nd.gov - The Official Portal for North Dakota State Government
North Dakota: Legendary. Follow the trail of legends
Veterans montage and logo Veterans memorial and red rose
Veterans Dept. main address details
Veterans Dept. branch address details

State Benefits: Special License Plates P.O.W.

A veteran, while serving in the U.S. armed forces was a prisoner of war and has received an honorable discharge from the U.S. armed forces, may be issued a special number license plate. On the death of the veteran, the surviving spouse may retain the numbered plate as an active plate.

N.D. Veterans' Cemetery

Distinctive numbered plates may be issued to individuals eligible for interment in the North Dakota Veterans' Cemetery. The surcharge collected will be divided between the Veterans' Cemetery Trust Fund and the Veterans' Cemetery Maintenance Fund.

National Guard

Distinctive numbered plates may be issued to members of the National Guard. The Adjutant General shall certify those members of the national guard eligible to receive the plates.

Purple Heart

Available to those recipients of the Purple Heart award as listed on the DD214 or Certificate.

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