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ENCODE Participants and Projects

Groups Participating in the ENCODE Pilot Phase Production Scale Effort
Additional ENCODE Pilot Phase Participants
Pilot Scale Effort
Groups Participating in the ENCODE Technology Development Phase Data Coordination Center
Technology Development Effort Data Analysis Center
Technology Development Effort Technology Development Effort

ENCODE Production Scale Effort

Research Group Institution Research Goals
Bradley Bernstein Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Map histone modifications using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing.
Gregory Crawford Duke University Identify and characterize regions of open chromatin using DNaseI hypersensitivity assays, formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements, and chromatin immunoprecipitation.
Thomas Gingeras Affymetrix, Inc. Identify protein-coding and non-protein coding RNA transcripts using microarrays, high-throughput sequencing, sequence paired-end tags, and sequenced cap analysis of gene expression tags.
Timothy Hubbard Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Annotate gene features using computational methods, manual annotation, and targeted experiments.
Richard Myers Stanford University Identify transcription factor binding sites using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput DNA sequencing; Pilot effort to determine the methylation status of CpG-rich regions.
Michael Snyder Yale University Identify transcription factor binding sites using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput DNA sequencing.
John Stamatoyannopoulos University of Washington, Seattle Map and functionally classify DNaseI hypersensitive sites by digital DNaseI and histone modification mapping using high-throughput sequencing.

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ENCODE Pilot Scale Effort

Research Group Institution Research Goals
Job Dekker University of Massachusetts Medical School Map long-range gene regulatory elements using 5C (Chromosome Conformation Capture carbon-copy)
Laura Elnitski National Human Genome Research Institute Map silencer and enhancer blocker elements using transient transfection assays; Study bidirectional promoters that map across species.
Eric Green National Human Genome Research Institute

Generate and analyze BAC-based sequence data.

Elliott Margulies National Human Genome Research Institute Develop and implement analytical methods for identifying and characterizing evolutionarily constrained sequences.
Scott Tenenbaum University at Albany-State University of New York Identify sites that are targets for RNA-binding proteins using immunoprecipitation followed by microarrays or high-throughput sequencing.
Zhiping Weng University of Massachusetts Medical School Predict transcription factor binding sites that determine active promoters using computational methods.

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ENCODE Data Coordination Center

Research Group Institution Research Goals
W. James Kent University of California, Santa Cruz Collect, organize, store, manage, and provide access to data from ENCODE and related projects

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ENCODE Data Analysis Center

Research Group Institution Research Goals
Ewan Birney European Bioinformatics Institute Coordinate and assist in the integrative analysis of data produced by the ENCODE Consortium

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ENCODE Technology Development Effort

Research Group Institution Research Goals
Howard Chang Stanford University Develop high-throughput methods to predict functional motifs in RNA, to map RNA structure, and to assign biological functions to RNA motifs.
Michael Dorschner University of Washington, Seattle Develop an in vivo method for identifying sites of protein-DNA interaction using cleavage sensitivity with UV light, dimethylsulfate, and DNaseI followed by single molecule sequencing.
John Greally Albert Einstein College of Medicine Develop high-throughput methods to analyze cytosine methylation and map histone modifications.
Xiaoman Li Indiana University Develop computational methods for identifying conserved cis-regulatory modules in non-protein coding regions.
Marcelo Nobrega University of Chicago Develop tagged DNA binding proteins that are recognizable by tag-specific antibodies; Develop platforms to test predicted enhancers, silencers and insulators.
Yijun Ruan Genome Institute of Singapore Develop methods that use high-throughput sequencing to characterize long-range chromatin interactions involved in transcription.

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Last Reviewed: March 2, 2009

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