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Daphne W. Bell, Ph.D.

Investigator, Cancer Genetics Branch
Head, Reproductive Cancer Genetics Section

Selected Publications

Bell DW, Varley JM, Szydlo TE, Kang DH, Wahrer DCR, Shannon KE, Lubratovich M, Verselis SJ, Isselbacher KJ, Fraumeni JF, Birch JM, Li FP, Garber JE, and Haber DA. Heterozygous germline hCHK2 mutations in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. Science, 286:2528-2531. 1999. [PubMed]

Cantor S, Bell DW, Ganesan S, Kass E, Drapkin R, Grossman S, Wahrer DCR, Sgroi DC, Lane W, Haber DA, and Livingston DM. BACH1, a novel helicase-like protein, interacts with BRCA1 and contributes to its biochemical and clinical functions. Cell, 105:149-160. 2001. [PubMed]

Moberg KH, Bell DW, Wahrer DCR, Haber DA, and Hariharan IK. Archipelago regulates Cyclin E levels in Drosophila and is mutated in human cancer cell lines. Nature, 413:311-316. 2001. [PubMed]

Lynch TJ, Bell DW, Sordella R, Gurubhagavatula S, Okimoto RA, Brannigan BW, Harris PL, Haserlat SM, Supko JG, Haluska FG, Louis DN, Christiani DC, Settleman J, and Haber DA. Activating mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor underlying responsiveness of non-small-cell lung cancer to gefitinib. N Engl J Med, 350:2129-2139. 2004. [PubMed]

Sordella R, Bell DW, Haber DA, and Settleman J. Gefitinib-sensitizing EGFR mutations in lung cancer activate anti-apoptotic pathways. Science, 305:1163-1167. 2004. [PubMed]

Kwak EL, Sordella R, Bell DW, Godin-Heymann N, Okimoto RA, Brannigan BW, Harris PL, Driscoll DR, Fidias P, Lynch TJ, Rabindran SK, McGinnis JP, Wissner A, Sharma SV, Isselbacher KJ, Settleman J, and Haber DA. Irreversible inhibitors of the EGF receptor may circumvent acquired resistance to gefitinib. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 102:7665-7670. 2005. [PubMed]

Bell DW, Lynch TJ, Haserlat SM, Harris PL, Okimoto RA, Brannigan BW, Sgroi DC, Muir B, Riemenschneider MJ, Bailey Iacona R, Krebs A, Johnson DH, Giaccone G, Herbst RS, Manegold C, Fukuoka M, Kris MG, Baselga B, Ochs JS, and Haber DA. Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and gene amplification in non-small cell lung cancer: Molecular analysis of the IDEAL/INTACT gefitinib trials. J Clin Oncol, 23:8081-8092. 2005. [PubMed]

Bell DW, Gore I, Okimoto RA, Godin-Heymann N, Sordella R, Mulloy R, Sharma SV, Brannigan BW, Mohapatra G, Settleman J, and Haber DA. Inherited susceptibility to lung cancer may be associated with the T790M drug resistance mutation in EGFR. Nat Genet, 37:1315-1316. 2005. [PubMed]

Kwak EL, Janowski J, Thayer S, Lauwers G, Brannigan BW, Harris PL, Okimoto RA, Haserlat SM, Driscoll DR, Ferry D, Muir B, Settleman J, Fuchs CS, Kulke M, Ryan DP, Clark JW, Sgroi DC, Haber DA, and Bell DW. EGFR kinase domain mutations in esophageal and pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Clin Cancer Res, 12:4283-4287. 2006. [PubMed]

Rivera M.N., Kim, W.J., Wells, J., Driscoll, D.R., Brannigan, B.W., Han, M., Kim, J.C., Feinberg, A.P., Gerald, W.L., Vargas, S.O., Chin, L., Iafrate AJ, Bell DW, and Haber DA. An X chromosome gene, WTX, is commonly inactivated in Wilms tumor. Science, 315(5812):642-5. 2007. [PubMed]

Sharma SV, Bell DW, Settleman J, and Haber DA. Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in lung cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer, 7:169-81. 2007. [PubMed]

Bell DW, Kim SH, Godwin AK, Schiripo TA, Harris PL, Haserlat SM, Wahrer DCR, Haiman CA, Daly MB, Niendorf KB, Smith MR, Sgroi DC, Garber, JE, Olopade OI, Le Marchand L, Henderson BE, Altshuler D, Haber DA, and Freedman ML. Genetic and functional analysis of CHEK2 (CHK2) variants in multiethnic cohorts. International Journal of Cancer, 121:2661-7. 2007. [PubMed]

Nagrath S, Sequist L, Maheswaran S, Bell DW, Irimia D, Ulkus L, Smith MR, Kwak EL, Gigumarthy S, Muzikansky A, Ryan P, Balis UJ, Tompkins RG, Haber DA and Toner M. Isolation of rare circulating epithelial cells in cancer patients by microchip technology. Nature, 450:1235-1239. 2007. [PubMed]

Bell DW, Brannigan BW, Matsuo K, Finkelstein DM, Sordella R, Settlemen J, Mitsudomi T, and Haber DA. Increased prevalence of EGFR-mutant lung cancer in women and in East-Asian populations: analysis of estrogen-related polymorphisms. Clinical Cancer Research. [In Press]

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Last Reviewed: December 23, 2008

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