About the Table Rocks

The rocks are named for their relationship along the Rogue River: Upper Table Rock being upstream, and Lower Table Rock being downstream. Unlike the surrounding round hills, the buttes have flat, crew cut top summits that abruptly change to vertical cliff faces with columnar slabs that drape down over 800 feet to meet the valley floor.

These unique landmarks provide amazing vistas of the surrounding young volcanic Cascade Range to the east and the geologically complex Siskiyou Mountains to the south and west.

The remarkable diversity of the Table Rocks includes a spectacular wildflower display of over 75 species from March until June. Wildflower species include the dwarf wooly meadowfoam (Limnanthes floccosa ssp. pumila) which grows nowhere else on Earth but on the top of both Table Rocks. more >>

Fairy Shrimp

Fairy Shrimp

Fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi), a federally listed species, have been discovered inhabiting seasonally formed pools called vernal pools found on the top of Upper and Lower Table Rocks.