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Prince William Forest ParkBridge overlooking Quantico Creek
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Prince William Forest Park

We hope this information will be useful in planning your visit. We are continually working to upgrade facilities for accessibility and to improve park access for all visitors. While not all facilities are fully accessible, park rangers are happy to assist any visitor with special needs.

The visitor center has reserved parking and is accessible by ramp. The restrooms, exhibit area, bookstore, information desk and drinking fountain are fully wheelchair-accessible.

Oak Ridge Campground, numerous campsites and the restroom located at the B-loop is wheelchair-accessible (complete with shower facilities). The amphitheater is wheelchair-accessible. Rangers present evening slide programs frequently in spring, summer and fall.

Turkey Run Ridge Campground, the restroom, campsites and parking areas are wheelchair-accessible.Cabin Camp 1, numerous buildings are wheelchair-accessible.

The Golden Access Passport is a free lifetime entrance permit to all federal parks, monuments and recreation areas. It also provides a 50% reduction of camping fees (not including concessionaires). The Golden Access Passport is issued to United States residents who have a permanent disability. Inquire at the park visitor center or entrance station.

Great Horned Owl  

Did You Know?
An owl's eyes are fixed in place because their large size provides no room for muscle. To compensate for this, it can turn its head in almost any direction and angle, including the ability to rotate its head nearly 280 degrees. By comparison, people can only turn their heads a mere 90 degrees!

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:29 EST