Doing Business with BLM

The U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), with headquarters in Washington, DC, has 11 State Offices throughout the western United States, an Eastern States Office, a National Interagency Fire Center, and a National Business Center, which are listed further in this document. The Oregon/Washington (OR/WA) State Office is located in Portland, Oregon, and has jurisdiction over ten District Offices, nine of which are located in Oregon, and one in Washington.

The ten OR/WA District Offices complete most procurement actions less than $25,000. The majority of the procurement actions exceeding $25,000 are completed by the OR/WA State Office, which is one of the two major procurement offices for the BLM.

The other major procurement office is the National Business Center, located in Denver, Colorado, which conducts the procurement actions for all the other BLM State Offices except for OR/WA. The other State Offices have procurement authority up to $100,000. See the attached Outreach Notice (PDF) for specific steps to take before submitting quotes or offers on BLM solicitations.

If you have any comments regarding the information included in this Guide, or have any procurement-related questions, send an email to the Branch of Procurement in the Oregon State Office at, or call 503-808-6359.

The following information may assist you in your quest to provide services or supplies for the BLM, and specifically the BLM offices located in OR/WA.