post traumatic stress disorder; polytrauma and blast-related injuries and other unique health issues facing Veterans of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom; and substance use disorders (including tobacco).

VA Office of Research & Development (ORD)

Consists of four research services that together explore all phases of Veterans' healthcare needs. ORD is also a resource for VA-funded researchers and research staff to learn of new funding opportunities, updated guidance and deadlines.

Veterans & Families Coming Home - What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

The first study of PTSD conducted with Active Duty military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Veterans Health Activities

Protects, studies and addresses the health of U.S. military personnel and veterans of the Vietnam War, Gulf War and Force Health Protection.

War-Related Illness & Injury Study Center of New Jersey

Provides clinical services to Veterans with deployment-related health concerns and illnesses to improve their health-related quality of life. For more information call 1-800-248-8005.

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