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USAID: From The American People HIV/AIDS A collaborative USAID effort protects health of vulnerable Bolivian children - Click to read this story
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Envelope Contact Global Health


USAID/Senegal supports interventions at the national, central, district, and community levels. At the national level, USAID provides training and supervision in application of service delivery norms and protocols throughout the country. At the central level, the Mission supports policy dialogue, research, monitoring and evaluation, and information dissemination and communication. At district and community levels, USAID supports local health services and systems support, including development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of local health action plans. Through private voluntary organizations, USAID provides assistance to targeted vulnerable populations to ensure adequate knowledge and access to treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

Access more information on USAID's HIV/AIDS Program in Senegal, December 2004 [PDF, 214KB].

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