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Technology Deployment

The Technology Deployment (TD) Program of Office Federal Lands Highway (FLH) promotes new, innovative, emerging, and underutilized technologies and solutions for solving engineering challenges in transportation projects on federally owned lands. This program provides a key bridge between research and field deployment by promoting technology transfer and sharing of innovations, best practices, and related knowledge between Federal Land Management agencies, Tribal governments, State and local transportation communities, and the FHWA Resource Centers. The goals of the program are accomplished through encouraging our partners to play an active role in the deployment of new highway technologies by field testing, engineering evaluation, and documenting results.

The Technology Deployment program is coordinated between the three Federal Lands Highway Divisions located in Vancouver, WA (Western); Lakewood, CO (Central); and Sterling, VA (Eastern). In addition, the TD Coordinators are working closely with technical experts from all three divisions as well as from FHWA Resource Centers. The TD program also cooperates with state DOTs, Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) centers, Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) centers, and University Transportation Centers (UTCs).

The TD program is funded through Coordinated Technology Implementation Program (CTIP) and Technology Deployment Initiatives and Partnership Program (TDIPP). The CTIP is a partnership between the Office of Federal Lands Highway, USDA Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and US Fish and Wildlife Service.

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Last update: November 3, 2008