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Placement of Warm Mix Asphalt on the East Entrance Road of Yellowstone National Park

Placement of Warm Mix Asphalt on the East Entrance Road of Yellowstone National Park

In an effort to deploy the warm mix asphalt (WMA) technology to Federal Lands Highway (FLH) and cooperating agencies, a Coordinated Technology Implementation Program (CTIP) proposal was approved by agency representatives. This CTIP project allowed FLH to take the lead in working with our client agency and contractors to evaluate the viability of warm mix technology as a standard construction practice. The demonstration evaluated two different WMA technologies (Advera and Sasobit) on a construction project on the East Entrance Road of Yellowstone National Park. The mixtures were placed in August/September 2007.

This report documents the results and summarizes the findings of this technology deployment.

Booklet (Acrobat, 929 KB)
To request a hard copy, contact Amit Armstrong.

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Last update: February 12, 2009