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Resume for Aldo Mazzella

Aldo Mazzella, Ph.D.  


Ph.D. in Engineering Geoscience,
University of California, Berkeley;
M.Sc. in Physics, University of Maryland;
B.A. in Physics, Pomona College

Work Experience

5/1985 - present, National Expert for Geophysics
Defines the national geophysical research program for the Agency. This includes the evaluation and improvement of existing methods and the development of new techniques for environmental monitoring and subsurface characterization at hazardous waste sites. Conducts and directs research in-house and with other EPA labs, federal agencies, the national laboratories, universities, and private research companies. Almost all the different geophysical methods have been addressed in the past 22 years, resulting in over 70 reports, journal articles, presentations and MSc and PhD thesis. Conducts geophysical technical support for the most difficult, high profile, site investigations for the EPA Regions, FBI, and U.S. Department of Justice. Prepared and edited the geophysical portion of a number of the Agency's Guidance Manuals for hazardous waste site investigations.  Recent  research activities have been  developing and interpreting controlled field experiments utilizing a  high resolution (2.5cm) borehole resistivity system for the detection of subsurface organic contaminants. Currently developing and evaluating a high resolution complex resistivity system to study the induced polarization changes of clay-organic contaminant  reactions. Conducting studies of changes and the associated mechanisms in Spontaneous Potential (SP) measurements associated with organic contaminants.

8/1974 - 5/1985, President, Chief Geophysicist at Terraphysics
Directed company operations and conducted geophysical research and exploration using electrical and electromagnetic methods for geothermal, minerals, and ground water prospects. In 1974, pioneered the first commercial use of a superconducting magnetometer for geophysical exploration. Designed and developed a telemetered, multi-station telluric magnetotelluric system with in-field tensor, real time computer processing (1977). This system provided high quality data at a significant cost savings over other contemporary systems. At least two geothermal fields and four mineral prospects were discovered as a result of the surveys and interpretations.  Supervised 10 employees, 3 field crews with operations throughout the United States.

11/1976 - 12/1986, Member Board of Directors at Eureka Resources Associates.  The Board of Directors established the policy and direction of the corporate operations and made final approval on the hiring of senior scientists. The company specialized in satellite remote sensing and airborne geophysical methods for resource evaluation of oil and geothermal prospects. The company had about 50 full time employees.

1/1971 - 8/1974, Research Assistant, Fellowship at University of California, Berkeley, Engineering Geoscience.   PhD thesis: Designed and constructed a prototype low frequency resistivity system consisting of a high power transmitter (100KW) and a high sensitivity, synchronous detection receiver. Conducted deep resistivity surveys for subsurface characterization and monitoring of deep resistivity properties across the San Andreas Fault Zone for correlation with earthquake activity. Developed a 2 1/2 dimensional finite element computer program to interpret the data.

7/1965 - 1/1971, Senior Physicist at Physics International Co.Principal Investigator, wrote proposals and project reports. Worked on  the development of high intensity, relativistic electron beam accelerators, nuclear particle generators, and associated diagnostics. Produced the first controlled relativistic, high intensity electron beam (3+ MEV, 100,000+ amps). Utilized these new accelerators to study the response characteristics and equation of state of various materials at ultra-high temperatures and pressures. Conducted theoretical and experimental investigations of piezo-resistive transducers for monitoring high pressure profiles behind shock waves and worked on the development of a high performance, explosively driven shock tube.

9/1961 - 1/1965, Research Assistant at University of Maryland, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics.  Developed shock tubes and associated diagnostic equipment (spectrometer). Developed thin film heat transfer detectors to  investigate shock front characteristics. The purpose of this research was to investigate the initial ionization mechanism of rarefied gases in an attempt to solve the radio blackout of a re-entry spacecraft into the upper atmosphere.

Additional Skills

Other Training: U.S. Government Project Officer Certification, 72 hours; Contract Administration, 24 hours; Cooperative and Interagency Agreement Administration, 56 hours; Hazardous Materials Incident Response Operations Course, 40 hours, 8 hour refresher each year; Effective Public Presentation Skills, 24 hours; Personnel Interaction Skills, Human Relations Training, 48 hours.

Honors, Awards

Department of Energy invited peer reviewer for future environmental research, Washington D.C., March 1997; US EPA National Scientific Achievement Award for the Earth Sciences, Washington D.C., 1995; Scientific Technical Advisor for the Cooperative Research Center for Waste Management and Pollution Control, Sydney, Australia, 1993-1995; Invited speaker and panel member for Air Force Office of Scientific Research on future environmental geophysics research, August 1993, January 1995; Sustained Superior Performance Award, U.S. EPA, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997; Jane Lewis Mining Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 1972- 1974; Los Angeles Times Four Year College Scholarship to college of choice, June 1955; San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce, Scholarship and award as one of the "Five Most Employable High School Graduates," June 1955.


Aldo Mazzella and Ernest Majer, “ Evaluation of geophysical methods for the detection of subsurface tetrachloroethylene in controlled spill experiments”, October 2006, expanded abstract in Society of Exploration Geophysicists 77th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Philip J. Brown II, Aldo T. Mazzella, David L. Wright. Monitoring of a Controlled DNAPL Spill Using a Prototype Dielectric Logging Tool, EPA/600/R-06/092, U.S. Department of the Interior., U.S. Geological Survey., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency., September 2006.

Karl J. Ellefsen, Aldo T. Mazzella, and Jeffrey E. Lucius, “A finite-difference, discrete-wavenumber method for calculating radar traces”, June 2006, 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Karl J. Ellefsen, Jarad D. Abraham, David L. Wright, and Aldo T. Mazzella, “Numerical study of electromagnetic waves generated by a prototype dielectric logging tool”, January-February 2004, Geophysics, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 64-77.

Electrical Resistity Variations Associated with Controlled Gasoline Spills; NERL-LV 00-88

Inferared Studies of Non-Polar Chlorinated Solvent Adsorption by Montmorillonite; NERL-LV 00-009.

Mazzella, Aldo T., August 2000, Electrical Resistivity Variations Associated with Controlled Gasoline Spills, expanded abstract in Society of Exploration Geophysicist 70th Annual International Meeting, Calgary Canada

Smith, Bruce D., Robert Bisdorf, Larry J. Slack, Aldo Mazzella, March 1997, "Evaluation of Electromagnetic Methods to Delineate Subsurface Saline Waters in the Brookhaven Oil Field, Mississippi," paper presented and published in the Annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Reno, NV.

Mazzella, A.T., F.P. Haeni, A. Legchenko, and A.A. Portselan, December 1993, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Survey for the Detection of Subsurface 'Free Water," published abstract and paper presented at annual AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Labson V., A.T. Mazzella and G. Schneider, December 1993, "Airborne Geophysical Surveys for Environmental Site Characterization," invited published abstract and paper presented at annual AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Greenhouse, John, Michael Brewster, George Schneider, David Redman, Peter Annan, Gary Olhoeft, Jeff Lucius, Kathy Sander, and Aldo Mazzella, April 1993, "Geophysics and Solvents: The Borden Experiment," The Leading Edge.

Lieblich, D.A., F.P. Haeni, J.W. Lane, A.T. Mazzella, August 1992, "Integrated Use of Surface Geophysical Methods to Indicate Subsurface Fracture at Milford, New Hampshire," U.S. EPA Project Report 600/R-92/165 (peer reviewed).

Miller, R.D., D.W. Steeples, and A.T. Mazzella, September 1990, "Reflections from Geological Interfaces Shallower than 30 M at the Pittman Lateral, Henderson, NV," Expanded abstract in the 60th Annual International Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists, EPA TIP #90-9020.

Taylor, K.C., J.W. Hess, A.T. Mazzella, and J. Hayworth, Winter 1990, "Comparisons of Three Methods to Determine the Vertical Stratification of Pore Fluids," Ground Water Monitoring Review, EPA Deliverable #0627A.

Fitterman, D.V., F.C. Frischknecht, A.T. Mazzella, and W.L. Anderson, September 1990, "Effect of Pipes on Transient Electromagnetic Soundings Used to Map Oil-Field Brine Contamination," Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics, Vol. II, EPA Deliverable #0876A.

Invitational lecture on the "Applications of Geophysical Methods for Enforcement Actions" at the EPA National Enforcement Investigations Center/Office of Criminal Investigations (NEIC/OIC) Management Meeting, April 1990, in Brunswick, GA.

Mazzella, A.T., and G. Olhoeft, March 1990, "Geophysical Advisor Expert System for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations," Abstract in American Institute of Hydrology International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, EPA TIP #90-8734.

Taylor, K.C., J.W. Hess, and A.T. Mazzella, Winter l989, "Field Evaluation of a Slim-Hole Borehole Induction Tool," Ground Water Monitoring Review, Vol. IX, No. 1, pp. 100-104.

Invited speaker at San Diego State University. Presented a seminar on Geophysical Methods for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations, December l989.

Fitterman, D.V., A.T. Mazzella, and W.L. Anderson, November l989, "What Pipes Can Do To Your Transient Electromagnetic Interpretation," Expanded abstract in the 59th Annual International Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists, EPA TIP #89-8480.

Smith, B., R. Bisdorf, W. Heran, D. Fitterman, and A.T. Mazzella, November l989, "Helicopter Geophysical Survey to Detect Brine, Brookhaven Oil Field, MS, "Expanded abstract in the 59th Annual International Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists, EPA TIP #89-8495.

Pitchford, A.M., A.T. Mazzella, and K.R. Scarbrough, January l989, "Soil Gas and Geophysical Techniques for Detection of Subsurface Organic Contamination," Air Force Report, AFESC-TR-87-67.

Smith, B., A.T. Mazzella, W. Heran, and R. Bisdorf, December l988, "Evaluation of Airborne Geophysical Methods to Map Brine Contamination, Brookhaven Oil Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi," EPA Project Report, EPA Deliverable #2064A.

Barrows, L.J., D.A. Gahr, and A.T. Mazzella, October l988, "Seismic Shear-velocity Depth Soundings by Analysis of Groundroll," Expanded abstract in proceedings of 58th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting.

Evans, R.C., P. Hoekstra, and A.T. Mazzella, August 1988, "Surface-Based Electrical Surveys for the Detection of Injection Well Fluids," EPA Project Report.

Gahr, D.A., L.J. Barrows, and A.T. Mazzella, May l988, "An Evaluation of Seismic Techniques in an Arid Environment," paper presented and published in the proceedings of NWWA 2nd Outdoor Action Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Mazzella, A.T., A .M. Pitchford, and K.R. Scarbrough, and L. Barrows, April l988, "Geophysical and Soil Gas Investigations at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia," Air Force Report, AFESC TR NO. ESL-TR-87-49.

Pitchford, A.M., A.T. Mazzella, and K.R. Scarbrough, January l988, "Geophysical and Soil Gas Investigations at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico," Air Force Report, AFESC TR NO. ESL-TR-87-48-1.

Pitchford, A.M., A.T. Mazzella, and K.R. Scarbrough, December l987, "Soil Gas and Geophysical Techniques for Detection of Subsurface Organic Contamination," Air Force Report, EPA Project Report.

Pitchford, A.M., A.T. Mazzella, and E. Heyse, April 1987, "Techniques for Delineating Subsurface Organic Contamination: A Case Study," presented and published in Detection, Control and Renovation of Contaminated Groundwater, American Society of Civil Engineers.

Baker, A.T., D.J. LaBrecque, D.L. Marrin, and A.T. Mazzella, February 1987, "Geophysical and Soil Gas Investigations at Phelps Collins Air Force National Guard Base, Alpena, Michigan," Air Force report, EPA Report TS-AMD-85580.

Mazzella, A.T.,"Interpretation of Magnetotelluric Data at the Geysers geothermal Prospect, CA," 1984, Report C-2.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Clackamas Prospect, Oregon," l983, TMT-34.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Devils Hill Prospect, Oregon," l983, TMT-33.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Newberry Crater Prospect, Oregon," l983, TMT-32.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Greenridge Prospect, Oregon," l983, TMT-31.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Imperial Valley Geothermal Prospect #2, CA," l983, TMT-30.

Mazzella, A.T, "An Evaluation of the Magnetotelluric Surveys of the Noya and Takigami Geothermal Prospects, Japan," l983, Report C-1.

Mazzella, A.T.,"Resistivity Survey for Ground Water Inverness Prospect, CA," l983, E-3.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Imperial Valley Geothermal Prospect #1, CA," l982, TMT-29.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Prospect, NV," l982, TMT-28.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Alum Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l982, TMT-27.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Fish Lake Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l982, TMT-26.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Animas Geothermal Prospect, New Mexico," l981, TMT-25.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Bully Creek Geothermal Prospect, Oregon," l981, TMT-24.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Clackamas Geothermal Prospect, Oregon," l981, TMT-23.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Deeth Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l980, TMT-22.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the McCoy Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l980, TMT-21.

Mazella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Tuscarora Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l980, TMT-20.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Livermore Geothermal Prospect #2, CA," l980, TMT-19.

Mazzella, A.T.,"Self Potential Survey at the Belknap Geothermal Prospect, Oregon," l980, SP-10.

Mazzella, A.T.,"Self Potential Survey at the Medicine Lake Geothermal Prospect, CA," l980, SP-9.

Mazzella, A.T., "A Seismic-Telluric Experiment," l977, E-2.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Pine Nut Mineral Prospect, Nevada," l979, SP-8.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Climax Mineral Prospect, CO," l978, SP-7.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Buckingham Mineral Prospect, NV," l978, SP-6.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Crested Butte Mineral Prospect, CO," l978, SP-5.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Gold Hill Mineral Prospect, Nevada," l978, TMT-18.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Mammoth Lakes Geothermal Prospect, CA," l978, TMT-17.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the San Emido Geothermal prospect, Nevada," l978, TMT-16.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Grand View Geothermal Prospect #2, Idaho," l978, TMT-15.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric "J" Value Survey at the Heise Geothermal Prospect, Idaho," l978, T-1.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telemetered Telluric Feasibility Experiment," l977, Exp-1.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Grand View Geothermal Prospect, Idaho," l977, SP-4.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Crescent Fault Geothermal Prospect, NV," l977, SP-3.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Cove Fort Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, SP-2.

Mazzella, A.T., "Self Potential Survey at the Beowawa geothermal Prospect, NV," l977, SP-1.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Dog Valley West Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-14.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Cinder Crater Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-13.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric Magnetotelluric Survey at the Grand View Geothermal Prospect #1, Idaho," l977, TMT-12.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Livermore Geothermal Prospect #1, CA," l977, TMT-11.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric at the White Sage Flat Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-10.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Twin Peaks Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-9.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Frisco Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-8.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Hatton Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-7.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Black Mountain Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-6.

Mazzella, A.T., "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Survey at the Cove Fort Geothermal Prospect, Utah," l977, TMT-5.

Mazzella, A, T., "Magnetotelluric Survey at the Gerlach Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l977, MT-4.

Mazzella, A.T., "Magnetotelluric Survey at the Honey Lake Geothermal Prospect, CA," l977, MT-3.

Mazzella, A.T., "Magnetotelluric Survey at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l977, MT-2.

Mazzella, A.T., "Magnetotelluric Survey at the Brady Geothermal Prospect, Nevada," l976, MT-1.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Slick Rock Geothermal Prospect, Graham County, Arizona," l976, #682.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Sol Geothermal Prospect, Graham County, Arizona," l976, #681.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Mt. Princeton Geothermal Prospect, Chaffee County, CO," l976, #640.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Antelope Geothermal Prospect, Hidalgo County, New Mexico," l976, #693.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Animas Geothermal Prospect, Hidalgo County, New Mexico," l976, #672.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the La Grande Geothermal Prospect, Union County, Oregon," l976, #643.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Burns Geothermal Prospect, Harney County, Oregon," l976, #663.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Beulah Geothermal Prospect, Malheur County, Oregon," l976, #662.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the North Vale Geothermal Prospect, Malheur County, Oregon," l976, #666.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Vale Geothermal Prospect, Malheur County, Oregon," l976, #665.

Mazzella, AS.T., "Electrical Resistivity Survey at the Ohanapecosh Geothermal Prospect, Lewis County, Oregon," l976, #668.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Beiber Geothermal Prospect, CA," l976, #622.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Calistoga Geothermal Prospect, Napa and Lake Counties, CA," l976, #620.

Mazzella, A.T., "Electrical Resistivity Surveys at the Virgina Hot Springs, Bath and Alleghany Counties, Virginia," l976, #687.

Mazzella, A.T., l977, "Telluric-Magnetotelluric Surveys for Geothermal Prospects," paper presented at the Geothermal Workshop at the University of Utah under sponsorship of the DOE, contract #14-08-001-G359.

Mazzella, A.T. and H.F. Morrison, September l974, "Electrical Resistivity Variations Associated with Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault," Science, Vol. 185, pp. 855-857.

Mazzella, A.T., and A. Dey, October l973, "A Comparative Study of Two Resistivity Techniques as Applied in the Delineation of a Geothermal Reservior." paper presented at the International Society of Exploration Geophysicists meeting Mexico City, Mexico.

Mazzella, A.T., August l973, "Deep Resistivity Variations on the San Andreas Fault." Invited paper present at the Fourth U.S.-Japan Conference on Earthquake Prediction and Control, Boulder, CO.

Mazzella, A.T., June l973, "Deep Resistivity Study Across the San Andreas Fault Zone," paper presented at the Conference on Tectonic Problems of the San Andreas Fault System, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

Mazzella, A.T., and A. Dey, May l972, "Catalog of Resistivity and Induced Polarization Responses of Two Dimensional Structures for Mineral Exploration," Mineral prospecting consulting report.

Mazzella, A.T., January l971, "Energy Dependence of the Gruneisen Coefficient of Aluminum and Alpha Titanium," PI Final Report-174.

Mazzella, A.T., and T. Stefansky, December l970, "Dynamic Response of Porous Materials to Electron Beam Deposition," PI-Final Report 216-3.

Mazzella, A.T., and T. Stefansky, December l970, "Development of Techniques for Characterizing Brittle Materials Using Electron Beam Deposition," PI-Final Report 230-2.

Mazzella, A.T., T. Stefansky, and K. Triebes, l970, "Material Response Study," PI Final Report 174.

Mazzella, A.T., and T. Stefansky, December l970, "Constitutive Equation of State Relation of Porous Materials," paper presented the winter meeting of the American Physical Society, Palo Alto, CA.

Mazzella, A.T., J. Shea, and L. Avrami, August l970, "Equation of State Investigation of Granular Explosives using a Pulsed Electron Beam." Paper presented and published in the Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Detonation, Pasadena, CA.

Shea, J., A.T. Mazzella, and L. Avrami, December l969, "Transient Radiation Vulnerability Levels for Primary Explosives," paper presented and published in the proceedings of the 1st Nuclear Survivability Meeting, Kirkland Air Force Base, Alburquerque, NM, (Secret).

Shea, J., A.T. Mazzella, and L. Avrami, December l969, " The Effects of Transient Radiation in Explosive-reactive Materials." paper present and published in the proceedings of the 1st Nuclear Survivability Meeting, Kirkland Air Force Base, Alburquerque, NM, (Secret).

Mazzella, A.T. and J. Shea, l968, "Electro-explosive Device Study," (Secret), PI Final Report 128.

Case, J., A.T. Mazzella, l968, " Material Spall Study II," (Secret), PI Final Report 163.

Mazzella, A.T., and J. Case, l967, "Material Spall Study I," (Secret), PI Final Report 136.

Shea, J., and A.T. Mazzella, l967, "Energy Dependence of Gruneisen Coefficient," (Secret), PI Final Report 077.

Mazzella, A.T., and L. Behrman, l966, "Electron Beam Studies," (Secret), PI Final Report 043-11

Mazzella, A.T., l966, "Exploding Wire Study," (Secret), PI Final Report 043-14.

Mazzella, A.T. and P.C.T. deBoer, l966, "Measurements of Shock Curvature at Initial Pressures of 700 mm," Physics of Fluids, 9, 892.

Aldo T. Mazzella

Project Officer on following peer reviewed reports, articles to refereed journals, expanded abstracts, and Ph.D. and M.S. theses:

Horton, Robert, Infrared Studies of Non-polar Chorinated Solvent Adsorption on Montmorillonite, Submitted to Geophysics April 2000.

David A. Lieblich, "Internal Friction in Dry Cracked and Fractured Rocks," Ph.D. thesis, April, 1996, The University of Connecticut.

Michael H. Powers, "Dispersive Ground Penetrating Radar Modeling in 2D," Ph.D. thesis, November 1995, Colorado School of Mines.

Stewart, Duff C., Walter L. Anderson, Thomas P. Grover, and Victor F. Labson, August 1994, "Shallow Subsurface Mapping by Electromagnetic sounding in the 300 KHz to 30 MHz Range: Model Studies and Prototype System Assessment," Geophysics, Vol. 59, No. 8, pp 1201-1210.

Roger L. Roberts, "Analysis and Theoretical Modeling of GPR Polarization Data," Ph.D. thesis, June 1994, The Ohio State University.

K.A. Sander, "Characterization of DNAPL Movement in Saturated Porous Media Using Ground Penetrating Radar," M.Sc. thesis, May 1994, Colorado School of Mines.

Duff Stewart, "A New High Frequency Electromagnetic Sounding System which operates in the Frequency Range of 300 KHz to 30MHz," Colorado School of Mines, Ph.D. Thesis, October 1993.

Olhoeft, G.A., October 1992, "Geophysics Advisor Expert System, Version 2.0," U.S. EPA Project Report 600/R-92/200.

Barnes, Mark A., "Experimental Investigations of Ground Penetrating Radar Antennas," December 1991, M.S. Thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Lieblich, D.A., J.W. Lane, Jr., and F.P. Haeni, November 1991, "Results of Integrated Surface Geophysical Studies for Shallow Subsurface Fracture Detection at Three New Hampshire Sites," Expanded Abstract in the Sixty-First Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Houston, TX, EPA TIP#91-419.

Roberts, R., J. Daniels and M. Vendl, November 1991, "Seasonal Variations and Ground Penetrating Radar Data Repeatability," Expanded Abstract in Sixty-First Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Houston, TX.

Barnes, M., M. Poirier, and L. Peters Jr., November 1991, "Novel Antenna Systems for Ground Penetrating Radar," Expanded Abstract in Sixty-First Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Houston, TX, EPA TIP#91-420.

Schenkel, Clifford J., "The Electrical Resistivity Method in Cased Boreholes," May 1991, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, CA.

Taylor, Kendrick, John Hess, Steve Wheatcraft, October 1990, "Evaluation of Selected Borehole Geophysical Methods for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations and Monitoring," EPA Project Report, EPA/600/4-90/029.

Stewart, D.C., W. Anderson, T. Grover, V. Labson, September 1990, "A New Instrument and Inversion program for Near-Surface Mapping: High-Frequency EM Sounding and Profiling in the Frequency Range 300 KHz to 30 MHz," Expanded Abstract in Sixtieth Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists," EPA TIP #90-9019.

Duke, Steven, "Calibration of Ground Penetrating Radar and Calculation of Attenuation and Dielectric Permittivity Verses Depth," July 1990, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.

Bochicchio, R.M., March 1990, "Borehole Induction Logging to Complement the Mapping of an Electrically Conductive Contaminant Plume," Paper in Conference Proceedings of the American Institute of Hydrology International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, EPA #90-8884.

Daniels, J., L. Peters, M. Vendl, March 1990, "Ground Penetrating Radar for Detecting Near-Surface Fluids," Submitted to Geophysics, EPA Deliverable #89-8123A.

Smith, B., J. Plesha, and R. Bisdorf, March 1990, "Geographic Information System Analysis Applied to Mapping Subsurface Brine, Brookhaven Oil Field, MS," Paper published in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, EPA TIP # 90-8747.

Taylor, Kendrick, and Fred Molz, 1990, "Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity and Porosity Logs in Wells with a Disturbed Annulus," Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 5, EPA TIP#89-8238.

Taylor, Kendrick, Stephen Wheatcraft, John Hess, Joel Hayward, and Fred Molz, January-February 1990, "Evaluation of Methods for Determining the Vertical Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity," Ground Water, Vol. 28, No. 1, EPA TIP#89-8236.

Olhoeft, Gary, June l989, "Geophysics Advisor Expert System, Version 1.0," EPA Project Report, EPA/600/4-89/023.

Hasbrouck, Wilfred P., April l989, "Four Shallow-Depth, Shear-Wave Feasibility Surveys," Geophysics, Vol. 56, No. 11, pp. 1875-1885, EPA Deliverable #1629A.

Schenkel, Clifford, and H. Frank Morrison, December l988, "Effects of Well Casing on Potential Field Measurements Using Downhole Current Sources," submitted to "Geoexplorations," EPA Deliverable #2065A.

Sadowski, Raymond M., "Clay-Organic Interactions," April l988, M.S. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO.

Taylor, Kendrick, "Application of Borehole Geophysical Methods to Shallow Ground Water Investigations," March l987, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada.

Aldo T. Mazzella
Other Recent Activities

Seminar/workshop presentations, national and international committee membership, peer review panels:

Invited speaker at National Research Council (NRC)/ National Academy of Sciences workshop of present and future geophysical research needs from perspective of the US EPA, October 1995.

Invited lecturer from Finnish Academy of Sciences at postgraduate course "Environmental Geophysics," September 19-23, 1994, Heisinki, Finland (could not attend due to accident).

Society of Exploration Geophysicists committee organizer for Engineering and Environmental Geophysics sessions for Annual International Meeting, October 1994, Los Angeles, CA.

Invited speaker on a new geophysical method: "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technique for Delineation of Subsurface Free Water" at the Pacific Coast Section of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in Los Angeles and in Bakersfield, CA, February, 1994

Invited member of a scientific technical Project Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Australian Cooperative Research Center for Waste Management and Pollution Control Limited for the period 1993 - 1996.

Peer reviewer for Czechoslovakia Science and Technology proposal for Office of Technology Transfer and Regulatory Support, January 1993.

Invited lecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduate seminar, presented overview of EPA geophysical research and Electrical Methods Application for Environmental Geophysics, November 1992.

Chairman of a technical review committee for a Department of Energy research program on bioremediation of subsurface hazardous wastes, June 1992.

Invited panel member of the Department of Energy's Environmental Restoration Technology Information Exchange (TIE) workshop on Geophysical Methods for Hazardous Waste Investigations, presented an invited talk on Geophysical Monitoring of a Controlled DNAPL Spill, and a poster session on Borehole Electromagnetic Monitoring of a DNAPL Spill in the Vadose Zone, May 1992.

Peer reviewer for a number of proposals from the National Research Council, Office of International Affairs, Board on Science and Technology for International Development, April 1992.

Invited panel member and speaker at Society of Exploration Geophysicists' workshop on Geophysical Methods for Hazardous Waste Investigations, October 1991.

Superfund University Training Institute (US EPA), November 1990, October 1991, presented 2 hour lectures on Cone Penetrometer Application for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations to EPA and state personnel.

Peer reviewer and re-wrote geophysical methods guidance for the Office of Solid Waste, U.S. EPA, RCRA Ground-Water Monitoring: Draft Technical Guidance, November 1992.

International Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Chairman of Subcommittee on Geophysicist's Registration Acts.

Member of the Mechanical Integrity Technology (MIT) National EPA Workgroup to provide guidance to the EPA Drinking Water Director on the Underground Injection Control program (UIC), 1986-1995.

ASTM member of subcommittee writing surface geophysics standards.

Workshop leader on state-of-the-practice/art of geophysical methods for hazardous waste site investigations at a DOE workshop, December 1990.

Peer review panel member which provided a technical evaluation of a ground penetrating radar research project being conducted by the EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (RREL), Edison, N.J., May 1991.

Peer reviewer of numerous ASTM and SEG journal articles.

Presented a 2 hour seminar on overview of EPA geophysical programs and state-of-the-art cone penetrometer research for the DOE at Rocky Flats, CO, July 1991.

Invited attendee at a workshop "think-tank" to provide guidance on DOE geophysical research, August 1991.

Phone: (702) 798-2254 
Fax:     (702) 798-2107 
Email:  Aldo Mazzella   mazzella.aldo@epa.gov 

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