Site Tracker - Web site tracking and statistics_files
Site Tracker - Web site tracking and statistics_files
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Free Stats Site Stats Web Counter

SiteTracker offers the best Web site statistics analysis of any service around. SiteTracker is much more than a free counter that just tracks your hits; our service leaves an ordinary, free counter in the dust! Track your top referrers, most popular pages, browsers, screen resolution and much, much more!

Can your free counter do that? Didn't think so.

SiteTracker leaves free counters in the dust and will take your Web site statistics to the next level. SiteTracker will track your web site statistics around the clock and you can check them at any time using a Web browser from anywhere in the world!

SiteTracker, the replacement for that free counter with more detailed Web site traffic stats than you could ever imagine.

SiteTracker is very easy to use and offers more valuable reports than any other service... especially free hit counters.

Sign Up Now!

Sign up, insert a snippet of code in your page, and you are on your way. We provide you a link to your personalized statistics page, accessible in any Web browser. No free counter could ever compare! Learn More

Traffic Reports
See your site's traffic patterns over time. You can view reports on hits and page views, unique visitors, popular pages, current visitor counter and raw logs.

Marketing Reports
Analyze your marketing performance. Reports include, top referrering sites, search engines, keywords, time on site and return frequency.
Path Reports
Monitor where visitors entered your site, which paths they took and where they exited with detailed path and page analysis reports... a free counter can't do that!

Visitor Profile Reports
Learn extensive information about your visitors, including physical location, language, operating system, preferences, and more. You will be surprised what is revealed in these reports! There's no way a free counter can do that!

Packages Available
Page views, unique visitor counter, popular pages and top referrers
7 days of detailed reporting
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Page view counter, unique visitors, popular pages, top referrers, top search engines, top keywords, top paths and raw logs.
15 days of detailed reporting
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Same reports as Advantage, plus: current visitor counter, return frequency, top entry pages, top exit pages, page analysis.
Forever detailed reporting
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Same reports as Professional plus: Last 100 Visitors, Latest Visitor Detail, Window Size, Browser Type, Monitor Resolution, Monitor Color Depth, Operating System counter, Languages, Countries, Javascript, Cookies and Timezone.
Forever detailed reporting
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Sample Stats
SiteTracker is owned by United Online Web Services, Inc.