1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 1 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday February 23, 1998 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE I Operating Cash Balance ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] Opening balance ] ] _________________________________________________________________ ] Closing ] ] ] This ] ] Type of account ] balance ] ] This ] fiscal ] ] ] today ] Today ] month ] year ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account $ 4,087 $ 4,271 $ 5,552 $ 7,692 Tax and Loan Note Accounts (Table V) 22,163 19,568 34,756 35,930 Total Operating Balance 26,250 23,839 40,307 43,621 TABLE II Deposits and Withdrawals of Operating Cash ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Deposits ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account: Public Debt Receipts (Table III-B) 30 183,011 873,248 Agriculture Loan Repayments (misc) 1/ 13 201 1,397 Commodity Credit Corporation 44 718 3,117 Customs and Certain Excise Taxes 71 1,361 8,998 Deposits by States: Unemployment 37 1,976 6,240 Supplemental Security Income 0 269 1,315 Energy Department 71 359 2,481 Estate and Gift Taxes 87 1,247 8,222 Federal Reserve Earnings 0 1,348 9,577 Foreign Deposits, Military Sales 2 637 5,304 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 19 490 3,101 Individual Income and Employment Taxes, Not Withheld 153 2,487 61,443 Postal Service 302 5,402 34,977 Taxes Received (Table IV) 2,133 26,354 171,507 Other Deposits: Prepayment of Treasury Securities (net) 71 -121 75 Total Other Deposits 71 146 1,365 Change in Balance of Uncollected Funds (closing balance $ 129) -25 -31 -26 Transfers from Depositaries 3,549 97,905 546,735 Total Federal Reserve Account 6,557 323,880 1,739,000 Tax and Loan Note Accounts: Taxes Received (Table IV) 4,918 61,441 380,261 Transfers from Federal Reserve Banks 1,226 23,870 152,708 Total Tax and Loan Note Accounts (Table V) 6,144 85,312 532,969 Total Deposits (net of transfers) 7,926 287,416 1,572,525 1/Includes Agriculture credit and Rural housing and business funds. 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 2 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday February 23, 1998 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Withdrawals ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Reserve Account: Public Debt Redemptions (Table III-B) 66 156,942 855,692 Commodity Credit Corporation 38 733 11,639 Defense Vendor Payments (EFT) 373 5,186 34,299 Education Department 646 3,591 19,770 Energy Department 62 973 7,318 Family Support Payments (HHS) -2 42 637 Federal Employees Insurance Payments 76 1,366 8,851 Federal Highway Administration 41 919 7,255 Federal Salaries (EFT) 545 5,777 35,608 Food and Nutrition Service (misc) 46 915 5,667 Food Stamps 82 1,271 7,697 Health and Human Services Grants (misc) 117 2,160 14,464 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 146 2,044 15,688 Interest on Public Debt 7 33,116 84,827 Labor Department 35 527 3,874 Medicare 973 11,239 83,828 Medicaid 210 6,071 39,796 Natl Aeronautics & Space Adm. (NASA) 78 665 4,856 Postal Service Money Orders and Other 325 3,030 19,655 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (HHS) 35 956 5,203 Unemployment Insurance Benefits 112 1,539 7,981 Other Withdrawals: State Department 55 55 55 Unclassified 1,448 22,745 134,245 Total, Other Withdrawals 1,503 62,411 315,292 Transfers to Depositaries 1,226 23,870 152,708 Total Federal Reserve Account 6,740 325,344 1,742,605 Tax and Loan Note Accounts Transfers to Federal Reserve Banks (Table V) 3,549 97,905 546,735 Total Withdrawals (net of transfers) 5,515 301,474 1,589,897 Net Change in Operating Cash Balance 2,411 -14,057 -17,371 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 3 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday February 23, 1998 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-A Public Debt Transactions ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Issues ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Marketable: Bills: Regular Series 0 86,514 556,347 Cash Management Series 0 22,389 78,737 Notes 0 59,548 191,543 Bonds 0 11,334 22,518 Inflation - Indexed Securities Increment -4 -33 192 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 Nonmarketable: Savings and Retirement Plan Series: Cash Issue Price 26 355 2,536 Interest Increment 0 0 3,101 Government Account Series 49,237 770,716 4,946,604 Domestic Series 0 0 4 Foreign Series 0 0 1,800 State and Local Series 4 4,998 33,824 Other 0 0 75 Total Issues 49,262 955,821 5,837,281 (Stated at face value except for savings and retirement plan securities which are stated at current redemption value.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Redemptions ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Marketable: Bills 0 91,634 630,878 Notes 0 61,665 202,088 Bonds 0 1 5 Federal Financing Bank 0 0 0 Nonmarketable: Savings and Retirement Plan Series 63 1,009 6,161 Government Account Series 48,044 769,450 4,875,242 Domestic Series 0 0 4 Foreign Series 0 200 850 State and Local Series 3 2,433 15,704 Other 0 0 3 Total Redemptions 48,110 926,392 5,730,934 Net Change in Public Debt Outstanding 1,152 29,429 106,347 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 4 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday February 23, 1998 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III-B Adjustment of Public Debt Transactions to Cash Basis ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Transactions ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Public Debt Cash Receipts: Public Debt Issues (Table III-A) 49,262 955,821 5,837,281 Premium on New Issues 0 480 668 Discount on New Issues: Bills (-) 0 2,475 14,350 Bonds and Notes (-) 0 131 480 Government Account Transaction (-) 49,237 770,716 4,946,604 Interest Increment on Savings and Retirement Plan Series (-) 0 0 3,101 Inflation - Indexed Securities Increment -4 -33 166 Total Public Debt Cash Receipts Deposited in Federal Reserve Account 30 183,011 873,248 Public Debt Cash Redemptions: Public Debt Redemptions (Table III-A) 48,110 926,392 5,730,934 Government Account Transactions (-) 48,044 769,450 4,875,242 Total Public Debt Cash Redemptions 66 156,942 855,692 TABLE III-C Debt Subject to Limit ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] Opening balance ] ] _________________________________________________________________ ] Closing ] ] ] Fiscal ] ] Classification ] balance ] ] This ] year ] ] ] today ] Today ] month ] ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Public Debt Outstanding 5,519,493 5,518,341 5,490,064 5,413,146 Less Public Debt Not Subject to Limit: Miscellaneous Debt 534 534 534 536 Discount Adjustment 71,035 71,347 70,909 70,054 Federal Financing Bank 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Plus other Obligations Subject to Limit: Guaranteed Debt of Federal Agencies 79 78 76 68 Total Subject to Limit 5,433,003 5,431,537 5,403,697 5,327,624 Statutory Limit 5,950,000 5,950,000 5,950,000 5,950,000 Act of August 5, 1997, permanently increased the statutory debt limit to $5,950.00 billion. Discount adjustment represents the unamortized discount on Treasury bills and zero-coupon bonds (amortization is calculated daily) 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 5 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday February 23, 1998 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE IV Federal Tax Deposits ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Classification ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Withheld Income and Employment Taxes $ 7,413 $ 81,303 $ 475,135 Individual Estimated Income Taxes 0 49 784 Railroad Retirement Taxes 25 382 1,741 Excise Taxes 28 2,739 22,438 Corporation Income Taxes 145 3,009 64,509 Federal Unemployment Taxes 7 619 1,964 Estate and Gift Taxes 0 0 0 Change in balance of Unclassified Taxes -548 1,528 505 Total 7,071 89,629 567,076 These Receipts were deposited in: Federal Reserve Account: Directly 1,316 10,994 69,043 Remittance Option Depositaries 816 15,361 102,464 Tax and Loan Note Accounts 4,918 61,441 380,261 Inter-agency Transfers 21 1,834 15,308 TABLE V Tax and Loan Note Accounts by Depositary Category ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] CLASSIFICATION ] ] _________________________________________________________________ ] Type of account ] ] ] ] ] ] ] A ] B ] C ] Total ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Balance Today $ 136 $ 618 $ 18,814 $ 19,568 Investments: Credits 11 81 4,826 4,918 Transfers to Depositaries 2 5 1,219 1,226 Withdrawals: Treasury Initiated 0 0 0 0 Depositary Initiated 3 45 3,501 3,549 Closing Balance Today 146 659 21,358 22,163 1 DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT PAGE: 6 Cash and debt operations of the United States Treasury Monday February 23, 1998 (Detail, rounded in millions, may not add to totals) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE VI Income Tax Refunds Issued ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ] ] ] This ] Fiscal ] ] Classification ] Today ] month ] year ] ] ] ] to date ] to date ] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Individual $ 4 $ 18,480 $ 24,761 Business 44 2,652 12,381 This statement summarizes the United States Treasury's cash and debt operations for the Federal Government. Treasury's operating cash is maintained in account at Federal Reserve banks and branches and in Tax and Loan accounts at commercial banks. Major information sources include: Federal Reserve Banks, Treasury Regional Financial Centers, Internal Revenue Service Centers, Bureau of the Public Debt and various electronic systems. Information is presented on a modified cash basis. Deposits are reflected as received and withdrawals are reflected as processed. SOURCE: Financial Management Service, Department of the Treasury For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Note: The Daily Treasury Statement is now available on the day following the Statement date on the Department of Commerce's Bulletin Board System. For more information about the system, please call 202-482-1986. Selected information is also available on two separate telephone recordings at 4:00 p.m. on the day following the statement date on 202-874-9850 (shorter version) and on 202-874-9040 (longer version).