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Global Emissions Database

The EPA Office of Research and Development has developed a powerful software package called the Global Emissions Database (GloED). GloED is a user-friendly, menu-driven tool for storage and retrieval of emissions factors and activity data on a country-specific basis. The appropriate data are entered into the system by constructing a "Scenario" which contains the information needed to compute country emission totals for the sources selected. Users can construct an Emissions Estimate by country and source using GloED. Data can be selected from databases resident within GloED and/or supplied by the user. The data supplied by the user can be entered using the Database Editor or from spreadsheets using the Lotus Importer. References are linked to the data to ensure clear data pedigree. The scenario outputs can be displayed on thematic global maps or other graphic outputs such as pie and bar charts. In addition, data files can be exported as Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, or ASCII files, and graphics can be saved as a .PCX file or exported to a printer.

GloED Version 1.0 is presented in Publication Number EPA-600/R-97-123, available from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia.

An unsupported version of the GloED software is available for evaluation. By clicking on the "Software" link below, you will be able to download the GloED program. Place the GloED.zip file in a temporary folder, use a program such as WinZip to open it, and it will extract automatically (an evaluation copy of WinZip can be obtained from the WinZip web site). Read the installation instructions in the User's Guide, especially regarding modifications to your Config.sys file (Files=90 and Buffers=20).

The software and Users Guide can be downloaded as follows:

Because the software is unsupported, there unfortunately is no mechanism for obtaining help for installation or operating issues. However, if you wish to report a problem with using the software, you can submit an e-mail report to beck.lee@epa.gov. This will enable the documentation of problems for future releases (but is not an offer of support for the current version).

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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