Coos Bay District
Record of Decision and
Resource Management Plan

Table of Contents



Record of Decision

Table 1 (ROD). Summary of Land Use Allocations and Management Actions/Direction


Table 2 (ROD). Summary of Environmental Consequences, Comparison of Alternatives


Resource Management Plan

The Planning Area 1
Purpose and Need 1
Relationship of the RMP to BLM Policies, Programs and Other Plans 3
Planning Process 3
The Resource Management Plan 5
  Description 5
  Vision 5
  Strategy 5
    Ecological Principles for Management of Late-Successional Forests 6
    Aquatic Conservation Strategy 6
      Riparian Reserves 7
      Key Watersheds 7
      Watershed Analysis 8
      Watershed Restoration 8
Land Use Allocations and Resource Programs 8
  Introduction 8
  Management Actions/Direction 10
  Riparian Reserves 12
  Late-Successional Reserves 18
  Matrix (Connectivity/Diversity Blocks and General Forest Management Area) 22
  Resource Programs 24
    Air Quality 24
    Water and Soils 25
    Wildlife Habitat 27
    Fish Habitat 30
    Special Status and SEIS Special Attention Species Habitat 32
    Special Areas 38
    Cultural Resources Including American Indian Values 40
    Visual Resources 41
    Wild and Scenic Rivers 42
    Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas 43
    Rural Interface Areas 44
    Socioeconomic Conditions 45
    Recreation 46
    Timber Resources 52
    Special Forest Products 55
    Energy and Minerals 57
    Range Resources 61
    Land Tenure Adjustments 62
    Rights-of-Way 65
    Access 67
    Withdrawals 68
    Roads 69
    Noxious Weeds 72
    Hazardous Materials 73
    Fire/Fuels Management 74
  Coordination and Consultation 77
  Use of the Completed Plan 77
  Adaptive Management 78
  Watershed Analysis 80
  Requirement for Further Environmental Analysis 82
  Management of Newly Acquired Lands 83
  The Budget Link 83
  Monitoring 83
  Research 85
Glossary 86
Index 97


1 - BLM-Administered Land in the Planning Area by County (In Acres 1
2 - Key Watersheds in the Coos Bay District 8
3 - Management of Existing and New Special Areas 39
4 - Land Use Allocations by Recreation Management Category 47
5 - Existing and Proposed Recreation Sites, Areas, Trails, and Back Country Byways Under the RMP 48
6 - Off-Highway Vehicle Use Designations 51
7 - Area Restrictions for Special Forest Products 56
8 - Plant Species or Groups Restrictions for Special Forest Products 56
9 - Oil and Gas and Geothermal Lease Restrictions 59
10 - Locatable Mineral Restrictions 59
11 - Salable Mineral Restrictions 60


Figure 1 - Process for Changing the Resource Management Plan 79
Figure 2 - Basic Adaptive Management Model 80

Maps (Located in the accompanying map packet)

1 - General Location
2 - Land Status
3 - District Planning Strategy
4 - Existing and Proposed Special Areas, Wilderness and Study Areas
5 - Visual Resource Management Classes
6 - Rural Interface Areas
7 - Existing and Proposed Recreation Sites, Areas, Trails, and Byways
8 - Locatable Mineral Restrictions
9 - Leasable Mineral Restrictions
10 - Land Tenure Zones
11 - Communication Sites and Rights-of-Way


A - Summary of Land Use Allocations and Management Actions and Direction
B - Record of Decision for Amendments to Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Planning Documents Within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl
C - Special Status Species
D - Best Management Practices for Maintaining Water Quality and Soil Productivity
E - Silvicultural Systems and Harvest Methods Used in the Proposed Resource Management Plan
F - Coos Bay District Forest Genetics Program
G - Proposed Restrictions and Requirements on Mineral and Energy Exploration and Development Activity
H - Zone III - Lands
I - Land Ownership Adjustment Criteria
J - Land Withdrawals and Recommendations to Maintain or Revoke
K - Land Use Classifications and Withdrawals
L - Monitoring Plan