Settings Descriptions:

Whether you want to build an audience or communicate with your closest friends, the MySpace Privacy Control Panel allows you to control what information is shared, who can contact you, how you are notified and the tools to eliminate unwanted spam.

Privacy (Edit)
Here you control who can see you are online, who knows your birthday, who can view your profile, who can share your photos and how to block specific users and users by age.

Spam (Edit)
Here you control spam security levels, who can message you, who can request to be friends, approval of comments, group invitations, event and IM invitations.

Notifications (Edit)
Here you control your subscription to the MySpace newsletter featuring exclusive content and promotions and email notifications about friend requests, comments, blog subscriptions and event invitations.

Mobile (Edit)
Here you control SMS (text message) alerts for MySpace messages, friend requests, content and when you receive mobile content subscriptions.

Calendar (Edit)
Here you control how your calendar is set up and how you are reminded of important events.

Miscellaneous (Edit)
Here you control how groups are displayed on your profile, if and where you accept HTML comments, how your music player works and your away message when you are on vacation or are taking a break.