Environmental Education

Environmental Education Image - Click to Enlarge
Environmental Education Image - Click to Enlarge
Environmental Education Image - Click to Enlarge

Images from Environmental Guided Tours - Click to Enlarge

The Table Rock Environmental Education program began over 20 years ago and marked the beginning of a partnership between the Bureau of Land Management and The Nature Conservancy. In the first few years, less than 100 individuals participated in guided hikes. Today, the BLM environmental educators host over 4,200 school children, teachers, parents, and other participating groups on guided hikes to the summit. In addition, over 500 individuals from the general public are led by volunteer specialists on hikes during the weekends in April and May.

The hikes for the general public are organized by both the BLM and the Nature Conservancy. A few weeks prior to the public hikes, the schedules are advertised in local newspapers and online, providing a brief description of themes including specialties such as archaeology, botany, fire ecology, and much more!

In addition to providing guided hikes, the program has grown to include a great deal more. We now organize customized field trips for schools, in-class presentations, and regional natural history information for public events. The program includes an optional in-class presentation which prepares the students for a safe and enjoyable hiking experience before joining us on "the rocks"! The presentations are available using the links below.

Table Rock Environmental Education Program

Table Rock Hiking Presentations