Assistive Technology

Equipment, adaptive devices and computer software and hardware that can help an individual with an injury or disability perform everyday tasks and work-related duties.


Provides information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources. View the list of new products that can help you live and work independently.

Assistive Technology

Fact sheet that describes what assistive technology is and if it can be of help to you. Includes resources to help pay for assistive technology and find products and services.

Assistive Technology & Cognitive Disabilities Project

Research on how electronic organizers can be used to promote the independence of people with cognitive disabilities, sponsored by the Brain Injury Association of America.

Assistive Technology Equipment Loan Programs Resource Center

Links to state organizations that loan assistive products for temporary use or evaluation.

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP)

Assistive technology and services to people with disabilities, including wounded Service Members with dexterity impairments, such as upper extremity amputees; vision or hearing loss; and cognitive injuries, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Take the CAP Online Needs Assessment.


Computer tools for those with severe physical disabilities that allow for increased self-reliance and a vastly enhanced computing experience.

Hiring & Accommodating Veterans with Disabilities

An archived webcast sponsored by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) that describes issues related to hiring and examples of assistive technology available to accommodate Veterans with disabilities.

International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet

Works to increase opportunities for people with disabilities by identifying barriers to participation in society and promoting best practices and universal design.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Free service that facilitates the employment and retention of workers with disabilities by providing guidance on job accommodations, self-employment and small business opportunities and related subjects.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR)

Accommodation options for people with disabilities in work and educational settings.

Navy Personnel Command - Home, Transportation & Workplace Accommodations

Information and resources for home, transportation and workplace accommodations for people with disabilities.

Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Association of America

Focuses on technology and disability through research, development, education, advocacy and provision of technology and by supporting individuals who are engaged in these activities.


Awards Segways to severely injured Veterans to assist them in returning to college, participating more fully in activities with family members, excelling in their physical therapy and living a full and high-quality life. Online and mail-in application forms available.

Soldiers' Angels Project Valour-IT

Provides voice-controlled and adaptive laptop computers to wounded Service Members recovering from hand wounds and other severe injuries at major military treatment facilities.

The Alliance for Technology Access (ATA)

Provides information and support services to children and adults with disabilities, and works to increase their use of technology. The ATA is a national network of community-based resource centers, product developers, vendors, service providers and individuals.

Walter Reed Army Medical Center Laptop Project

Assigns personal, wireless laptop computers to families staying at Walter Reed Army Medical Center so they can communicate with loved ones, research job opportunities, telecommute to work, take classes and pursue VA benefits.

Web Anywhere

A Web-based screen reader that enables people with visual impairments to access the Web from any computer that has a sound card. Click here for an Audio Description of WebAnywhere.

  • The White House
  • The U.S. government's official web portal.

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