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Breakthroughs: Successful Local Strategies for Affordable Housing
Volume 1, Issue 1

Zoning, Land Development, Construction, and Subdivision Regulations Arlington Develops Affordable Housing in Tight Market

What's a county to do? Fifteen percent density bonuses no longer attract affordable housing developers. Arlington County, Virginia faced this situation and turned to a new incentive—a larger, 25 percent density bonus for mixed-income housing developments that include affordable units.

Building & Housing Codes Habitat Faces Challenges in Southern California

Habitat for Humanity South Bay/Long Beach faces a number of challenges to affordable housing construction in some southern California communities as it tries to keep the price of housing affordable to low- and moderate-income homebuyers.



... to the first issue of Breakthroughs, an online newsletter from the Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC). Breakthroughs highlights success stories from around the nation about communities that are removing barriers to affordable housing.
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Content updated on 10/06/04  
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