Occupational Therapy

American Occupational Therapy Association

Information on occupational therapy for consumers and practitioners.

American Therapeutic Recreation Association

Represents the interests and needs of recreational therapists, who provide treatment and recreational services to restore, remediate or rehabilitate functioning and independence in persons with illnesses or disabling conditions.

Consumer's Guide to Occupational Therapy

Includes "tips for living" and a fact sheet on occupational therapy.

Helping Soldiers with TBI to Recover & Reintegrate

Offers rehabilitative care for military Service Members injured in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The program, Project Victory, seeks to enable soldiers who have sustained a mild to severe brain injury to regain skills and functions that were lost through their injury.

National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy (NCEFT)

Offers hippotherapy and equine-assisted rehabilitation services to active duty personnel and Veterans currently being served by the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System (VAPAHCS). Day-long Retreats for Families of the Fallen and for Military and Veteran Couples are also provided. This unique program at NCEFT is provided at no cost to the participants or the federal government.

Occupational Therapy's Role in Veteran's Health Care

Explanation of the role occupational therapists can play in helping Service Member recovery from combat injuries.

Rehabilitation Information

Discusses all types of rehabilitation therapy, including speech, occupational and physical therapy.

Video Games Therapy

Nintendo's Wii GameStation, an interactive video game is used in VA medical centers around the country by occupational therapists to help Veterans improve their physical mobility and to work with patients whose cognitive skills have been impaired by traumatic brain injury.
  • The White House
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.

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