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Accessibility Program
(Access for Persons with Disabilities)

There are an estimated 54 million U.S. citizens with disabilities, many of whom may use the Public Lands or be employed by the BLM.  Access means freedom and the BLM is committed to providing the highest possible level of access to its facilities, programs, services, and activities on the public lands for persons with disabilities. This level of access must be consistent with BLM’s mandate of multiple-use management and dispersed recreational use of the public lands, and also includes access to employment opportunities. 

Blind person walking alongside canyon wall at Tent Rocks - Albuquerque, NM Field Office
The Public Lands and related waters provide multiple opportunities for all publics, including those with disabilities. The BLM seeks to make these opportunities available through the use of Universal Design principles in the planning, construction, and renovation of buildings and facilities and in the provision of accessible programs and services to the public and employees. The BLM’s mandate of multiple-use management and its role as provider of a wide variety of dispersed recreation opportunities in vast open spaces present unique challenges in implementing recreation programs and activities accessible to people with disabilities.
Most recreation activities on the public lands occur outdoors, and, thus, BLM has focused its efforts on improving accessible outdoor recreation facilities. Although the BLM has challenges in providing accessibility to people with disabilities, it is committed to ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to access the public lands. Much progress has been made toward that goal, but there is still much to do to achieve the desired level of access.
To meet these challenges in a systematic way, the BLM manages its accessibility program from its Washington Office, and has collateral-duty state accessibility coordinators in each of its State Offices. Key elements of BLM’s Accessibility Program include:
  • Systematic accessibility evaluations at developed recreation sites;
  • Development of national accessibility performance measures;
  • Development of partnerships and organizational liaisons;
  • Technical assistance to BLM Field Offices on accessibility issues;
  • Accessibility training and education for Field staff and managers;
  • Implementation of the Accessibility Data Management System (ADMS) for accessibility evaluations, action planning, and program planning;
  • Internal and external media and communication activities; and
  • Coordination and cooperation with other BLM program areas.
Guiding Principles
The following are the BLM’s guiding principles for its Accessibility Program:
  • Equal opportunity – Provide an equal opportunity for participation in programs and activities.
  • Independence – Provide for independent and safe participation through the highest level of accessibility.
  • Dignity – Ensure the dignity of the participant. Access is the concept of choice, but it is choice with dignity.
  • Integration – Provide for the integration of people of all levels and abilities; not segregation with separate activities.
  • Compliance – Comply with the “spirit” of accessibility legislation and regulations, as well as the “letter” of the law.
  • Universal Design – Adhere to the principles of Universal Design in all planning, design, and construction activities.
Best Management Practices
BLM uses a variety of best management practices in its Accessibility Program.   Adherence to these management practices results in achieving its accessibility goals in a more cost effective and efficient manner.   These practices include:
  • Use of Universal Design principles and strict adherence to accessibility standards in all new construction and retrofit projects;
  • Systematic evaluation of physical and programmatic accessibility at developed recreation sites to determine agency level of accessibility and the identification of needs for corrective action; and
  • Development of long range goals and corresponding performance measures for accessibility.
For a list of BLM’s Accessibility Program partners and cooperators, click here.
To view various guidance that governs BLM Accessibility Program, click here.
For a list of links related to BLM’s Accessibility Program, click here
BLM Contact
Kay Ellis
National Lead
BLM Accessibility Program