2006 U.S. Code Printing Error Identified PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, 12 March 2009

GPO has been notified that some copies of the U.S. Code are missing pages 1159-1182:

  • U.S. Code, 2006 edition, Vol. 12, Title 19-Custom Duties, 1701-End to Title 20-Education, 1-1482
  • SuDocs: Y 1.2/5:2006/v.12
  • Item number: 0991-A
  • Shipping list: 2008-0051-S
  • Shipping List date: 10-23-2008

If your copy is defective, please contact Laurie Hall, GPO’s Director of Library Technical Information Services by March 18, 2009. Please be sure to include your depository library number in the message. GPO is working to determine the extent of the problem and the method that will be used to replace the missing pages. A recall may be required. If a recall is required, additional instructions will be posted to the FDLP Desktop and announced via FDLP-L.

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