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EPA's E.O. 13101 Goals

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Environmental Protection Agency
Executive Order 13101 Goals for 2005 and 2010

NOTE: The goals listed below were accepted and approved by the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Administration and Resources Management (OARM) on October 21, 2002. Lead and team contact information, however, has been updated since the document was originally signed.

GOAL: To reduce EPA's environmental footprint by increasing and promoting recycling, reducing materials entering EPA's waste stream, promoting and achieving increased and preferential use of materials with recycled content and emphasizing and increasing the purchase and use of environmentally preferable products.

Green Buildings | Green Janitorial/Maintenance Services | Green Copy Paper/Publication | Green Meetings | Green Office Supplies | Green Electronics | Green Fleets | Green Landscaping | Green Power | Recycling/Waste Prevention

Green Buildings

Objective: Have all of EPA's significant new facility construction and new building acquisition projects meet the U.S Green Building Council's LEED silver standard by 2005. Commit to use the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED™ new Commercial Interiors and Existing Building standards by 2005 on at least one appropriate project where space in an existing building is acquired. EPA will request that GSA provide new major office leases that meet the Energy Star requirements.

Lead Contact: Cathy Berlow, OARM - FMSD
Other Contacts: Michael Penn, OARM - FMSD; Alison Kinn, OPPT EPP Team; Ken Sandler, OSW Green Building Program

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Green Janitorial and Maintenance Services

Objective: "Green" all significant EPA janitorial and maintenance services contracts by 2010.

Lead Contact: Jim Darr, OPPT EPP Team
Other Contacts: Gail Wray, OARM - FMSD; Jesse Eaves, OPPT EPP Team; Kathy Seikel, Office of Pesticides; Brian Long, OAM representative

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Green Copy Paper and Publications

Objective: All printing paper products used by EPA are to meet the standards of the "New Environmental Standards for EPA Paper and Publications" set forth by memorandum of January 2001. This standard sets as the standard for paper and publications as 100% recycled, minimum 50% postconsumer content paper. Whenever possible, this paper should also be "Process Chlorine Free." Some paper stocks, especially color paper stocks, may not be readily available with this content standard. When this situation arises, a minimum 30% postconsumer content is required. (Products mentioned in this section include but are not limited to the following applications: Copy Paper, Printing Paper, Letterhead, Envelopes, and Color Paper.)

Lead Contact: Randy Bacon, OARM - FMSD
Other Contacts: Holly Elwood, OPPT-EPP Team; Brian Long, OAM - PTOD; Russell Clark, OPPT-EPP Team

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Green Meetings

Objective: make an effort to "Green" all meetings planned or funded by EPA no later than 2005.

Initiate a program to train Agency meeting planners about opportunities for greening their procurements.
Recommend and market "green" contract language for all meeting planning support services contracts requiring contractors. Such language would require contractors to minimize the environmental impacts of all meetings planned for EPA.. (Use successful OPPTS model.)
Appropriately train and require all internal meeting planners employed by EPA to minimize the environmental impacts of all meetings planned for EPA. (Use industry tool at www.bluegreenmeetings.org .)
As appropriate, incorporate "green" language throughout EPA's Best Practices Guide for Meetings and Conferences.

Lead Contact: Russell Clark, OPPT EPP Team
Other Contacts: Brian Long, OAM representative

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Green Office Supplies

Objective: Buy all office supplies through EPA's tailored green online ordering system by 2005.

Lead Contact: Holly Elwood, OPPT EPP Team
Other Contacts: Karen Lee, OAM representative; Brian Long, OAM representative; Kerrie O'Hagan, OAM representative; Sue Nogas, OSW-CPG program

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Green Electronics

Objective: By 2005, the agency will attempt to have all electronic purchases to include environmental aspects in the decision-making process - beyond just price and performance. (Electronic equipment includes but is not limited to televisions and monitors, computers, computer peripherals, audio equipment, VCRs, DVD players, fax and copying machines, cellular phone, other wireless devices.)

Lead Contact: Christopher Kent, OPPT-EPP Team
Other Contacts: Oliver Voss, OAM - HPOD; Brian Long, OAM representative

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Green Fleets

Objective: To achieve compliance with the legislative mandates of the Energy Policy Act and E.O. 13149, EPA will increase the acquisition of AFVs each fiscal year and increase the use of alternate fuels each fiscal year.

Lead Contact: Paul Grigsby, OARM - FMSD
Other Contacts: Sue Nogas, OSW - CPG program

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Green Landscaping

Objective: All new significant acquisitions of landscaping shall be water conserving; use regionally appropriate native plant species; require Integrated Pest Management (IPM); consider storm water management and low-impact development techniques; minimize the use of herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers; and maximize the use of recycled landscaping materials and appropriate Comprehensive Procurement Guide products. Existing landscaping shall be converted to Green Landscaping as opportunities present themselves.

Lead Contact: Jean Schwab, OSW Green Scapes Program
Other Contacts: Cathy Berlow, OARM - FMSD; Michael Penn OARM - FMSD; Kathy Seikel, OPPT

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Green Power

Objective: EPA will continue to add at least one new facility a year to its list of facilities served by renewable power through 2010.

Lead Contact: Bucky Green, OARM - FMSD
Other Contacts: Sue Nogas, OSW - CPG Program

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Recycling and Waste Prevention

Objective. EPA will act to increase and promote recycling and reduce materials entering EPA's waste stream through 2010.

Lead Contact: Gail Wray, OARM - FMSD
Other Contacts: Deborah Hanlon, OSWER

David J O'Connor for
Morris X. Winn, Assistant Administrator
Office of Administration and Resources Management


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