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WFLHD Vision, Mission, Values, and Core Business Functions

Vision: The FLH vision is: Creating the best transportation system in balance with the values of Federal and Tribal lands. In conjunction with the FLH vision, the WFLHD vision is to: Be the provider of choice to Northwest Federal Land Management Agencies.

Mission: We continually improve transportation access to and through Federal and Tribal lands through stewardship of FLH programs by providing balanced, safe, and innovative roadways that blend into or enhance the existing environment; and by providing technical services to the transportation community.


  • We Stand for engineering excellence.
  • We provide value added services.
  • We are creative and innovative.
  • We continuously improve.
  • We exceed our customers'expectations.
  • We anticipate and proactively deal with change.
  • We create and support resource sharing partnerships.
  • We value integrity, honesty, credibility, and ethics.
  • We embrace diversity.

Core Business Functions:

  • Provide planning, design, contract administration and construction engineering services to develop safe, efficient, and environmentally sensitive transportation facilities for access to and within Federal and Tribal Lands
  • Train, develop, and support WFLHD employees
  • Congestion Mitigation
  • Support FHWA career training program, FHWA training and development initiatives, and other Federal agency training needs
  • Promote, develop, and deploy transportation applied research and technology applicable to WFLHD projects
  • Administer FLH programs in conjunction with Federal Land Management Agency goals and our goals.


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Please send your questions or comments to webmaster@mail.wfl.fhwa.dot.gov
Last update: September 16, 2004