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Crash Reduction Factors

A crash reduction factor (CRF) is the percentage crash reduction that might be expected after implementing a given countermeasure at a specific site. For example, the installation of centerline rumble strips on a two-lane roadway can expect a 14% reduction in all crashes and a 55% percent reduction in head-on crashes.

Centerline Rumble Strips

FHWA has developed a set of resources to assist practitioners in their decision-making process. These resources are developed around FHWA’s Office of Safety focus areas of intersection safety, pedestrian safety and roadway departure safety.


Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors [HTML, PDF - 712 KB]

  • Intersection Safety:
    • Issue Brief: Traffic Signals [HTML, PDF - 266 KB]
    • Issue Brief: Toolbox of Countermeasures and Their Potential Effectiveness for Intersection Crashes [HTML, PDF - 553 KB]
  • Pedestrian Safety:
    • Issue Brief: Toolbox of Countermeasures and Their Potential Effectiveness for Pedestrian Crashes [HTML, PDF - 105 KB]
  • Roadway Departure Safety:
    • Issue Brief: Toolbox of Countermeasures and Their Potential Effectiveness for Roadway Departure Crashes [HTML, PDF - 625 KB]

The CRFs presented in the Desktop Reference are a compilation of all the CRF information available to date; whereas, the CRF’s contained in the “Toolbox of Countermeasures” for intersection, pedestrian and roadway departure crashes contain the “best” available information on countermeasure effectiveness in terms of CRF’s.

The CRFs in this Desktop Reference may be periodically updated as new information becomes available. Therefore, we strongly encourage users to provide their feedback related to concerns or conflicts with current documents; clarifications of existing documents; and new ideas or countermeasures for the next release.

Please direct all comments or questions to:
Karen Yunk, P.E.
Office of Safety Programs
Federal Highway Administration


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