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The NLSI brings together leading lunar scientists from around the world to further NASA lunar science and exploration

    LRO & Chandrayaan-1 Join Search for Lunar Water

    LRO and Chandrayaan-1 undergo a novel joint experiment that could yield more information on whether ice exists in a permanently shadowed crater near the north pole of the moon.

    LOIRP Releases next Lunar Orbiter 4 Image

    Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project (LOIRP) releases new image of the Moon’s South pole.

    Augustine panel Reviews U.S. Human Space Flight Plans

    Videos of the presentations and discussions on physical sciences and human spaceflight at the August 5th meeting of the Augustine panel now available.

    A Lunar Nuclear Reactor

    Tests prove the feasibility of using nuclear reactors to provide electricity on the moon and Mars.

    Space Geodesy Facility locates satellite in lunar orbit

    Scientists at the UK Space Geodesy Facility (SGF) have succeeded in measuring the exact position of a satellite orbiting the Moon, some 350,000km away – 15 times further than their previous record.

    For older news, see the "News Archives"


    NASA to Establish Nationwide Lunar Science Institute press release
    NASA has announced its intent to establish a new lunar science institute. This effort, with dispersed teams across the nation, will help lead the agency's research activities for future lunar science missions related to NASA's exploration goals.
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    Historic information about Pioneer, Ranger, Surveyor, Lunar Orbitor, Clementine and Galileo
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    World Book at NASA
    Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the only astronomical body other than Earth ever visited by human beings. The moon is the brightest object in the night sky but gives off no light of its own. Instead, it reflects light from the sun. Like Earth and the rest of the solar system, the moon is about 4.6 billion years old.
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    NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    Author/Curator: Greg Schmidt
    NASA Official: David Morrison
    Last Updated: August 24, 2009
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